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Posts posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. here begins another Red Bull induced rant from NW Georgia.

    First preseason game. The laughing and carrying on. No focus. Dropped perfect passes. Having a good old time. I knew at that moment what was coming. We all saw it, and it thankfully didn’t get the pass it got last year.

    I went on a rant in that game thread about a loser’s mentality vs a winner’s mentality. Every play matters, even more so when you’re trying to establish a culture change. Ask ANY of the players on the 2015/3003 team if there are plays that don’t matter. 

    Dawgs? Yeah right. We just got pantsed in front of the entire NFL. It was like watching someone who dances so badly that you yourself feel uncomfortable even watching. Nails on a chalkboard. 

    Dawgs? Sadly, our head coach damn sure ain’t one dawg either, just what Dave wanted. I touched on this (yes, more self praise, but at least I’m honest about it) in the coaching search threads, in my thread where I talked about alpha vs beta leaders (which got pooed to all hell… poo this one too, I don’t care, but I am right) and then again after we hired Canales, saying that I was unsure but that I’d wait and see… knowing all along that T needs subservients. It’s the only way egotists know how to be.

    Leaders among men… their man card is NEVER for sale. That doesn’t play here, Steve…  like anyone was going to stop Brady to Mike Evans with playoffs on the line. get real. What a crock. I’m still salty. 

    Canales is a rah rah Mr positive energy dude. I like him, but we were/are in desperate need of a culture change. He’s a principal and parents after school meeting about the bully kind of guy. You know, a feel good move where nothing ever truly changes.  We need the kid with a rock in his sock, it’s like that now, begging dude to swing at him again while blood pours out of both shins…. Because right now, we are that kid, and we need the mustard stained Hanes undershirt dad just out on probation last week, asking if we took care of that thing yet, all while he barely even looks up from eating hormel corned beef out of the tin with a plastic spork.

    Dan, you’re the closest thing to a dawg at the moment, and I hope it hasn’t been sold off. Meet individually with everyone. Coaches and players. Break out your spork and can of Hormel corned beef (figuratively) and ask them what their plan is to make sure that doesn’t happen again. No further questions or discussion. Thank them for their time.

    I’m not saying we’re anything resembling a good team, because we’re not, at all. It starts at the top, and maybe Dan needs to be that guy, at least for now.  

    Opposing players need to leave our place with something wrong with them (no cheap shots).  They’ll in all likelihood win, but I don’t want them to like any of it. That’s DAWG. That’s handling that thing. 

    • Pie 2
    • Beer 2
  2. Almost no GM will come out and say this is a rebuild, although inwardly they know within that it is. Does Dan think this is a rebuild? I really don’t think so. GMs have to think every draft pick or free agent will hit or they wouldn’t pick them.

    When you still have your fingerprints up and down this sucky roster as Dan does (I still think Young is holding the entire team back) a rebuild is an admission that you suck at your job in player selection. 

  3. The improved Bryce mechanics are fools gold. It’s like Tyson said “everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  Or something along those lines. 

    Practice is practice. It’s not a live fire scenario where the cost of failure is pain. In a real game, his instinct is to first and foremost, not die. He knows that there are grown ass men who want nothing more than to hit him so f-ing hard that his soul falls out of his anus. He knows he has no place being on an NFL field. He did NOTHING in the offseason to bulk up. Is he the smallest guy to ever play for this team? 

    So yes, NFL teams now have 1 weeks worth of film on Bryce. Good times. 

    • Flames 1
  4. If management would sack up and cut bait with Bryce, like straight release him, the celebration in the locker room would be on par with the Wilks days. 

    He has 0.000 value to anybody at any position. No one is taking a flyer on a slow, skinny, unmotivated kid who has digressed from one of the worst seasons ever for a rookie QB. He literally has no business being in the NFL. He holds no value to any team. 

    He is single handily holding back the entire team, and everyone knows it. 

    Dan and Tep, it’s a sunk cost, it’s hopeless and y’all know it. You got scammed. You outdumbed yourself. Damn the salary cap hit. Stop dragging the rest of the teams’ morale down. His mannerisms scream ‘I’m ready to bounce.’ Please just cut bait. 

    • Pie 1
  5. This team just needs to freaking win a game. Locker room morale. The offensive additions will grow stale unless someone can throw an NFL ball. It ain’t Bryce. He is holding the entire team, except kicker and punter, back. Plummer, dalton doesn’t matter. Things have to change. Netflix/video game/doesn’t bench press JV player clearly doesn’t want to play at the nfl level. 

    • Pie 2
  6. Thing is, inwardly, everybody in the media knew what he was, not it, and never would be. Short. No arm. Not athletic. Looks like he doesn’t even know where the weight room is. Only thing potentially correctable was technique and decision making. Nothing about him even wispered nfl ready. Nothing.

