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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. I swear scheme is more important than results to these guys. it was working. 5.7 yards/run average and you give him 10 Carries? We could have potentially run for 180 - 200 yards yesterday.
  2. Chuba got 10 carries for 57 yards. Sanders went 11 for 50. We were gashing these dudes. The running game was keeping us in the game. We actually had a rhythm. Is there some vendetta against trying to win like this? Hell, those runs go for more than a typical Bryce check down.
  3. Gettleman and Tepper pairing would be straight comedy.
  4. No opposing coach misses a minute of sleep because of Brian Burns.
  5. Brady and Evans kept us out of the playoffs. We imposed our will on teams. It was fun to watch. It actually won games. It was a good ride while it lasted.
  6. First black panthers coach who rallied a loser and directionless team in to a group of men with restored pride. They were ready to run through a wall for that man. Wilks was much more than just a coach to them. and he never even got a chance. Rejected. Image how that looked and felt to the players. all they had to do was give the man a fair chance and most of the current poo wouldn’t exist. That’s where the locker room is. And I don’t know how to make that right. was he the coach for the job? I don’t know. Maybe? Maybe not. if he never won a game and they continued to flounder, then ok. But he came in and turned them in to winners, when he wasn’t supposed to.
  7. Firing Wilks is one of the most devastating decisions in franchise history.
  8. 7. Reddick 8. Foreman 9. $$ to team cancer, bozo the clown 10. Wilkes
  9. The brain trust played Russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber. They played us, again. ALL HYPE. Not even once in 10 games have I seen a single play that made me say “not a lot of NFL qb’s making that happen.” His baseline is so stinking low that slightly above average plays wow us. Remember the Cam to Olsen rocket to beat Seattle in Seattle? X clown? The back shoulder bomb to Smitty in the SB? He wouldn’t have a prayer. You trade up to #1, you better pick someone who has the other coach screaming GD. Not our own. Rhule, Brady, Sam, Mayfield, Miles and countless others. ALL HYPE. this continues to be par for the course.
  10. That would be a seriously shrewd play and I bet the players would rally to the cause. I think the players actually do like Frank and company, but hate Tepper’s guts but Frank is unfortunately a puppet. The players also see what CJ is doing and know that in a sane world, the Panthers would be set for the next decade with him, like it should have been. Tepper once again destroyed their hope and poor Frank is completely out of his element. He has to come up with a scheme that won’t get the owners pick killed, with talented, but out of position and really unmotivated players. Good times
  11. I’m admittedly a Wilkes guy from the beginning, but I can understand the other side as well. The politics dictated that the team had to give him at least a real shot, but never did. He took over a smoldering ****show of losers and overnight had them busting dudes in the mouth, setting team rushing records, winning games and Panther football was back. That’s coach of the year material. What did they have to lose in a 2 year prove it type contract? token interview. Peace out. But it was winning Jerry’s way. Dave had to win Dave’s way.
  12. He got done so dirty. if Evero becomes the new Wilkes and Tepper does him the same way, the team is as good as sold. No one will play another snap for Tepper ever again.
  13. And it was so close to coming back last season too. Oh what could have been.
  14. Sadly, this is all according to his original plan when he bought the team. Why drop the $ on rock hill if you moving soon anyway?
