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Posts posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. We can all talk about people that would be successful at GM here under sane leadership, but they will never come here, nor will they ever get hired. 

    GM here is nothing but a puppet doing the will of the Teppers. He’s a complete patsy, in place to take the arrows from disgruntled fans while signing off on moves the boss wants to make. In Dave’s universe, Fitt is perfect for the job. 

    Fitt knows that after Carolina his career is done so he’s not quitting any time soon and will ride this thing out as long as he can. 

    Anyone coach wise who has shown any sort of alpha characteristics and gone against Tepper has been shown the door. As good a job as Evero has done, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tepper is intimidated by him as well. He didn’t even get considered for the job? Hmm, sounds like Wilks 2.0 in the making to me, as another person posted in another thread. Tabor has at least been successful, so we will see how this goes.

    If he has any sort of desire to be successful: 

    1. Leave Fitt (because the next GM is going to be even worse), Tabor, Brown and Evero in place for next season. 
    2. ship Ickey, Horn and #0 for 1st round picks who actually show they want to play. 
    3. Start the search for an actual NFL qb the locker room will believe in. 
    4. get some ‘naw, F dat’ type DUDES back on this team. Guys who will make a damn play.


  2. I live in GA and football is alive and well. It’s mainly high school and college. My local high schools send a bunch of talent to the NFL. Nick Chubb and Trevor Lawrence grew up 20 minutes away. Nick still comes to the high school to work out in the off-season. Nobody here follows NFl. 

     I’m a little over an hour from Atlanta, but there are probably 20 UGA fans to every 1 Falcons fan. College football if it hasn’t already, will surpass NFL. Kids in college football don’t take plays off.

    The product as a whole when it comes to the NFL has decreased drastically. Fans don’t want to see opponents hugging it out at the end of the game. It’s a violent game, but the ability to play with violence is no longer allowed.  

    • Pie 1
  3. Greg is a winner. He has always been. Players will listen to what winners have to say. It’s been a while since a winner showed interest in coming to our franchise. 

    This would be the best decision Tepper made to date if he can make it happen. 

    you start winning games with Greg leading the way, panther nation would come off of life support. 

  4. The more time I’ve thought about it, the more I REALLY want Greg here. He doesn’t have a negative quality. 

    He was a DUDE. Alpha. Laser focused, intense, highly intelligent clutch GAMEBREAKER who kept other defensive coordinators up at night. You NEVER saw him take a play off. He was the most savvy offensive player the Panthers have ever had. He was the Luke of our offense. I really want to see what plays he would draw up. 

    It Greg were to walk in to that locker room this Sunday, the whole place would go silent waiting for what he had to say. That’s what this team desperately needs  


  5. Greg would walk in day 1 with the immediate respect required of players and staff. 

    I would love to see his offensive concepts. He obviously doesn’t seem to hate the idea of coaching Bryce or he’d never put it out there. 

    Greg isn’t the kind of guy to work an angle on something. He’s straight up and I truly believe he is interested. 

    • Pie 1
  6. Tepper is the guy who reads a couple books and watches some YouTube videos on card counting, struts his cocky ass in to Caesar’s, starts hemorrhaging money all while the sharps and whales are laughing uncontrollably. 

    God I hope he’s done thinking that he’s smarter than people who have dedicated their life to football and that there is no cheat code in this. 

    Where was the statistical analysis of the number of tiny QBs that work out? 

    • Pie 5
  7. Our next draft needs to focus on guys who don’t stop until 5 seconds after the whistle. I want guys who take everything personally. Guys who haven’t forgotten something that happened 3 seasons ago. 

    We need a coach who’s not afraid to tell any player what needs to be said. Dave needs to be on board. This is what wins in the nfl. 

    The players will take Bryce’s leadership more seriously when they believe in him to deliver us a victory when the game is on the line. He needs to be clutch. 

    It’s still a big man’s game, and unfortunately for Bryce, he looks like the guy who these dudes used to stuff in trash cans and toilets. He’s got a big hill to climb. I hope he can, but I’m not really sure he’ll be able to do it. 

    I’ll get barbecued for this but Burns has to go. The defense would be 1000% different if he were trying. They are following his example, and it sucks. If he disappears now, he will be way done the moment he gets paid. Guys who hate losing don’t play like that. We need winners. He is not the example you want to build your team around, and you damn sure don’t show the team that play like his goes rewarded. 

    If we want to get really cheeky, toy around with putting him and Icky on the trade block to get some first round talent back. Let them be someone else’s project. 

    • Pie 1
  8. 1 hour ago, stratocatter said:

    Have fun with Bryce Young. I am with Frank on that. That's a fantasy. 

    I'd say we're gonna see, but they screw it up every time somehow so I doubt anyone that still has questions gets them answered. 

