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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. Can we get Hurney back and find a Delhomme, Smith, Moose, Prohel, Stephen Davis, Jenkins, Peppers, Rucker, Morgan, Minter, Manning Jr. ? Why can I name more players from memory of a team from 20 years ago than my current one?
  2. Like I said in another thread, he is the ultimate iteration of the ‘coach’s son’ you played with growing up. He lost you every game, but he was never going to be benched.
  3. This comparing Bryce to one of the most prolific passers the NFL has ever seen has to just stop. This is just dumb now.
  4. If he really has all of this potential, why is he putting up the worst rookie qb season I may have ever seen? Am I to believe that the reason for his lack of success is that this team is the most devoid of talent and good coaching in over a decade? He is historically bad. Does he need that many things to go right for him in order to be successful?
  5. Prime Brees could drop a 40 yard dime on an absolutely perfect arch in his sleep. Teams had to respect his arm strength. The only chance teams had against him was pressure. He threw the most perfectly catchable passes in stride to receivers. In the dome, he was just nasty. There’s not a qb playing today that could match his ball placement. In this regard, I truly feel he surpassed Brady and Manning. He also looked like he could at least bench his body weight. Any comparison to a first ballot HOF QB like him is just insulting and laughable.
  6. We will NEVER be able to surround him with everything his style of play requires for him to even be serviceable, so at what point do we cut bait? By the time we are able to assemble the pro bowl line and receivers along with a ‘creative’ OC, he will have been out of the league for 3 years. When have we EVER had that kind of talent all at one time? We needed a day one, come in, kick a** and take names alpha DUDE. Someone who will elevate everyone, and just make it work, regardless of the circumstances. This is what we were advertised. Bryce May end up ok one day, but he will never survive long enough for that day to be with us. Cut Bait
  7. It’s like you find out something truly, truly awful in your life. Say you find out your GF has been cheating on you with a double reverse Indonesian transvestite. Denial. Shock. Anger. Then shock again and then more anger and you think you’re getting over it… but you’re not. Something triggers you and you’re right back to the beginning all over again. You keep calling your friends. You go the bar. You call your friends from the bar on day 4 of another epic bender. Your doing all of this because when you first asked the cheating weirdo out, you had another beautiful girl, who was too good to be true, and liked you…. so you over analyzed ish, and didn’t ask her out… and now she’s happily married to a guy that’s not even all that good looking and they have a beautiful, happy stinking bag of wonderfulness family. And you know, that could have been your life. All you had to do was ask. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS ASK. She liked you. But you just couldn’t believe it. And now you have gonoherpatitis, and can’t see anyone for 3 years while undergoing experimental treatment. And your life sucks. Nothing looks like it’s supposed to. Nothing works like it’s supposed to and you question if your doctor knows what the hell he’s doing… and … Your friends really wish you would stop calling them, but … all you had to do was ask. So yeah, we’re easily triggered and probably will be for quite some time.
  8. I wish more people would realize this. Continuing to play Bryce is really screwing with everyone’s’ career. They know they will look like crap with him playing, regardless of how good they are. Especially fringe guys. I can just imagine how locker room talk goes.
  9. If he were capable of an nfl pass, a second or third rounder, easily. But he is not. The QB throws the ball. It’s 99.9% of the job. It IS the job. Id say a 4th and a 5th to be someone’s practice squad project. Maaaaybe a third.
  10. Young is the ultimate coach’s kid that plays on your team. He’s either a baller and everyone loves him, or he is the reason why you haven’t won a game all season but coach can’t bench him bc of politics. People think this is still honestly about developing Bryce? What development. The 5 plays that he is capable of that aren’t guaranteed interceptions were figured out after the first half in the Atlanta game. He physically is not up for the job. Starting Andy would be akin to what it looked like when Wilks took over last season. Capable and promising. Bryce would never be able to take another snap again. Andy wins the Saints game by at least 2 scores and Sullivan is the most talked about player on Monday.
