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Posts posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. I grew up in Raleigh from 84 to 2005, moved away for school, spent 2 years in Queens, now in GA since 2009. I’ve kept my Panthers love open and honest, even foreign lands. I’ve donned either my Morgan or Minter jersey while watching every game I could. I even rocked it at various sports bars in NY, yucking it up with Giants and Jets fans. 

    When I came to GA I didn’t make a ton and only had 4 days off a month, but I got nfl ticket and remained committed. 

    Since they don’t play college football in NC and I didn’t go to one of the major schools, I only started paying attention to the panthers in 2002. 2003 completely spoiled me, and I was locked. I haven’t missed a game since. 

    this unwatchable garbage is so frustrating because it’s a team that I think is close to competing and the talent is there, but with Bryce under center, their will is broken before they step on the field. 

    I said in one of my manifestos yesterday that football games are won when you can break their will before they break yours. These dudes know there is no hope with our current qb situation, and they hate the owner for putting us in this position. Our only hope is/was a coach they truly believe in that fields the best possible talent available. 

    I’ll continue to watch albeit more detached. I know he won’t survive the season, so there is that. My concern is that he gets so many key people injured that even a QB change will be futile. 

  2. 1 hour ago, electro's horse said:

    Fair or not Canales is one or done. I just don’t see a way for him to thread this needle. 

    I have no idea what the move is here. I know what I’d like to see happen but man. Wow

    His only road to salvation is if Bryce leaves the NFL or is cut by the team. This can hopefully begin to restore the locker room. The players at this point have to know that it’s not Canales’ call. As it is now, Bryce even being there is too much for those dudes. He screws up the energy that badly. 

    1. cut Bryce or he retires

    2. Start Dalton for a few games, build some team chemistry and something, anything positive. Have Plummer get some meaningful reps and tutoring from Dalton. Have the line gel behind an NFL caliber qb. 

    3. play competitive ball. Probably still lose, but don’t look like losers. 

    Right now, we have a bunch of dudes who know that they’re not losers, but they sure feel like they are. If Canales can find a way to turn that around before they accept losing, then we have something in him. 

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  3. 16 minutes ago, SCO96 said:

    I said that yesterday. The Panthers are hurting him (and the team) by keeping him on the field. The best thing Canales could do for him right now is to bench him.

    Some will say "if you do that you'll destroy his confidence". Well, he isn't playing with any confidence now. And, if taking a seat  on the bench b/c of his atrocious play breaks him mentally, then he doesn't have the mentality to lead a team and it's time for the Panthers to find another guy.

    He needs to fast track his NFL divorce and move back to Cali where he can become a sports psychologist himself. I’m not saying it in a teasing or mocking standpoint. He literally can no longer live in the Carolinas. Dude probably can’t even grocery shop or pump gas without some jackass telling him how much he sucks. That’s miserable, and he is not physically able of making this work. 

    He needs to reach some sort of restitution over breach of contract, learn from this largely self inflicted trauma, move to the other coast and restart his more anonymous life where nobody hates him. Get plugged in with a good money manager. He could even write a book. Just not NFL ball ever again. 

    Vegas is probably off limits, though. 

  4. Bryce was the feel good, little guy can make it in a big man’s game story these pundits desperately wanted. It’s hard to see truth when emotionally invested. Bryce is now dumping all of these man crushes on the dance floor at senior prom. It’s going to be brutal in the media for him this week. 

    This kid for his sanity really just needs to walk away from the game. It’s only going to get worse. 

    • Pie 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, SCO96 said:

    What you said in your post is one of the reasons he needs to be benched. Not only is he hurting the team, he is also probably damaging his mental health at this point. He’s playing worse in his 2nd year than he did in his first. That has to be mentally devastating.

    All day. He really just needs to walk away. What he has to hear and endure on a daily basis? What he has to hear every time he goes out in town? Now he’s talking about giving it to God? That’s kind of worrisome to hear him say. I feel sorry for him on a personal level. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, CRA said:

    When did he say he struggled with booze? Never heard that 

    did you flip that? He has admitted to struggling with mental health at Bama 

    For the life of me I know I’ve heard/read it from somewhere. If it’s false then I retract the statement. 

    • Pie 1

    Bryce realizes that he is in the wrong line of work. His objective at this point is not winning. It’s to not die, and I’m sure he doesn’t have many friends in the locker room. 

     with his admitted previous struggle with alcohol (that’s VERY big of him to admit that. Vast majority do not, and it’s very common), his mental health is probably in rough shape.  Very strong correlation with alcoholism and depression. I can’t think of a better circumstance for his head to be in a bad way. Mental health is a really big deal that carries over to every aspect of peoples’ lives. I would fashion a good guess he’s probably seeking professional help. Meds can have the ability to dull the darkness but also turn the give a damn completely off. I’m in the biz and know what it looks like. 

    I just know that if I were in his circumstances where the entire locker room and thousands more fans were plain personally hateful and I had to be around it every day… it’d be pretty damn rough. 

    This is not a poor Bryce post or any assassination on his character. It’s just an observation of what could be going on. 

    • Pie 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    When will Panthers fans get it.


    Tepper has always hired yes men. He runs the franchise. He took Bryce because he felt like it was his son and he could treat him as such.


    It's why he didn't hire Wilks!

    There is no hope until he sells the team.

    Are we the only ones that see this? I so wish I could have seen what Tep meetings with Steve were like. 

    The radio silence from all the former coaches makes me wonder if there is a non disclosure agreement built in to their contracts. 

    • Pie 1
  9. Here’s a really weird take that’s probably way off base but, if Dave is trying to drive morale down to the point where people are begging him to sell, is there anyone more well suited than Bryce? 

    Weird take #2, does the o line eventually throw a full metal jacket style soap party on private Pyle? It’s obvious that poor play won’t get him pulled. 

    Make no mistake, these guys want to win and with Bryce there is a 0.0% chance of that happening. There’s money on the line for these guys. Plummer/Dalton. We’re going nowhere with either, but at least some of the offense guys can show something. You think Hubbard is liking any of this? He’s about to get paid like a practice squad player if he doesn’t get some running room. 

  10. Locker room  nuked twice in 2 years.Nice.

    No contract offer to the first black coach (yes it matters a lot), who coded a DOA team back to life in 13 days so they could beat a division rival by 18 points, go .500 over the course of 12 games, but since he was unable to stop the best QB of all time from hooking up with his HOF WR while fielding a depleted secondary… he gotta go. …. And he replaced him with a washed up has been old white guy, with no creativity, which was billed as the top reason Wilks had to go…

    now he’s pissing on the entire locker room’s bank accounts and trying to see who he can get pointlessly injured. 


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