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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. Easiest candidate to bully and manipulate? Definitely the only candidate who would come here. It feels like more of the same until proven otherwise.
  2. This entirely. when a qb who has shown actual NFL talent doesn’t have to sweat blind side hits and is throwing at a HOF receiver… things can look pretty good.
  3. I’ve said it before, Evero is the best pick. Not because he is the best option, but he is better than anybody we can realistically land. Seriously, no candidate we would actually want would be here. Additionally, they would be so over Tepper’s ish, it’s another blow it up year waiting to happen. Our goal for this coming season should be just win some damn games and give some sense of overall stability. If we win 5 games and be at least competitive in close losses with good effort shown, then we have something to build on. Evero is a known commodity. He can field a competent football team and his players seem to respond to his style of coaching. Is he our long term guy. Don’t know. It’s a similar situation to Wilks. What do we have to lose giving him a 2 year contract?
  4. This should surprise no one. Has anyone ever even seen a media interview with him? If he’s stuck around this long without being fired, it means he’s just the type of guy Dave wants.
  5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Football is a people business first. If players don’t like, RESPECT and believe in their coach, don’t expect them to run through a wall for them. These are young, millionaires alphas. You bring in a high pedigree winning resume and/or former player who understands NFL culture if you want the locker room’s attention. There is a good reason for the monumental decline from last year to this one with the roster being mostly the same, minus Foreman and Moore. This year’s team couldn’t win with Moss, Megatron and Faulk.
  6. Gotta be pretty cool having Wirfs, knowing that you not .05 seconds from getting the piss knocked out of you from your blind side. That’ll settle any qb down. Wirfs+Evans+Godwin+White. That’s a hard combination to beat.
  7. Can anyone photoshop Tepper to Ted Dibiase ‘The Million Dollar Man?’ Everybody’s got a price! It has to feel like selling your soul to work for the man.
  8. It is a truly awful position. Keeping Bryce is like trying to sell a house that’s still on fire, while telling prospective buyers that ‘it’s got good bones.’ No good coaching prospect that we get will be any better than Evero. Promote him, let him continue to run the defense and get a new OC.
  9. How about letting a prospective coach know he won’t be fired after a year in trying to work through this abject cluster. How about not repeating the same mistake again. How about a year of leaving everything the hell alone. Listen y’all, next season is a wrap. Stop with trying to buy another car polish. This hooptie ain’t winning anything any time soon. Tepper isn’t letting Bryce go without at least 1 more season. Why put a new coach on the hot seat in a sure lose situation the moment he signs his contract. We are either going to lose with our current bad coaching staff, or we are going to lose with a new coach we had to buy, simply because the roster sucks, Bryce sucks and Tepper sucks. Stick with the current staff, wait out our draft purgatory, Bryce gets 1 more losing year then retires, sign Brown and Luvu, show some continued improvement on defense. With Bryce out, promising defense and a full draft to work with, the job becomes immensely more attractive and may lure a better head coach.
  10. To this day not hiring Wilkes hurts me. Everything was right with giving him a chance. Give him a 2 year contract to prove himself. Keep last year’s roster intact, add Thielen, add Chark. That team at least knew what a first down looked like. Our culture was back. With our brand of football. Our kind of players. Literally everybody but Dave and Nicole were joyful. But it was Jerry ball. Traditional beat your a$$ Panthers football. We may not win, but there’s going to be something wrong with you when you leave our stadium. We’ve had losing seasons, but we’ve never been the get right game for other teams. Rarely have we had a guaranteed L. We had stars. Dave needed Dave ball. Wilks was a man’s man. Not allowed. Weekly meetings would not be pretty.
  11. See this is the thing for me too. We know we need better, but on offense we have a lot of question marks. To answer the original question, I miss a coach that players respected and responded to. An offense that moved the ball at will and set team rushing records, and a defense where 11 players gave it their all from beginning to end and were back to knocking heads once again. A team that legit looked like they were a few pieces away from being at least competitive. I miss my draft picks. I miss the time when we weren’t a complete laughing stock. I miss the not so long ago when we had fans back. We were learning how to win again. We had a Land Cruiser but he wanted a G63. He chose what was behind door #3… a ford Escspe. And this was all brought on with an owner’s fragile ego and his Don Quixote like quest to show the league that he was going to win his way.