  15. I like reformed Sam over post shoulder injury Cam but the rest is only
  16. It was just so obvious. winning doesn’t have to be this difficult.
  17. Damn I can’t help but go long, real long, when it comes to this poo. This is a giant rant. I’m going to try and not libel this dude. Sorry y’all. You can skip if you want. here we go. If he wasn’t a financial whatever who does whatever the hell he actually does (who actually knows what the f appolousa… double f the spelling. I don’t care. Who actually knows what he truly does anyway) he would probably be asking me how many slices of ham I want at the Golden Corral (Old Country Buffet across the street tea bags GC all day, I worked at both. 90s Raleigh peeps know the deal) buffet, while telling everyone about his next big idea. The panthers are Nicole’s toy. Happy birthday honey. I bought you an NFL team. Even in losing seasons I had TEAM pride. Now I’m buying mid life crisis jerseys with guys ‘ names most kids under 35 probably don’t even know. I might wear my Minter one next week, but this beautifully stitched 2003 throwback Smith one I bought yesterday is really badass. I wish I could afford a 6 speed turbo Supra because it would be next. You had a WINNER, Dave, that the players would run through a concrete wall for. His name was Steve. It was RIGHT THERE. Keep him, DJ, Caff and Darnold. Hire Evero. Hire any mediocre OC. Let wilks keeps the burner lit under all these dudes asses. I promise you, at the very worst, we go .500. We probably make the playoffs this year with how the NFC south is playing out. We beat every team in our division at least once. does Wilks come across as someone who would accept mediocrity? He’s not a DC. He’s not an OC. He’s proven that he’s not an x an o guy. He’s the mf-in CEO the coaches and players would answers to. And he wouldn’t accept BS answers. He epitomized what panther culture used to be. I’ll probably get roasted, but I really feel like Darnold was growing and improving. At worst, he could be the ‘point guard’ they were wanting. He can throw the 3 yard passes with the best of them. Say Wilks doesn’t work out. Whatever. You’ve at least given him the shot he’s never truly had, and the entire locker room doesn’t end up thinking you’re a racist, disloyal and overall hate playing for you. Carolina fans would probably, maybe, still show up to OUR stadium. You hired Frank because you had no other choice. He was a former panthers guy and you could hopefully save face, amf hopefully appease the players. You didn’t. They don’t like you. You’re not a football guy. Stop trying to be one. Just imagine keeping Wilks (on a 2 year prove it deal) and all the old squad… except you take the insane Rams deal for Burns, and trade up for the obvious, true #1… stroud. Jesus Christ. The run your ass over o line and running game we had + Stroud + DJ + Theilen and this practice squad big play machine we somehow found but hardly play? Draft a tight end, CB, o line and couple DE’s. The moves were so damn obvious. So obvious. Jesus bro, how hard was any of that? Why burn down all of what we had? You give away our blue chip players at half value, bring in retreads and the smallest NFL Qb I’ve ever seen and expect to win? So look, Your D coordinator made a statement today. Did you see that shiz? I sure hope you did. Please don’t you and Nicole tell Fitts to have them clean it up at the weekly meeting or next week we will get buried… Evero is clearly the next problem alpha who is well loved by the players. He’s a defensive guy. Is he unfit as well? Please don’t make the same mistake twice if you don’t want an all out riot from the players. I loved the team energy today. It was at least watchable. Hell, even offense did what they could to make it a game. It felt different. Almost like 2002. They tried. The message today was clearly F it, what do we have to lose? I didn’t mind the penalties. At least they were trying… except Burns. We pay him, everyone knows exactly what’s coming (they just don’t want to admit it). Casper. I love you spidey, but it’s the truth. With a 0.00% chance of winning, who can blame him. I wouldn’t want to risk devastating injury and limp for the rest of my life for this squad either. yes men. Soft. Gooey. Losers. Winning won’t be allowed until it is done only a certain way. I’ll continue to buy jerseys of the straight up DUDES we used to have and pray for better times. Dave, I know you’re salivating at the idea of a winning season and deep playoff run, we are too, but you’ll never able to buy it. When you jettisoned Wilks the way you did, then dictated the Bryce pick, then dealt DJ… It damaged your reputation with the players more than you realize. Just win, baby. It’s still there. Simmering. Evero. I hope you can see it. Sincerely yours, Gapanthersfan
  18. My life savings and a .357 to my head to make a bet of Bryce vs CJ. It’s confidently CJ, and I sleep good that night. There is NO WAY you can convince me otherwise. Football people all knew he would be destroyed by year 3, if he even makes it that long. He has his $. He knows he doesn’t belong. Why risk being decapitated? The whole team knows who calls the shots. Until that changes…
  19. There is NO WAY an entire staff of former players who understand what it’s like to take a certified NFL ass kicking all vouched for the very little guy.
  20. Your 2 rb’s are gashing these dudes. They are the reason you’re not down 28 points. it’s almost like it’s a damn felony to win games running the ball with this regime. They are hell bent on showing the world that Bryce can do what he obviously can’t. This team absolutely can win with Bryce, and a power run scheme would be his best friend… but you know. That’s Jerry ball. Im admittedly a detractor, but Bryce doesn’t even get a chance to get a rhythm going. GOAT, Brees, Manning all turned in to mortals when you killed the rhythm. Our receivers aren’t 89. Current ownership will never allow that, but I do believe they could be serviceable. How hard would you play knowing you might get 2 targets a game? Turn Icky back in to Icky, roll these dudes, make them ice up. there shouldn’t be anything wrong with 170 yards running for 2 tds, 150 passing for 1 td and a couple fg’s, penalty free… while your defense racks up 3 sacks and we win by 10. This is ‘hey babe, I think you’re drinking too much’ ball.
  21. He sure would with last year’s line though. I just can’t get over how exponentially worse this team in 1 season.
  22. Dumb penalties of the D, but this is the most aggressive I’ve seen them play all season.
  23. Wish more people saw this. We also replaced a cannon arm with a BB gun.
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