    … but In this era, it’s consensus or termination if you’re one of the peons. Only a chosen few are ok to be dissenters. Once the chosen few turn, it signals to the rest that it’s ok to pile on with the obvious. It happened leading up to the draft. Hype machine cranked up by the chosen few and the peons had to fall in line or else. 

    • Beer 1
  7. 19 hours ago, CPF4LIFE said:

    Anybody notice they didn't even let dalton throw the ball the other day? I could be wrong but the final drive I never saw him throw when it was time on the clock. Very interesting not surprising 

    I’m thinking that as the next few games transpire with Bryce as we all know they will, media conversation will HAVE to be, ‘when does Andy go in?’ It is coming. Guaranteed. What the company line/narrative will be is sure to be entertaining. 

    I don’t think they will ever pull him at halftime without injury because that pretty much sticks a fork in the Bryce era.  Not many QBs start again after being yanked midway through a game, unless they’re a proven vet. 

  8. Thing is, Dalton is a guarantee to bring at least some life in. Most of would kill for a 2 TD, 2 Int 275 type day. Losing 17 to 24. Hell, I’d beg for that right now. 

    Problem is it makes T look like the football doof that he really is. He never brought in legit competition for Bryce to not show Bryce up. Why do y’all think Dalton never played a snap in preseason? Problem is, WHEN Bryce goes down, does he really put Plummer in over Andy to protect his ego, knowing Plummer will shart the bed? If he goes in over Andy it’ll be very telling. It sounds completely nuts, but with this regime, nothing surprises me. 

    • Pie 3
    • Beer 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Tepper is going to rue the day he didn't hire harbaugh 

    Harbaugh + CJ + 2 first rounders for unloading Burns (that could have been used as trade bait to move up for Stroud and being able to keep DJ Moore)…. Yeah. 

    Can Doc Brown fly in and take us back to good old 2015?

  10. I said it a few weeks ago. The game plan is so simple for opposing defenses. Send the house, run stunts and stop the run. The few medium range shots he does hit on will be completely insignificant. Even bottom tier defenses can do this. 

    I’m still completely baffled as to how he became QB1 at the premier college FB in the country. Saban and Smart can have literally whomever they want. With Stroud on that team, they would have clowned everyone. 

    • Pie 4
  11. I like to take a question to an extreme and the answer can become more clear. 

    say you’re in the kitchen on the phone with your bookie. Wife and kids looking at you. You have to lay every dime you have on if T is driving this bus or not. Every dime. Yes or no. No other option. No worming your way out of it. Yes or no. No maybe. It’s yes or no. 

    Is there anyone really willing to say no?

  12. 59 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    I'm not about to go as far as saying plenty.  There was enough to have a much better offensive performance for sure. But the qb play was just awful and didn't help what little there is.

    Oh I’m not defending anything. They were buttcheeks from the first snap. They got prison raped.

    What I’m saying is that As these dudes get more exhausted, technique falters, legs get weaker and the turf monster claims another victim. These guys are getting rag dolled on weak legs. That’s a problem. It’s a theory completely unburdened with actual research, but the scenario is certainly plausible. 

  13. I’m sure defensive players having to play dog tired by the time the 3rd quarter rolls around doesn’t bode well for injury avoidance. Thanks Bryce. 

    Just to think we could have 2 extra first rounders, DJ, and Darnold. Those were the days when we knew what a TD looked like and the team had a damn pulse. With Darnold, we would still be picking in the top 15. This regime has been good at devastating action/nonaction. 

  14. 55 minutes ago, strato said:

     I absolutely felt that Wilks would tell him what he thought straight up and would be the kind of guy to say No. 

    And that it was for sure a factor. Along with the offensive play caller obsession, probably the proposed staff… 

    Wilks’ man card was never going to be for sale. 

    • Beer 1
  15. We really needed an ass kicker, I’ll bench your ass if you are dogging it coach. Mutual respect, but could also stare a hole through guys dogging it. This team aside from a few players… marshmallow soft. But that type of coach… big time alpha. Winning is everything type guy… Would never put up with T’s BS. We’ve seen it before. 

     I got roasted months ago talking about our lack of alpha vs beta personalities… like I was some sort of, well, whatever. well, here you go. No discipline, no accountability. This team doesn’t even look like they had a training camp. 

    It comes from the top. Rah rah, we’ll get em next time is the last thing we needed. 

  16. 31 minutes ago, CPcavedweller said:

    7. Sam Darnold played like a Pro Bowl QB with a competent NFL head coach

    I said this at the time, and I’ll repeat it again, cutting Wilks and Darnold loose instead of doubling down on the success of that year was stupid. 

    It still bothers me to this day. Darnold made plays, he would sometimes sh** the bed and we weren’t going to the SB, but he passed the eye test of what an NFL qb looked like. He had leadership skills, and you could tell his teammates respected him. 

    Look at those tapes of the Wilks locker rooms after a win. Team. Energy. Have we seen even one video since the Bryce era? 

    Nobody respects Bryce, and it shows. 

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