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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. You cut bait on quitters. Quitters never win. Morgan was a DAWG. Bro still stares holes in people. He knows what he wants, and it damn sure wasn’t Burns. Bryce needs to watch his back. Aw shucks, good game, we’ll get em next time… No pampering this kid. No kid gloves. No worrying about self esteem. Push him to be better and expect better. The team can’t see a double standard. With every fiber of my being I hope Tepper has realized that a football team needs football players.
  2. I keep doing that. Thank you for correcting and furthering my point.
  3. Since I’ve been paying attention to Panthers football (started inn2092 season), they have NEVER been able to develop talent. They either draft HOF’ers/fringe HOF’ers, or people that are out of the nfl in 3 years. Rarely in between. FAs 99% of the time come to Charlotte to grab a check and retire. Good FAs: Greg, Norwell, Proehl and Luvu. I’m sure there’s more, but the list is short. 2003 was lightning in a freaking bottle. Jake that year was a really good qb, and the absolute perfect pairing with a developing Smitty, but that season doesn’t happen without 89, Peppers and Morgan. Same with 2005. 2015. Men among men… Seasons that we don’t draft a HOFer on both sides of the ball, are either duds or barely .500, we’ll get em next year. Marty at least knew a blue chip player when he saw one. It’s been the only hope we’ve had for a good season for 20 years.
  4. I don’t think Burns was the commodity he thought he was. Every GM in the league saw his unwillingness to play the run and that he quit on his team. He’s not going to like NY income taxes.
  5. Your star DE is supposed to ice away at least 1 game a season. It’s their purpose and what they do. They murder the opposing team’s comeback drive. Bosa. Garrett. 1st and 10 turns in to 2nd and 10. 2nd and 10 turns in to 3rd and 13 off of a failed screen that he blew the f up. 3rd and 13 gets the bull rush, pro bowl LT on his arse, apologizing to his QB and team. wrap. Yes, there aren’t many in the league, but if you want to be paid like one, you better play like one. I actually miss Ginn. All effort. All about the team. Knew his role, and was a guy you had to game plan for. If he was having a good hands day, it was beautiful. Every play, it would be, look for Ted, he’s probably open.
  6. And it’s not even like the moves were all that complicated. Take the franchise changing king’s ransom for Burns, roll another year with Sam, Foreman and Chuba. Put Wilks on a 1 year prove it deal. Keep DJ. Keep CMC (maybe), or at the very least hold out for a better deal. Winning 8 games is not a crime. Picking 12th and having 2 more first rounders and an extra second? Bro, you could deal with anyone to get your guy, if he’s there. Find someone to replace Wilks, but he showed that he could at least win a game in the nfl. Build some sort of winning culture, attitude and identity. Put your fans in the stadium. Over the ensuing 2 to 3 seasons, draft smart offensive (especially line) pieces to fit a style that wins consistently in the modern NFL, and take the next step. Attract good coaches. Don’t make dumb desperation moves, or you end up being the worst organization in pro sports. Fitt and T thought they could just flip a switch and out move the other 31 teams.
  7. Bye, Felicia. Burns was only ever out for Burns. The impact player that never was. not taking 2 firsts was franchise changing.
  8. Everyone on the team better have Aug 15th highlighted on the calendar. They, along with the entire fanbase got straight punked last season. Nothing but propaganda hype. I want to see reports of how it looked like the panthers took it too seriously.
  9. New coach, new GM. They are free to move on from anyone, theoretically, Bryce and Ickey, including. Now Jerry had his guys that were untouchable, only those (SS89, Thomas Davis) were ballers. Hopefully T realizes how badly he just got scammed with Bryce. My hope is enough narrative is built that moving on from Bryce just ‘works itself out naturally’ — Bob from Office Space. Dave being in his videos gives himself just enough exposure for the recognition he desperately wants.
  10. Propaganda film trying to sell ‘change.’ Look at his history and personality up to this point. Does ANYONE really believe this isn’t HEAVILY slanted, with every second getting his blessing. I want to believe, but I’ve been abused and lied to for 5 straight years. Things may very well be going in the right direction, but I have to see it before I believe anything they (he) say. With select clips, BTK and Ted Bundy could be made out as saints. An edited video can say anything you want it to say.
  11. T’s rep is that he is behind every decision personnel wise. This is a propaganda film. Does anyone really think T would ever approve a film portraying him in any negative way? T has made the Panthers the laughing stock of all professional sports, in just a few years. The time for talk is over. You are what you are until you aren’t.
  12. I’ve been a fan since 2002. I’ve loved it, until the Tepper Trainwreck piled up in what was a cool football stadium. Since then, it’s been nothing but a huge F you to players and fans. Buh bye grass. Spartanburg. Wilks…. Winning. Pretty much anything that was popular or worked, GONE. Turn down 2 firsts for Burns? Who the hell turns that down?!!? Give away DJ Moore. Christian. Gave the Bears the #1 overall pick in exchange for a kid that needs an all pro surrounding cast. Throws a drink on fans. Complete whiff drafts. It has to be a hit job. Has to be, and it’s coming together as drawn up. Tepper bought a stadium with an NFL team thrown in to sweeten the deal. His real desire is making $$ on events with the stadium. The Panthers are taking up valuable event time on Sundays.
