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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. Our QBs have always had factions, that’s just natural. It’s usually split pretty evenly. This ain’t that. Thank God. Everyone sees what we all see.. except a handful.
  2. When Dave reads a room, he wonders what everyone did before he came around.
  3. Tom GOAT Brady to Mike (10 straight 1000 seasons) Evan’s…. with playoff implications on the line. Horn might have had somewhat of a chance against Evans, but come on y’all. Seriously? The greatest qb of all time throwing to a future HOF wr with the playoffs on the line. Evans be like ‘who else want some of Deebo?!!’
  4. For the crowd that still just sees a coach hire, x and o… you’ll never understand. You’ll never be able to understand what it did to that locker room when Wilks got royally screwed over. Wilks wasn’t going to win Dave’s way, Dave was intimidated by him, and Dave knew Steve wouldn’t be bullied… I bet Dave probably tried with Wilks when he was interim coach and Steve told him to pound sand. Wilks was their guy. An alpha. A winning, black, man, alpha…. and he never even got a chance. Yeah Dave, those players can’t wait to play for you… Do you have any idea where most of these dudes come from? … oh yeah, of course you don’t. Now go do some more video game testing of tiny kids from good stable 2 parent households… good thing we don’t have any players raised by single moms. That probably wouldn’t go over too well. I promise Homer Simpson could do a better job at running this team. This was the worst decision in franchise history. Evero has to be the choice if Tepper can humble himself to do it. Players take to him naturally, he exudes alpha type energy (I think…. I haven’t studied the player interactions with him enough yet). To have the defense still playing hard in this complete s*** show is notable. Hiring Evero *might* show the players that Dave is ok with black dudes, cuz right now, I’m sure some have their doubts. Sorry bro, it was a real bad look. I think we are so far down at this point, looking for the coach to take us to the superbowl isn’t our goal. We don’t need the greatest tactician. We need some damn self respect. Leadership. This will be a humbling move for Dave. Giving control to someone else. If Dave can humble himself and realize the mess he made and how he did it, there may be hope.
  5. It’s not hyperbole to say that team, that year and those players are a made for TV movie. I mean, Jake having to go to Amsterdam and lose out to some other scrub named Kurt Warner, only to come back stateside and play for some loser team in NC. Some short and angry kick returner from LA who turns in to one of the greatest WRs of his generation. Pig farmer. Then some hick from nowhere Louisiana, who don’t care who the hell you are, mounts a comeback in the second half of the superbowl to take the lead against the greatest, most clutch QB of all time. It’s the first season I actually paid attention to. I still have my Minter and my Morgan jersey. That story is one of the greatest in NFL history.
  6. 2003 was must watch tv every single Sunday. jags game was 4 th down back of the end zone to proehl ftw, last play of the game. I believe. Best regular season game was in Tampa coming off of their sb win.
  7. No negative shoulda beens allowed. Put them here. Jake freaking delhomme to Smith connection was born. going toe to toe with the GOAT in one of the best SB of all time. Big Kris blocking an xp against the Bucs Ricky clutch proehl. My God the deep talent on that team.
  8. Oh gawd Seeing that team sack up, go toe to toe and come back against prime Brady…
  9. Frank’s plan to get fired was pretty obvious. Continue to get the snot kicked out of Bryce without giving the line much help so Tepper has no choice but to fire him. So here’s the thing. I don’t think I have once seen the o line gathered on the sidelines getting an a** chewing from Bryce, Campen or Frank. As a matter of fact, they never really even seem all that bothered by seeing Bryce get lit up. In turn, Bryce doesn’t exactly give them an earful afterwards. Has there been a single fight in defense of Bryce on a dirty hit? Has there been a single ‘atta boy’ helmet tap? Celebrate a play (even though they are few and far between)? Do they even like this dude?
  10. I can only imagine what a Tepper contract looks like.
  11. Leading up to the draft was when Frank realized it was bait and switch. Whenever a job overpays, there’s a damn good reason. Verbal ‘here’s how things are going to go’ kind of spitballing shifted with wind. I wouldn’t doubt if everyone was unified in the Stroud pick from the beginning and morale was actually pretty decent. The problem is that Tepper gets hot and bothered by obscure calculations and evaluations, in an effort to prove how superior analytics are compared to traditional ways. Unfortunately, this also included the eye test and can this dude even throw a football. *Here’s where I start my logical speculation* Frank has seen enough football that he knew it would never work with Bryce, so I don’t think he ever really tried. You can’t find a single interview where he genuinely looked enthusiastic. He needed to get fired. If he quits, he likely has to pay back the net amount of any sign on bonus… that taxes have already assessed on. His goal was to continue to run the ‘get the piss beat out of Bryce’ offense so Tepper would have no choice but to fire him or have Bryce completely smashed. A game of chicken he knew he would win. Frank’s not a good coach, but once Bryce got the nod and Frank realized he had 0 autonomy of what was supposed to be his team, he was out.