  12. The defense is visibly better with him playing. Qb holds the ball much longer when the first read is always blanketed.
  13. Burns and Icky having anything else than a single digit score completely invalidates the entire list.
  14. 2023 Panthers were SHUT OUT the last 2 games of the season. We have a clueless overbearing egomaniac owner who gave us a new reason to hate something else every week. 2023 had maybe 6 or 7 players that look like they’re trying. Of those, only Hubbard, Thielen, Brown and Luvu have seemed impervious to the malaise. Maybe something changes, but this current squad is a special breed of awful.
  15. Burns is the anti Thomas Davis. He is the anti keep pounding. Keep pounding means at its core, never quit Quitter. Worse off, he quit his teammates over $$. Once a quitter, always a quitter. It’s a cancer to be around. Bye.
  16. In a weird way, they may actually mix well together, both having such brash personalities. Tepper May really take to the ‘just win. Period.’ Mantra that is Harbaugh, and give him free rein. I could see Harbaugh getting in Dave’s face about team management, and get his way. Sometimes it takes 2 similar personalities for something like that to work. Jake was the only QB we’ve ever had that would have meshed with SS89. They had this weird mutual respect type relationship where they could tell each other to STFU and it not go to blows. Fortunately for us, he is a proven winner. He’s also the one most likely to say to Tepper’s face that Bryce is trash, and Dave actually believe him. Dave wants to win. He knows Harbaugh, if nothing else, wins football games. He brought SF and Michigan back from the dead. He builds a winning culture and expectation.
  17. Benching the guy you just doled out huge $$$$ to is a nonstarter. After his payday comes, He is exactly the type to check out. New GM doesn’t need that kind of heat.
  18. Here’s something cool I’ve seen other teams do that I think could work for us. survey the college landscape and find a QB who has all the physical characteristics necessary in the NFL. Tall, big arm, accurate, natural leadership, etc… Additionally, find a guy who makes average talent look great. A guy that always finds a way to make it work. The formula in the NFL for a consistently winning franchise is to find a stud qb, that doesn’t need top talent all around him to make it work. A stud qb means that the offense will consistently be able to put up 24 points with good caliber players, and then you can afford to splurge on an all pro free agent to get you over the hump. Resources can be shifted towards an attacking defense that creates turnovers. Bryce will never be able to make it work week in and week out unless he is surrounded by top talent at every position.
  19. Our next QB better be able to throw a nerf ball through a brick wall. Enough of this depressing jump pass noodle arm BS. He fooled me with the GB game. It was one of those everything went right so he looked good games. My dad used to say that ‘even turkey can fly in a stiff breeze.’ Its even funnier in a thick Jamaican accent.
  20. If we’re trying to build a new locker room culture, I don’t want him within 1000 feet if BoA. Cut bait before he can see another training camp. It is what it is. Brown and Luvu elevate teammate. Burns has made others work harder to try to cover for his deficiencies. I wonder how many first down were given up due to a tackle he should have made. GM’s have taken notice. His disappearing act is well known.
  21. So let me get this straight, 1st round Burns can’t shed a TE block and we’ve heard nothing but contract all year… meanwhile undrafted Frankie Luvu is a humble playmaking machine that throws linemen around like they play for the jv team. He impacts every game. He is the top rated LB about to hit… and barely a contract wisper.
  22. Tepper is in a weird spot. The losing can not continue, but he may be starting to see that Bryce wasn’t the right pick, and may not be an NFL caliber QB… So what direction does he go because he can’t have it both ways? Does he risk yet another embarrassing season just to save face? What if none of the top prospects are willing to work with Bryce? Does Tepper have to tell them to give Bryce 1 year and if it doesn’t work then they can bring in their guy? All of the gm and coaching prospects know what kind of person Tepper is by now. This is going to be very interesting.
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