  11. Please, anybody, tell me what specific physical characteristics and attributes this man possesses that indicate a long and successful NFL career. There is nothing there. Tep again wanted to show the NFL how smart he was by going with the *selectively* analytics based approach on the unconventional candidate and he got his pants pulled down, again… and is being laughed at, again. I bet if his lack of physical ability were allowed in to his wizardry calculation, then it would have been obvious. I’m still so incredulous as to how this all went down. The pick was so obvious and we gave up so much. Analysis paralysis at its finest. When in doubt, doing nothing or going safe are almost always the best 2 options. This was ‘I’ll show em’’ ego trip at it’s finest.
  12. For the trade up we did, it should have been someone ready to come in, kick a** and take names. Instead we have a borderline practice squad player who will never be able to throw to the sideline or middle of the field from under center comfortably.
  13. If I do not get a specific answer as to what PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES Bryce demonstrates that suggest a successful NFL career, I’ll chock all of this up to trolling. The ability to process is great and all but I need to know what unique physical quality he possesses that will deliver the ball from his hand, to one of our teammates successfully. Currently I’m seeing a short, slow, extremely small kid with a noodle arm and crap mechanics along with awful pocket awareness. mechanics can be helped, but it will not add the 15-20 mph needed to deliver the ball to our guy. He is unable to see over his lineman unless he is in pistol. Physics dictates that his throw will have to have a higher arch (or jump pass) to not get batted down at the los when throwing to the middle of the field. These passes will get eaten alive. It’s simple projectile motion. Math is not an opinion. Our team knows it and the other team really knows it. Passes to the middle of the field will require him to roll out. This makes the throw even longer than it was before, which further exposes his velocity problem. Mechanics can help, but not to the point of being comfortable with longer throws. So essentially, the middle of the field is off limits unless it’s a completely busted coverage. Is good attitude and leadership qualities going to stop ducks from going the other way for 6? He does not, and will never possess the physical attributes to be a starting qb in this league.
  14. I hope I am wrong, but I’ve got a habit of being right more often times than not. SPECIFICALLY, What physical attribute(s) does he possess that will put him in the conversation for being a top 10 qb in the NFL? What will he do, to advance the ball down the field better than the rest of the QBs that we play against? It must be a secret because I’m yet to hear a single person tell me just what the it is. we were advertised a pro ready game changer super processor QB and in the process gave up an all pro RB, pro bowler wr and what is looking like the #1 pick this year…. For a project. That refused to throw at his pro day?!?! You give that up that capitol to trade for prime Brady or Manning. Our owner dismantled a team, united as one, playing their hearts out for the most loved head coach in Carolina history. That team had each others’ backs. They were beating peoples’ heads in and setting team rushing records. Our o line were pancaking guys. Oh, and they were winning football games. Me being ridiculous… no. Nonplussed, definitely. The hype has yet to be delivered upon.
  15. Serious question: does anyone trust Young hitting TEs in the middle of the field in tight zone coverage? Middle of the field is where TEs thrive. A stud TE is a QBs best friend, but he can’t see over his lineman and he doesn’t have the arm to get it there safely. So WR I guess. Big, tall, fast that can catch… that will hopefully be there at 33.
  16. Carter + Dalton + Horn and Wilks: 8 wins, a lot of them being defensive domination and leading the league in rushing… if Tepper allows us to run the ball like we did last season, this would be a really difficult offense to defend. Our line would be a top 10 unit. Icky would be back to pancaking fools again. Dalton would be our ‘good enough’ qb. He would make plays when they needed to be made. Our scoring average would be about 24 points a game. It would be a COMPLETELY different team. It would honestly be a team missing just a few pieces. Instead we have a coach killer HS kid who can’t win even when his team rushes for > 200 yards, a defense that is playing lights out, and go routes open all day. He’s smaller than most kickers for God’s sake. I’m rewatching this trash right now. First drive of the game. Mingo running down the sideline open. Nope. Next play, same play. Sullivan (baller in the making) has his guy beat. Nope. It wouldn’t have even taken an elite throw to connect on either one. If Dalton starts the season, Frank still has a job. If Stroud is our guy, Frank still has a job. Bryce is about to get the whole damn coaching staff fired (not that they’re any good, anyway). He’s got team mates playing for their second contract, and they look like complete bums because of him. Thanks for the pay hit, Bryce. That’s their bank account. the sideline looks like they’re at… a…funeral. Theirs. I’m all about ‘building a team around Bryce.’ All that essentially means is filling out the line with all pros and scooping up a couple 6’1” 4.3 receivers that have a 10 foot catch radius.
