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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. This year, sadly. My God look at that list of blue chip players. We always had at least one or two every season. Now…
  2. There’s not an OC in the league that stays awake at night thinking about Burns. He is a good player (when he wants to be), but he thinks he’s a DUDE and wants to get payed accordingly. Dudes don’t need help to make plays. Miles Garrett, TJ Watt, Mack, Peppers, etc. Those are DUDES. With the way Brown has been destroying guys, Garrett on this defense right now would have 12 sacks, minimum. Reddick? I just want to know who is advising him to play give up ball in a contract year? If he plays the whole season the way he started the Atlanta game, he would be leading the league in sacks, tfl, and forced fumbles…. And naming his price. Instead, it’s a really bad look. Either sit out, or play your ass off. It’s like he wanted to sit out, but didn’t want to be fined for doing so.
  3. I don’t know what is so difficult in all of this. Bryce can be adequate when we get a line that holds off pressure for 5 seconds and get a couple receivers who can beat the jam, immediately gain 3 yards of separation, and catch underthrown worm burners. I really feel that Tep uses analytics as cover for when his stupid decisions don’t pan out. Here’s my best analogy: He would double down on 20 because the analytics told him an ace is next…. Then blame the analytics when it inevitably fails. He completely ignores the obvious win so he can wow people with his unconventional approach… but the conventional is usually the conventional for good reason. It just works…. But it doesn’t work Dave’s way. Think I can get a custom jersey with #9 and Analytics as the name on the back?
  4. This is like looking at pictures of some shiz you wore back in the 90s and thought it was fresh.
  5. The play to move up was 100% correct, but Tepper double downed on 21, just to show everyone that analytics said it was the right play.
  6. We’ll just have to not have the same opinion on this then. Don’t take it so personal.
  7. It looked like the kind of game that Dalton wins by 17. It looked like Bryce couldn’t throw the ball to the guy on the other end of the bench. It looked like we are a more talented team than we get credit for. We ship Burns and Horn for some legit first round talent. We draft a legit qb. We keep the current coaching staff intact for next season
  8. 1000% Although Sam had his flaws, I knew that with him, we at least had a shot. It may have been fools gold, but down the stretch, he was actually playing pretty good football.
  9. Was this her finally saying ‘GD Bryce is awful and doesn’t belong in the NFL’ and realizing she was wrong?
  10. We can all talk about people that would be successful at GM here under sane leadership, but they will never come here, nor will they ever get hired. GM here is nothing but a puppet doing the will of the Teppers. He’s a complete patsy, in place to take the arrows from disgruntled fans while signing off on moves the boss wants to make. In Dave’s universe, Fitt is perfect for the job. Fitt knows that after Carolina his career is done so he’s not quitting any time soon and will ride this thing out as long as he can. Anyone coach wise who has shown any sort of alpha characteristics and gone against Tepper has been shown the door. As good a job as Evero has done, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tepper is intimidated by him as well. He didn’t even get considered for the job? Hmm, sounds like Wilks 2.0 in the making to me, as another person posted in another thread. Tabor has at least been successful, so we will see how this goes. If he has any sort of desire to be successful: 1. Leave Fitt (because the next GM is going to be even worse), Tabor, Brown and Evero in place for next season. 2. ship Ickey, Horn and #0 for 1st round picks who actually show they want to play. 3. Start the search for an actual NFL qb the locker room will believe in. 4. get some ‘naw, F dat’ type DUDES back on this team. Guys who will make a damn play.
  11. I live in GA and football is alive and well. It’s mainly high school and college. My local high schools send a bunch of talent to the NFL. Nick Chubb and Trevor Lawrence grew up 20 minutes away. Nick still comes to the high school to work out in the off-season. Nobody here follows NFl. I’m a little over an hour from Atlanta, but there are probably 20 UGA fans to every 1 Falcons fan. College football if it hasn’t already, will surpass NFL. Kids in college football don’t take plays off. The product as a whole when it comes to the NFL has decreased drastically. Fans don’t want to see opponents hugging it out at the end of the game. It’s a violent game, but the ability to play with violence is no longer allowed.
  12. Oh the haul we could get for Horn, Ickey and Burns. All 3 are clearly talented but we need a complete culture change. I don’t see a fire inside any of those guys, and it’s not changing any time soon.