  12. That abdomen looks pretty full. Is this the day he weighed in but didn’t throw?
  13. Can we get Hurney back and find a Delhomme, Smith, Moose, Prohel, Stephen Davis, Jenkins, Peppers, Rucker, Morgan, Minter, Manning Jr. ? Why can I name more players from memory of a team from 20 years ago than my current one?
  14. Like I said in another thread, he is the ultimate iteration of the ‘coach’s son’ you played with growing up. He lost you every game, but he was never going to be benched.
  15. This comparing Bryce to one of the most prolific passers the NFL has ever seen has to just stop. This is just dumb now.
  16. If he really has all of this potential, why is he putting up the worst rookie qb season I may have ever seen? Am I to believe that the reason for his lack of success is that this team is the most devoid of talent and good coaching in over a decade? He is historically bad. Does he need that many things to go right for him in order to be successful?
  17. Prime Brees could drop a 40 yard dime on an absolutely perfect arch in his sleep. Teams had to respect his arm strength. The only chance teams had against him was pressure. He threw the most perfectly catchable passes in stride to receivers. In the dome, he was just nasty. There’s not a qb playing today that could match his ball placement. In this regard, I truly feel he surpassed Brady and Manning. He also looked like he could at least bench his body weight. Any comparison to a first ballot HOF QB like him is just insulting and laughable.
  18. We will NEVER be able to surround him with everything his style of play requires for him to even be serviceable, so at what point do we cut bait? By the time we are able to assemble the pro bowl line and receivers along with a ‘creative’ OC, he will have been out of the league for 3 years. When have we EVER had that kind of talent all at one time? We needed a day one, come in, kick a** and take names alpha DUDE. Someone who will elevate everyone, and just make it work, regardless of the circumstances. This is what we were advertised. Bryce May end up ok one day, but he will never survive long enough for that day to be with us. Cut Bait
  19. It’s like you find out something truly, truly awful in your life. Say you find out your GF has been cheating on you with a double reverse Indonesian transvestite. Denial. Shock. Anger. Then shock again and then more anger and you think you’re getting over it… but you’re not. Something triggers you and you’re right back to the beginning all over again. You keep calling your friends. You go the bar. You call your friends from the bar on day 4 of another epic bender. Your doing all of this because when you first asked the cheating weirdo out, you had another beautiful girl, who was too good to be true, and liked you…. so you over analyzed ish, and didn’t ask her out… and now she’s happily married to a guy that’s not even all that good looking and they have a beautiful, happy stinking bag of wonderfulness family. And you know, that could have been your life. All you had to do was ask. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK. She liked you. But you just couldn’t believe it. And now you have gonoherpatitis, and can’t see anyone for 3 years while undergoing experimental treatment. And your life sucks. Nothing looks like it’s supposed to. Nothing works like it’s supposed to and you question if your doctor knows what the hell he’s doing… and … Your friends really wish you would stop calling them, but … all you had to do was ask. So yeah, we’re easily triggered and probably will be for quite some time.
  20. I wish more people would realize this. Continuing to play Bryce is really screwing with everyone’s’ career. They know they will look like crap with him playing, regardless of how good they are. Especially fringe guys. I can just imagine how locker room talk goes.
  21. If he were capable of an nfl pass, a second or third rounder, easily. But he is not. The QB throws the ball. It’s 99.9% of the job. It IS the job. Id say a 4th and a 5th to be someone’s practice squad project. Maaaaybe a third.
  22. Young is the ultimate coach’s kid that plays on your team. He’s either a baller and everyone loves him, or he is the reason why you haven’t won a game all season but coach can’t bench him bc of politics. People think this is still honestly about developing Bryce? What development. The 5 plays that he is capable of that aren’t guaranteed interceptions were figured out after the first half in the Atlanta game. He physically is not up for the job. Starting Andy would be akin to what it looked like when Wilks took over last season. Capable and promising. Bryce would never be able to take another snap again. Andy wins the Saints game by at least 2 scores and Sullivan is the most talked about player on Monday.
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