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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. There’s a BIG difference in a guy who can play WR vs a guy who IS a WR. Panthers are great at getting guys who can. This is a treat fans don’t get very frequently.
  2. Anquan Boldin, son. A reach, sure, but this dude is the truth. He’s our first pure WR prospect since…. When? You watch his game and it’s just so smooth. As a Panthers fan, I’m conditioned to expect drops in crucial moments. He makes me feel uncomfortable in the fact that he catches every stinking ball. If he caught 8 TDs and 800 yards next year… it would be sweet, but would surprise no one who has payed attention.
  3. And they lucked their way in to Smith. He was a 3rd round punt returner
  4. The goal is to win football games. Lacking a true #1 receiver is not why this team lost, and it’s not even close. Defense still does win championships
  5. When keeping it real goes terribly wrong
  6. This season could have been COMPLETELY different if they had hit on a legit pass rusher to pair up with Clowney.
  7. These guys base their career on their second contract. It’s what sets them up for life. Brady is a very good talent who is as versatile as it gets. He’s about to make some good coin, and for the years he has had to endure here, good on him.
  8. If they went DE in rounds 1 AND 2, I’ll wear my 2003 Morgan jersey EVERY game next year. Hell, I’ll even wear it at work on draft day.
  9. And that exactly demonstrates how vitally important slamming your first round pick is. Even with the lackluster later round record, the team almost always had enough talent to be competitive. He picked Kuechley when they already had Beason and Davis. It’s all about BPA. In the first, you look for who is most likely to be an all pro, and you pick that guy. At worst, you may have improved a position of strength with younger and cheaper talent.
  10. This team has been allergic to the obvious pick since Hurney left.
  11. And this is the fine line crappy teams walk. Imagine this team if they had hit on a promising DE in the second instead of what they now have with Brooks.
  12. I’d love to see McConkey, Thielen and Coker playing together. 3 dudes who know how to get open and NEVER drop a ball.
  13. As a first round draft pick, I expected much more from XL. Brooks was a second round pick they lit on fire. Finding Coker undrafted is the lightning this team lucks its way in to from time to time (Luvu, Smitty in the third, Norwell in FA, Jake, etc). I like smith-Wade and really like Sanders. so I’ll give this draft a D unless they find a way to parlay Brooks in to a decent draft pick from another team. I don’t think he plays a meaningful down here. No draft where first and second round picks are wiffs get better than a D. Teams that whiff repeatedly on first and/or second round picks … (like this team does)… they suck. And they stay awful until they accept just how devoid they are of real talent. At that point a new, smart, GM comes in and in 2 drafts, picking in the top 5, choosing the OBVIOUS BPA PICK… they now have legit, young, blue chip talent raising the level of play of the entire team. I can see how selling an owner on a BPA strategy would be hard to do.
  14. It’s been said, but it’s not his fault that the panthers reached. He’s a project with hopefully a high ceiling. I hope he is taking this seriously, but I have reservations. You can’t use a first or second round picks on a project. I hope it changes.
  15. Exactly, and it’s even more important as a WR. I don’t know what to think about dude. I like that he’s country, but I see far more content about his life than I do about his career. Which one is more important to him?
  16. Anyone (and there are a lot) who hoped our next qb would be Cam v2.0 will continue to be disappointed unless they accept Bryce. The way he finished the season… he’s here to stay. He ain’t going anywhere. There will forever be comparisons between the 2, and they all will be unfair. The circumstances both found themselves in couldn’t be more different. Their styles couldn’t be more different. The loyalty towards one or the other quickly obscures what really matters…. Winning football games by a large margin. How it happens, don’t care. Does X QB help this TEAM win football games. The way Bryce wins games is the polar opposite to Cam, and it will forever be that way. I’m a panthers fan who is beginning to really like Bryce Young’s game. I liked Cam. I liked Cam’s game, but that era is long gone. I’d love to see 2003 played out again (but win the SB this time) but that’s gone too. Never be another Jake. Never be another Cam. Comparisons are unfair. Go Panthers.
  17. Makes sense. That wrist flick off balance rocket in the dome was quasi Vick-esque.
  18. I’ve rewatched it a few times. Impressive. Rolls out about 5-6 steps, flicks his wrist, all arm, never even set his feet. Flick… All the way across the field from the 47 to the 24… perfect spiral… and dropped it in the bucket for Sanders. That had to of been 40 yards in the air? He looked so natural doing it. All teams have that play in their book, but when run, it’s so ugly. Complete duck. Uncomfortable. This guy is a weapon. There aren’t many non-QBs in the league make that throw and make it look so natural. He looked completely comfortable. I hope they draw up more plays for him like that.
  19. Guy is solid as a rock. Rarely draws a penalty or gets abused. He stays healthy. Keep him
  20. 100% The Cam era was fantastic, but it’s gone. There’s only going to be 1 Cam. To ask BY to be more Cam like… not fair to BY.
  21. I’m liking Canales, but Dan is stocking this team with football players. I really like Dan’s approach. O line is the most important position group on the team, ours was lousy, dude all but fixed it in 1 offseason. That’s strong work.
  22. After rewatching, that was actually THE throw for the game. Very low rate of a first down conversion at 1st and 25. I believe there were 6 minutes left in the 4th. We punt there and Falcons win. Guaranteed.
  23. There’s no telling how truly healthy the hammy/quad was this season.
  24. First of all, he single handily destroyed my fantasy team this year when it could have been so money. I had Tee Higgins and McConkey on waivers. Chuba on waivers. Bowers and Kittle drafted. I picked Hill early, and he does me like that? Secondly, Completely wrong team culture fit. He reminds me of TO in a lot of ways. That's going to be a no from me, dog.
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