  13. Greg is a winner. He has always been. Players will listen to what winners have to say. It’s been a while since a winner showed interest in coming to our franchise. This would be the best decision Tepper made to date if he can make it happen. you start winning games with Greg leading the way, panther nation would come off of life support.
  14. The more time I’ve thought about it, the more I REALLY want Greg here. He doesn’t have a negative quality. He was a DUDE. Alpha. Laser focused, intense, highly intelligent clutch GAMEBREAKER who kept other defensive coordinators up at night. You NEVER saw him take a play off. He was the most savvy offensive player the Panthers have ever had. He was the Luke of our offense. I really want to see what plays he would draw up. It Greg were to walk in to that locker room this Sunday, the whole place would go silent waiting for what he had to say. That’s what this team desperately needs
  15. Greg would walk in day 1 with the immediate respect required of players and staff. I would love to see his offensive concepts. He obviously doesn’t seem to hate the idea of coaching Bryce or he’d never put it out there. Greg isn’t the kind of guy to work an angle on something. He’s straight up and I truly believe he is interested.
  16. Tepper is the guy who reads a couple books and watches some YouTube videos on card counting, struts his cocky ass in to Caesar’s, starts hemorrhaging money all while the sharps and whales are laughing uncontrollably. God I hope he’s done thinking that he’s smarter than people who have dedicated their life to football and that there is no cheat code in this. Where was the statistical analysis of the number of tiny QBs that work out?
  17. Our next draft needs to focus on guys who don’t stop until 5 seconds after the whistle. I want guys who take everything personally. Guys who haven’t forgotten something that happened 3 seasons ago. We need a coach who’s not afraid to tell any player what needs to be said. Dave needs to be on board. This is what wins in the nfl. The players will take Bryce’s leadership more seriously when they believe in him to deliver us a victory when the game is on the line. He needs to be clutch. It’s still a big man’s game, and unfortunately for Bryce, he looks like the guy who these dudes used to stuff in trash cans and toilets. He’s got a big hill to climb. I hope he can, but I’m not really sure he’ll be able to do it. I’ll get barbecued for this but Burns has to go. The defense would be 1000% different if he were trying. They are following his example, and it sucks. If he disappears now, he will be way done the moment he gets paid. Guys who hate losing don’t play like that. We need winners. He is not the example you want to build your team around, and you damn sure don’t show the team that play like his goes rewarded. If we want to get really cheeky, toy around with putting him and Icky on the trade block to get some first round talent back. Let them be someone else’s project.
  18. 1,000,000% he wasn’t my guy. He is my guy now out of default. I’m still really salty, though. I know he doesn’t have the physical tools. Im trying my best to be optimistic.
  19. They don’t respect Frank. He came along at a really bad time and I don’t believe the players fault him for that, but the moment Young was the pick and Frank mailed it in, it was a wrap. No one respects a loser and Frank obviously did not care one way or the other. They lost all respect for him too. Where is there evidence of team respect for Bryce? What player goes to the paint for him when a mic is in their face? So default team leadership goes: Owner, head coach, QB, then everyone else Players to a man respected JR. they respected Fox and Jake, Rivers and Newton. Tepper, Frank and Bryce? Please. I’ll say it again, Bryce wasn’t my guy, but he was never given a shot at anything along the way. The effort, energy and losing are all symptoms of the larger problem. The winning will return when the players have someone they’re willing to play for. The effort now is to rally around Bryce and I like it. Give him a chance. A clean 200 yard 3 TD game will do him snd the team worlds of good. They seemingly have purged the anti-Bryce people, rightfully. More may still yet to go.
  20. There is no respect for anything among 99% of the players. Until a leader comes along and DEMANDS that things change, then nothing will change.
  21. So now character matters and we really do need a leader of men kind of guy? Strong? Takes no crap from anyone? Loved and respected? Their behavior is sort of like their guy, the most loved Panthers head coach we’ve ever seen, who worked a miracle wasn’t even given a shot. This isn’t me beating a dead horse. Despite what you’re not hearing, you better believe this is still very real to them. I can’t be the only one who saw this coming. This is what it looks like when you hate your boss. This is so awful and It did not have to be this way.
  22. Talk is cheap. Going to need to see his version of change.
  23. This is correct. Wilks isn’t the guy who would have been told who his qb is going to be and what offense he was going to run.
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