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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. Have they ever had an NFL team that they just refuse business on?
  2. Just thought about it: Bryce actually is the generational talent everyone promised he would be.
  3. It’s the only move that the front office could do that would save any face with the locker room.
  4. Good call big Cat. 2 games in, neither being even close. Seriously though, how do they even set a line with him in the game?
  5. Telling you, announcers live for games like this. They work on their jabs all week in preparation
  6. Now he’s just throwing hospital ball after hospital ball. These dudes don’t deserve this.
  7. I will never let it go, ever. even long after the team has been sold in a couple years. 13 days should be a new chant in the stadium or shirt or something. Everyone can poo me, but this is what y’all ‘Steve gotta go’ people wanted, minus the addition of Bryce. A young and fresh offensive play calling head coach. 13 days is all it took him. 21-3 we killed the Bucs. With that game and atl the week after, the Darnold led Panthers put up 55 points in 2 weeks. Stadium was rocking. Players were playing for each other. Yes, I know I just picked a fight that’ll probably go 12 pages before it gets locked. Whatever. Just look at this ish. It looks like the preseason game they never played, only worse.
  8. Wilks took 13 days after being thrust in to the HC job to beat the Bucs 21 to 3. He had only been with the panthers 8 mos at that time. The next week they went in to ATL and hung 34 points on the board, losing in ot by 3. Sam Darnold was his QB. I’m sure he ignored Tepp the entire time. Everything of where we are now is 1000% on T.
  9. I think the locker room knows that it’s not anyone’s call but T’s
  10. The decision to pull Bryce is not on Canales. No coach that actually respects his team would allow this level disaster to continue. Dan sure wouldn’t keep him in either. Does anyone see this dude as any better than this? He may single handidly break Vegas because a line is almost impossible with him. This is clearly a T call. Andy probably salvages a couple TDs in the effort. If Bryce starts next week… yikes.
  11. There is z-e-r-o, nada, GOOD reason to have Bryce continue to play. He’s going to end up getting our o line injured because of the stunts and double teams they will have to deal with on every single play.
  12. Getting the first pick allowed us to choose the worst #1 pick in draft history. What indication have we seen that suggests a better decision will be made this go round. If anything, this org would be much less likely to do something dumb with pick 12 and get someone who makes sense for a team in our current position.
  13. And what phantom injury will it be this time? Im calling hammy, and… I guess Plummer gets the nod. Just to test a theory.
  14. If Bryce takes the field in the third quarter then it will be glaringly obvious that Canales has 0 control on the qb situation. There is no coach, alive or dead, that would let Bryce take the field in the second half. Draft status be damned.
  15. Horn has NEVER been afraid of contact. He plays like a safety in that regard
  16. You just know these commentators work on their zingers all week when they see that they’ll be doing our game.
  17. Was never much to break. Uncooked angel hair spaghetti fragile
  18. “He’s got to kind of get rid of that. Doesn’t he Jay?” LMFAO!!!!!
  19. NFL football is 3 hours of grown men beating the snot out of each other. Talent is still a major determinant of success, that’s undeniable… but here’s the real factor: can your team break their will before they break yours? If you’re soft, all the talent in the world won’t help. You’ll have timid, undisciplined give up ball at the first sign of adversity. Superior talent helps to break an opponent’s will faster and easier, but it’s not everything. Superior talent that never gives up, ever (cough 28 to 3) wins championships. The flip side is the team of 25% jag-, 50% jag, 25% jag+ with maybe a couple pro bowl level guys mixed in. Right now, I see that as our realistic 2-3 year goal. Hard nosed, strong willed decently talented guys who just don’t quit. This is the dawg that Dan speaks of. Good drafting puts these teams over the hump. Our biggest issue(s) is that the defacto field general on offense doesn’t belong in the NFL, nobody believes in him or his ability, and nobody knows who it is for the defense. Brown leads by example, but unfortunately that’s not good enough most of the time. Does the head coach have any real autonomy on personnel issues? Does T want to be the only general? Did Wilks represent a coup? Soft teams don’t win championships. Going talent before culture puts the cart before the horse. Tanking to get a top pick lets the players know that management is cool with losing, because you all aren’t good enough and we need better players to take your place. Losing on purpose creates a team full of dejected losers and there is no amount of talent that overcomes a broken will. This is why the goal is to win. Always. This is why you start culture first, then talent. A man among men is the only thing that alters the course garbage barge. 2022 really opened my eyes. How was that team in 2 weeks, 2 weeks!!! COMPLETELY different?
  20. He deserves a fair chance 100%. And he may very well have the dawg, no excuses mentality when the camera isn’t rolling, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him visibly angry. We’ve had rah rah Rhule, checked out frank, man among men Wilks, and now rah rah Canales. In February of 22, Wilks was hired as the secondary coach and the pass game coordinator, whatever the hell that is. On October 10, 2022, Rhule is fired. Steve takes over. 13 days later we beat the piss out of the Bucs 21-3. We then go in to ATL and hang 34 points on them, losing in ot by 3 points. Next week we got worked by the bengals but still posted 3 TDs. Next week we beat the birds at home. He went .500 in 12 games. But he had no answer for the Brady to Evans connection so he definitely had to go. What a loser. A position coach who started with the team only 8 months prior (granted he is a well known commodity), had a group of lost castoff losers with a notorious choker at QB and a ‘bad offensive line… who only looked bad when Bryce took over’ scoring actual touchdowns and just bullying people. Winning. He was there 8 months. Gets the gig, and then beats the bucs 21-3, then goes on the road to the place we never win anyway and rolls up 34 points. 34! We had a team of… wait for it… DAWGS. Even in losing there was no quit. 3 commonalities among the head coaches Tepp hired… can anyone guess what they are??? Marshmallows. This is an x and o game, but it’s not at the same time. This is all just sorry, and sadly, did not have to happen. Its attitude, the undying drive to win and believing that the rest of your teammates feel the same way. This soft approach has poisoned the well and is the LAST thing this group needed. I would have loved to have seen the practices building up to that Bucs win in 22. I bet they looked a hell of a lot different than what we have now. I sure miss 3 TD games. Until Proven otherwise, T wants nothing to do with the dawg mentality. We had a dawg for a coach, briefly, until he drove him down to SF and dropped him off.
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