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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. No huddle and the running game thus far are at least getting first downs. going to need the running game to really come through.
  2. Nobody has to. some will, most probably won’t. No big.
  3. When Tepper saw The Wilks edition beating the piss out of people I can GUARANTEE you, he didn’t see Dave’s team. He saw Jerry’s team. That was Jerry football. He needed everyone to know there’s a new sheriff in town so it wasn’t going to be allowed to stand. I see poor Reich being in a similar situation to young. He seems like a real good dude. You know huggable. Probably from a stable 2 parent household. The guy you go to for advice when your first girlfriend just dumped you. They both came in with the best of intentions, promised to be something they clearly were not, and possessed none of the vital traits needed to be successful. So now It’s now a 100% Tepper induced salvage operation soap opera poo show complete with scapegoats (now there’s some alliteration for dat ass), ‘if only he hads’, (comma after an apostrophe, I’m sorry Mrs Stone and Ms. Lowe), and gnashing of teeth between detractors and fan boys like him or not, the team clearly respected Sam. They played for Sam. They had his back. He had every physical tool you could have wanted and by all accounts, came across as humble, teachable. im sorry y’all, but I see nothing but ‘who the hell is this f’in guy’ energy with Bryce among his teammates. You used to have nothing but ‘just you wait and see’ from the coaching staff. Where’d that go? It’s like taking driving advice from 16 y/o who was given a brand new Lambo (because he’s a generational driver), but he’s yet to find a mailbox that didn’t have an ass whopping coming it’s way. Wilks was our Denzel Washington. Triple OG. He be like ‘f-this’ ‘Shaq go handle that poo.’ And Shaq made sure the poo was handled. ANYTHING to WIN as long as the dirty-ometer needle didn’t go higher than an 8. First. Black. Coach. Of. The. Carolina. Panthers. He came in and dug a sumbish out of the grave that died the moment the ink dried on the new owner’s contract. He coded the pile of goo with a car battery and red bull until it came back to life. With thundering profanity, fear, and respect, it then won football games. The players saw renewed respect and $$$ in their future (you look better on film, you make more money). He’s then told thank you for your service to the organization. Dude should have been coach of the year. But Tepper wouldn’t have been allowed to fire him, and Carolina wouldn’t be the league doormat any longer. That southern redneck team isn’t allowed to beat the league darlings and destroy the point spread in the process. its a PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIP business before ANYTHING else, Dave. Like the direction the team was going or not, believe Wilks was it or not, You stabbed all the players in the back and took money out of their bank the moment you never even gave him a chance. What would a 2 year prove it deal have hurt? Worse yet, you affirmed their suspicions of your numerous character deficiencies. You’ve told them you truly don’t care about them (astroturf?) or the fans. Wilks was a coach, but to a lot of these dudes, it meant a lot more than that. It’s not a plug in this guy and that, cook it at 400 degrees for 20 minutes and win recipe but that’s how you’ve treated it. Tepper is dead to the current players. You pay Burns, that dude will check out faster than a family man at an hourly rate interstate motel. The only path to winning anything is for him to restore some sort of faith from the players. Marriage counseling. Show that you maybe, just a little bit care about what’s important to them. Have a sit down with the locker room leaders, apologize, show how you’re going to make it right, your plan, and act on it. Grass field. Become the player safety advocate of the league. Make things right in Rock Hill. Visit the neighborhoods they grew up in and show that you actually give a poo about them. Hell go there and put of after school tutoring, basketball courts, athletic fields, etc. Sponsor scholarships… but don’t make them look like publicity stunts. There is a way if he’s willing to humble himself. Until that happens, all we’ll get is drafted guys and marginal free agents who came here for the $ and low state income tax. We have an ownership character problem. Everything else is nothing more than a symptom. Super Bowl winning teams are worth a lot more $ than doormats, Dave. Just think about it.
  4. O line coach sacrificed, but it won’t be for a couple weeks. this is a prime game for Vegas to make a killing. Going to be the Chuba and Mandango show. Panthers by 3.