  13. Extending a guy that has something to prove will then give him little reason to then prove anything. Didn’t anyone learn anything from Robbie Anderson? This team needs to stop it with the desperation moves.
  14. Atlanta has a ton of talent and potential to be an up and coming team in a flashy stadium. Good for business. the NFL doesn’t hate ATL. Now if it were us?
  15. I’m a capitalist at heart, but I have a conscience. It’s not my place to tell people how to spend their money, but being disingenuous, especially when it comes to saying that you’re helping the poor, really pisses me off. Virtue signaling at its lowest point. Build a community center that offers an escape from gangs and drugs, offers after hours counseling and school tutoring. They could even name it after themselves for the recognition they seem to crave. Pay teachers $100 an hour as a side hustle. Make it safe and secure. Have behavioral health services. Hell, have a culinary program to teach people how to actually cook a meal, and not let diabetes inevitably happen. Drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking cessation and gambling addiction treatment. Give people who have given up on life a reason to have pride in something. True philanthropy doesn’t need a photo op.
  16. Ditto, as well as GOOD mental health resources. The 2 go hand in hand. Can’t buy food if you’re broke. Crippling depression and schizophrenia.. a cause and effect of the former… but MH facilities are closing up on the regular and 60 year old “obsolete” primary schools are being torn down for a 30 million dollar school to take its place. Funny how college campuses will have 200 year old buildings and they’re just fine. Where is the after hours tutoring in poor neighborhoods to boost graduation rates and hopefully lead to good careers? It’s all lip service. Want to impress? Build a $30 million MH facility that offers inpatient services, well staffed with GOOD PHYSICIANS, and offer outpatient counseling and medication management. Have it tied in with a career training and GED program. People should donate heavily to food banks directly. I don’t trust foundations. Especially those that are Te**** approved. yeah. Until root causes for hunger are addressed, we’ll keep letting the car leak oil while we wipe up the stains on the driveway. MH is a large portion of my career, and I see what it does to people and families. /diatribe
  17. This is in no way a rebuild of his lazy footwork. It’s a total greenfield, parts bin, project. Welcome to a bad team, it’s now your job to make it better. He either gets an at least average arm, which last season wasn’t even close, or you cut bait. I really, really, really hope it happens. Modern NFL film study?? Short passing scheme, weak arm, guaranteed pick 6 fest, and the point is inarguable. Like I said in another thread, if past prime Brees, Kamara, Payton and their solid o line couldn’t get there with the short passing game scheme and no deep pass threat, what makes anyone think this team can. There HAS to be the threat of connecting deep, or we will live in 3rd and 8, 47 yd FG, unwatchable football hell.
  18. And you end up with a defense full of 3rd rounders, with the inevitable talent imbalance needed to make it work. Why we deviated from the proven formula I will never understand.
  19. 1000%. And if Brees and Payton couldn’t make it work with their beast o line and Kamara, what makes anyone think it can work here. Especially with the level of technology and film study that is now the norm. Not trying to be a downer, but it’s just truth. Teams will figure out schemes and routes by week 4 and there will be 6 points going the other way. Bryce flat out has to get some level of consistent success with 35+, preferably 40+ yard throws. I really, really hope he does.
  20. Bryce either finds a deep ball this year or he doesn’t. His success hinges on that entirely. is there a successful QB currently playing that doesn’t have an accurate deep throw? there are only so many underneath plays in a playbook. if that’s all bro can do, expect a pick 6 record. Defenses are too fast and smart. A devastating run game is going to 1000% have to be the thing that keeps defense honest if Bryce’s deep ball doesn’t improve. The importance of that one attribute can not be overlooked. I so wish people would stop insulting Brees, a top 10 first ballot HOF’er with these stupid Bryce comparisons. Brees could drop a 40 yd DIME on a rollout or from shotgun. I want the Panthers to win. I don’t care who pilots the ship. I don’t really care about any of the individual pieces.
  21. All day long, Ricky Prohel. Mr Clutch. Game changing 1st downs. Snagged the game winner against Jacksonville to set the tone on 2003. I can’t remember him ever dropping a pass. His tutelage along with Moose that year is why Steve Smith turned in to what he was. #2 was Ginn. Randy Moss with bad hands. He had to be accounted for on every play. Incredible game speed. It was really cool having a guy who we knew would never be caught from behind. I loved watching the guy play. #3 Greg Hardy. He could have been out Miles Garrett. He had all the tools. Powerful and fast. Bull rush. Spin. Swim. Strong against the run. We destroy Denver in the SB with him on the team. Manning would have been in surgery that night.
  22. To him, getting rejected for someone who does’t look like he even belongs in the NFL… yeah, that one stings. To this day, undisputed, the worst draft flub in the history of the franchise.
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