    1,000,000% he wasn’t my guy. He is my guy now out of default. I’m still really salty, though. I know he doesn’t have the physical tools. 

    Im trying my best to be optimistic. 

    • Beer 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, stratocatter said:

    Yeah they know Frank wasn't the problem. What's changed?

    They don’t respect Frank. He came along at a really bad time and I don’t believe the players fault him for that, but the moment Young was the pick and Frank mailed it in, it was a wrap. No one respects a loser and Frank obviously did not care one way or the other. They lost all respect for him too. Where is there evidence of team respect for Bryce? What player goes to the paint for him when a mic is in their face?

    So default team leadership goes: Owner, head coach, QB, then everyone else  

    Players to a man respected JR. they respected Fox and Jake, Rivers and Newton. Tepper, Frank and Bryce? Please. I’ll say it again, Bryce wasn’t my guy, but he was never given a shot at anything along the way. 

    The effort, energy and losing are all symptoms of the larger problem. The winning will return when the players have someone they’re willing to play for. 

    The effort now is to rally around Bryce and I like it. Give him a chance. A clean 200 yard 3 TD game will do him snd the team worlds of good. They seemingly have purged the anti-Bryce people, rightfully. More may still yet to go. 

    • Pie 1
  10. So now character matters and we really do need a leader of men kind of guy? Strong? Takes no crap from anyone? Loved and respected?

    Their behavior is sort of like their guy, the most loved Panthers head coach we’ve ever seen, who worked a miracle wasn’t even given a shot. This isn’t me beating a dead horse. Despite what you’re not hearing, you better believe this is still very real to them. I can’t be the only one who saw this coming. 

    This is what it looks like when you hate your boss. This is so awful and It did not have to be this way. 

  11. 3 hours ago, X-Clown said:

    I don't think Wilks would have the amount of influence necessary to overrule the trade up even if he thought it was a bad idea. Whoever Tepper hired as coach this offseason was going to have to be with the plan of drafting a rookie and trading up, one way or the other. He wasn't going to tolerate another journeyman QB after cycling through Teddy, Darnold, and Baker, and he couldn't find the superstar QB after being told no for Stafford and Russ Wilson (and probably Aaron Rodgers too). He was willing to trade for Deshaun Watson even with all of the legal issues, and the only reason he's not on our roster now is that Jimmy Haslam was dumb enough to go an extra year with guarantees.

    This is correct. Wilks isn’t the guy who would have been told who his qb is going to be and what offense he was going to run. 

    • Beer 1
  12. 35 minutes ago, SOJA said:

    You know the more I think about it the more I actually buy the conspiracy that Reich really wanted Stroud or Richardson all along, and maybe to prove his point stubbornly refused to change his offense to suit Bryce's needs despite evidence that he needed to. 

    Here's my evidence:

    1- Tepper admitted that for a long time the Panthers actually planned to trade to 2 to get Stroud, aka during the hiring process of Reich this was likely 'the plan'

    2-Despite trading up to one, Stroud was the overwhelming favorite to go to the Panthers for *months* it took up until a week or two before draft week once the leaks started the Bryce became the favorite. Now Vegas does NOT intentionally lose money. Plus there are a ton of reporters who say the talk around the league was that Reich loved Stroud

    3- Now here's where it gets tricky. I think they traded up to one and never really thought about it until it finally happened. Well when it did Fitterer, Tepper and likely a lot of other people in the building had Bryce as QB 1 which was not a preposterous take at all. But I think Reich never *really* got on board. He said all the right things because he realized the ship was already in motion but I think he still really wanted Stroud

    4- Cut to this year, Bryce is obviously struggling in our offense while Stroud looks incredible. This is obviously not all Bryce's fault and there are multiple systemic issues that would make it impossible for damn near anyone to overcome but I think it secrely made Reich a little annoyed. So instead of changing himself for Bryce he said you know what fug you guys. I wanted Stroud, that's what I signed on for and then you made me draft a guy I didn't want, no I won't change. 

    Cut to starting1-10 with the worst offense I've ever seen...

    Here's a final thought: Everyone talks about how impatient Tepper is but it could be argued he kept Hurney, Rivera and Rhule all one year too long. Reich he definitely didn't wait too long, why? Because Reich basically wanted to get fired. 

    Reich, game after game let guys fly around Icky to destroy Young. He saw what was going on and did NOTHING to plan around it. It was a power play against Tepper. Tepper knew that unless he fired Frank, then Frank would continue to let Young get destroyed. Do you think Frank would ever let that happen to Stroud? 

    Just wait and see how much protection Bryce gets from his blind side the rest of the season.  

    This take will be validated. You heard it here first. 

    It’s criminal what Frank did. 

    Young wasn’t my guy, but right now he’s our guy and that’s just wrong. 