  17. The collective team except for Dave and Nicole are thinking… can we just get this kid the he** off of our team so we can get back to playing football again.
  18. Bryce may have the weakest arm I’ve ever seen in a modern day NFL qb. It is his biggest flaw and the reason why the playbook is so limited. Nobody trusts him to throw in to the middle of the field. His sideline passes take forever to get there and feel like a pick 6 in the making. Somebody, anybody, tell me what sort of ‘creative’ solution exists for someone with these deficiencies. Hitting a TE in the middle of the field for 17 yards on critical 3rd down will never happen with him. Go routes float. He has no zip at all. Im trying to figure out what sort of ‘creativity’ and ‘talent’, specifically, will make this work. What throw of his would you be 100% confident in? Everyone is saying talent. Talent. I want to know what throw this dude can make, that isn’t a complete pucker factor. I don’t know one. They all feel like a pick waiting to happen because NFL corners eat him alive.
  19. *long post* We traded the 2 best players and this year’s first for this. You could literally take any practice squad qb from any team in the and get the same results as we are seeing now. I swear to God the hit job on the Panthers 100% has to be purposeful. Decline 2 firsts for Burns, see ya later to the only coach that had us winning since God knows when, ship off 2 pro bowlers and this year’s first. All of this over the period of a little more than a year? The formula is so stinking simple. Crash the line with 8 or run an stunt and take away the first shallow read because that’s where he’s looking to go 75% of the time. So now that’s gone. 2nd and 3rd reads are further than he feels comfortable since NFL safeties, CBs and LBs close a lot faster than college. You can forget about ever trying to hit a TE with a 30 yard dart who found the soft spot in the zone. He’s just not capable. So the pressure is now on him because pistol lines him up as a sitting duck from the left side. He usually will escape to the left, praying for a busted coverage or a dump off to Chuba 7 yards behind the LOS where he is gang tackled by 3 defenders. TEs make a living as warriors of the middle of the field. Bryce throwing in to the middle of the field is a recipe for disaster. So take that away. I’m not sure how a stud TE would really help him. He has always found his success off improv… in other words, finding busted coverage. His arm shortcomings eliminate so much from an NFL playbook. Trying to win by following the script will never happen with him. It would take a generational freak like Megatron for him to have reliable production that way. Our receivers outside of Thielen aren’t great, but they’re not terrible either. Chark and Mingo know that almost every ball that comes their way will either be way high or behind them. Rarely they’ll actually get a good one thrown their way, but the play almost never feels like there’s any rhythm or timing. Nothing ever feels on time (WRs have their fair share of blame in this as well). They’re certainly unmotivated and it shows. They feel like they don’t deserve this, and I agree, they don’t. In better circumstances, both are probably 600-800 yard 5-8 td type of dudes. So we gave away our team for a guy that needs an all pro center and LT and receivers who can immediately beat the jam off the line so they can run their shallow route, that takes them no deeper than 15 yards off the LOS, or juke defenders out of their shoes on a comeback after Bryce is running for his life on another busted play. Again, I love the guy and hold no ill will on him, I just want him on someone else’s practice squad. He can not make the throws an NFl qb has to make to win games on script. He relies on busted coverage or high level WR play. Trying to play on script with a full NFl playbook will set a league record for pick 6s. It’s not his game and never has been. Throwing vertically down the middle of the field gives me chest pain. I sure wish Dave and Nicole would have thought about this before they fell in love. Football is a big man’s game. Not a game of Stump the Schwab.
  20. Chark was beating the brakes off of whomever tried to stay with him on go routes all day long. Any NFL quality backup qb and Chark goes for 150 and 2 tds today. The playbook is garbage bc that is what Bryce has shown he is capable of.
  21. They practice what Bryce’s arm is capable of… so unfortunately not much.
  22. My concern is that we are seeing the plays that we see because they are the only ones that Bryce can actually execute to any sort of proficiency. It’s really worrisome. Almost every successful completion seems to be within 10 yards of the LOS. You tell me how many NFL wr’s can consistently get open playing like this, when the defense knows it every time. He’s got to be an OC’s worst nightmare. Short and small with a well below average arm, but he’s supposed to be really smart.
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