  5. This is going to be a long ass post. it’s pretty much the reason I made an account and stopped lurking for 20 - I think - years. I don’t know squat about the Xs and Os, but I’m in the people business and know people. Wilks completely screwed up their plan. He won. Let’s completely remove the ‘was he the coach of the future argument, and just look at it from a locker room perspective: He came in and in a period of a couple weeks turned a group of abject lifeless losers… in to winners… who played for each other… setting team rushing records… and COMPLETELY burned the narrative to the ground that the team was devoid of Tallent. He had a cast off RB no one had ever heard of, who was 1 season away from quitting and becoming a truck driver, playing out of his mind, and like a guy we SHOULD have resigned… for what ended up being a bag of chips and cream soda. I mean my God, the coaching had SAM-EFFING-DARNOLD actually looking like a good QB. Oh, and he 1000% restored the pre-Tepper, ‘you better not f with us,’ never quit, team culture that we lived for decades. Decades. The stadium started rocking again. PANTHER FANS WERE COMING BACK. We were an MIA JC Horn and a ‘we shouldn’t have punted’ decision away from the F’in playoffs. In hindsight though, the punt wouldn’t have mattered. Who on our team had a snowballs chance in hell besides JC against a motivated Evans and the GOAT. so to recap from a player’s perspective: You fired, and never even had any intention to giving a prove it type deal to who was UNARGUABLY their guy, in every sense. An alpha black man (BIG problem). Yes, race matters. A lot. Long time member of the pre-Tepper panthers (problem there too). Having both offense and defense playing smash mouth football and showing that it worked (yeah, that’s a no go). Home town guy. Loyal to players, and may have been loved by the players ever more than Rivera? Possibly. But he was one of them, and they played like it. The whole team gelled even faster than the 2003 team did. The momentum was real. The team had no quit in it. But it wasn’t winning the way he wanted to win. Mr unlimited $$ just assumed the current (black) coach would be unable to surround himself with fresh offense minds. He never even gave their guy a shot, but in the process and essentially promised a playoff caliber team. You make that promise, you BETTER deliver. These dudes are playing for contract #2. If you start losing, you’re really messing with their $$. Contract #2 will be what most of these guys will live off of for the rest of their life. They NEED this. And now you’re the laughing stock of the league, no first round pick and you’re team leader is the most huggable beta personality (but he’s from a good 2 parent household) QB I’ve ever seen since I started paying attention in 2002. The whole team plays like they shared each others Seroquel (I write tons of that poo, I know what it looks like) before kickoff. F man, prime Randy Moss would be lucky to catch 10 TDs on this team. Every player besides Luvu and a handful looks like they hate it out there. You fired OUR dude, blew up what was working and told us it wouldn’t keep working, sent Darnold (who was playing well) and Foreman packing. You moved up in the draft, sent our only real WR out the door along with this year’s pick to take a guy Teddy Ruxbin could sack. Give worthless ass Sanders the $ that Foreman should have gotten. And so much more poo that I’m too pissed to remember right now. all to try and win a big man’s game with a flag football philosophy. You really think anyone in that locker room truly takes orders from the anti-Stroud. Beta personalities don’t win squat in the NFL. Tepper allows no alphas. Compare any pre-Tepper team to our current flag football squad. I bet they scrimmage with the IBM and Redhat teams regularly. Tepper fired a winning, black, most loved head coach the team has ever seen for a retread loser white dude who has a team of deservedly so zombies at 1-8, who no one wants to come play for or work at. Even if we lost, we were beating the piss out of the other team. I bet Parsons already has a tee time for Monday morning. The problem is talent, yes, but it goes WAY deeper than that. The players are insulted (you know, the ones raised in single parent households), hopeless, pissed, probably think the owner is a racist, and know that they’re going to take a $$ hit in their next contract because this self created loser ass team has fugged them. All he had to do was give Wilks a 2 year prove it deal and let him try to evolve, and if not let him go. But he never had any intention of doing so, and they all knew it. thanks tepper. You’ll probably get your wish to move the team in the next 5 years, just like you wanted. Bought this last night as a last ditch effort to sparking some good juju. Hope it works.
  6. Only allowable competition that would ever be allowed for Brice would have to be more huggable than him, and definitely from a good 2 parent household.
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