    • Pie 1
  13. All of the coaches, besides 1, actually cared about winning. Frank as good as he was portrayed actually wanted the panthers to lose, otherwise they would never fire him. It was his hope the moment after Bryce got drafted. Playing your ass off for a coach that wants to lose so he can be fired is F’ed up. 

    Fox, Rivera (with Gettleman), Wilks then everyone…. And then Frank. 

    • Flames 1
  14. 1 hour ago, w280sax said:

    Many owners would have kept rhule or Reich longer to avoid paying multiple coaches simultaneously the next few years.

    There's plenty to not like but if he cared only about money, I doubt he'd be willing to pay three expensive head coaches for the next 3-4 years.

    It was either fire Frank or have Frank continue to get Bryce killed. Frank forced his hand. 

    Keep Pounding meant something completely different to Frank. 

    • Pie 2
  15. This team has not had a head coach all year. We still look exactly like we did on our first preseason game. 

    He probably told Tepper on draft day, if you pick Young, then you’ll have to fire me. There is not even a glimpse of excitement from him from that point forward. 

    If Frank quits, he forfeits any bonus and agreed upon salary. If he continues to draw up plays to get Bryce killed, Tepper has no choice but to fire him as long as Frank doesn’t engage in any behavior that is in breach of his contract. 

    it’s a complete SOB move on his behalf, but Frank refused to be Tepper's patsy, and knew that if he continued to get Bryce murdered it would only be a matter of time. Tepper thought he could bully Frank but was wrong, again.

    He also had to hire either someone with ties to the team or a prominent black coach (preferably both… cough). He firing the first black coach of the Panthers who instantly turned chicken s*** in to chicken salad, brought Panther nation back and the locker room loved more than any coach in our history… Overnight… nice. If had replaced Wilks with some random unknown white dude with 0 previous ties to the team… lol  it’s a wrap. Tepper better not have ever set foot in the locker room again.

    Wilks would have never done that to Bryce, and he would have at least had his OC try to make it work. They would be pounding the rock, kept foreman and so would be at least .500. 

    He needs to accept the fact that any coach that he thinks he will be able to bully is going to be a loser. 

    if only…

  16. My plausible take:

    Hey Frank, Dave here. We want a clean start to our team. New staff. New receivers. New QB. I want you to head it up. Come home, we’re building something great. Money no object. 

    Frank: Tempting. Always wanted something like this. Stroud looks like a stud, everything I want in a QB. 

    Dave: I love it Frank. Sounds great. Here’s a contract. Here’s your sign on bonus. 

    and with the first selection…  Bryce Young. 

    Frank: F you.  I want out. I quit. You lied to me.

    Dave: Um, ok. I’m going to need the GROSS sign on bonus back please, and you’ll forfeit all owed salary for quitting without cause.

    Frank: but the .gov already took $X.XX million in taxes for the lump sum sign on bonus you just paid me. I Guess you’ll have to just fire me without cause because you’re not screwing me over, making me pay you $X.XX million of my own money, when you screwed me out of your promise.

    Dave: If I fire you without cause, I’ll owe you the entire contract. If you quit without cause, I owe you nothing and you owe me your sign on bonus that I already gave you. 

    Panther fans are then treated to 10 weeks of Frank/Dave stalemate, ass quality football putting the safety of the nice guy little dude we put under center, in hope of getting fired. Dave breaks before Frank breaks his QB. How many games did we have to see Bryce get smoked with Ickey watching from his front row seat. Over and over again. I guess I now know why Ickey never got any help.

    This last Sunday, when all we had to do was get in the locker room at half with a couple runs, the SOB dials up passing plays. Punt. FG right at half. 

    It was at that moment that I KNEW he was trying to get fired. it was just obvious then. 

    Screw Reich. You did this on purpose. I’m sure your contract had language to the effect of repayment of bonus if you quit without cause, but this will never go reported. You could have at least tried but it was obvious that you never did, Frank.

    Bryce wasn’t my guy but he didn’t deserve that. I actually like the guy. I wonder what Frank has said to Bryce behind closed doors. Bryce has got to be the happiest one of all in all of this. I’m genuinely curious to see how he responds to this. I’d LOVE to be proven wrong. Bryce, if you can show me some fire and take this team on a 3 game win streak, I will buy a stitched jersey with your name on it and rock it proudly. 

    Dave, I love the Panthers. Please let this clown show end. 

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 3
  17. The NFL is a small circle. If I’m invited for an interview, the FIRST thing I’m going to do is call the last guy who didn’t take the offer and ask him why. I’ll then call the old coach and meet for coffee. I will be VERY well informed and I’ll know exactly what questions to ask.

    this is a people business and people will have to be bought or desperate if this keeps up. 

    I would only agree to terms on a contract that limits the scope of the front office.  

    Tepper doesn’t want these types of people yet. If he is truly serious about winning (and it not looking like it was on him), I hope that changes soon. 

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