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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. I always want to win. Tell all the young kids in attendance who this is their first panthers game it’s a meaningless win.
  2. Several have said it all season on here. I signed up here exclusively to put in to words exactly how I know Tepper’s brain works and what his thoughts were and how his behind the scene interactions were. I know people. I didn’t need to wait and see what insiders were going to come out and say. You can see it in their eyes. Find me anyone there that looks like they’re enjoying any of this. Tepper is THE root. He may be getting closer to the ‘I suck at this’ moment. God help us all until this happens.
  3. His intelligence of the game is second only to Luke in the history of our franchise. I would LOVE to see his offensive brain in action. I would hate to see the legacy of NFL career blemished.
  4. A first round franchise QB’s job is to make 3rd and 4th rounders look like first and second rounders. If it takes first and second rounders to make your first round QB look capable, then that’s a pretty bad and unsustainable problem.
  5. LOL at Caldwell being ‘special advisor to the offense.’ Is this like some sort of compliance officer so Brown doesn’t pull something and start winning like Wilks did.
  6. Hiring Frank fit the bill on a couple big points. 1. Dave had a big problem with how he treated Wilks at the end. You know, that first black head coach guy who turned losers in to winners and restored panther pride, and players loved… He had to hire a known commodity to the team so the hype machine could then crank up the narrative of Frank coming home, as well as several other coaches with ties. ‘Bringing the band back together’ if you will. 2. He knew Frank would let him continue with his bs.
  7. He’s not even close, and never will realize it. In the mind of a narcissist, everything that’s going wrong is never their own doing. He’s angry and frustrated, because he has no idea why things are not going right. He also doesn’t have enough money to buy what he wants, and he’s really not used to that. Dave Tepper, can’t buy something…
  8. It’s not just Frank that didn’t want Bryce. I don’t think anyone on the entire team wanted him over Stroud, either… the players all know who picked Bryce. It was the same dude who sent their coach packing. I made a post yesterday in another thread yesterday that Frank has the FML look on his face. He was promised he could make his own team, but was lied to. It has to destroy him inside to have to toe the line that it was a consensus pick, when all he can see is what it could of been. Again, if I haven’t said it enough, a FOOTBALL guy who has taken a certified NFL ass kicking would never pick Bryce #1. He doesn’t even look like he works.
  9. The benching of Bryce will never be allowed. but it’s ok. Once we fill the offense with first and second round talent, then they’ll show you what Bryce can really do.
  10. 1000% Here’s my wacko conspiracy theorist take: 1. We know the NFL desperately wants to ‘expand’ to other markets, but it would leave one conference and division with an extra team if they just add one. Right now at 32 teams, it’s perfect. Any more screws the numbers up. No owner pre-Tepper wanted to move his team… but the league IS going to get it’s way. 2. we know the old boy network of NFL owners dubbed Tepper as the next owner. 3. The Panthers won’t be in Charlotte in 5 years. 4. Tepper, being well know among owners would be purposely on board 100% behind the ruining the franchise and dgaf, therefore making the move easy. None of the other candidates would be ok with tanking. Sounds like some hedge fund stuff… hmmmm… 5. OR, the owners knew the team would be such a disaster with him as the owner and the demise would come together organically. either way is a win for him. He now owns a stinking stadium venue that stays even after the team leaves.
  11. Tepper has been desperate for his statement guy. Salivating. His guy. His team fingerprint. His way of finally showing the league (and fans) it’s not Jerry’s team any longer. Jerry had SS89, Kuechly and Cam. Blue chip names that get media press daily. Bryce, for only God knows what reason, was his chosen guy, and he now looks like an even bigger fool than he did before. God only knows what he saw in him.
  12. You make the trade we did for Bo Jackson or Peyton manning. My God not Bryce young.
  13. Here’s how I think it goes down with Tepper. Bryce will not be afforded another fake injury (God what an embarrassing look). Motivated Andy will kill it again, energizing the offense, showing emotion and enjoying every second of it. Both offense and defensive energy will immediately improve. And Tepper knows it. This look will not be allowed. It makes Tepper look like the fool he is. Tepper hopefully will allow us to go QB in the next draft. Hopefully. Much like Rhule, I think Bryce will have to go way past his expiration date to give the look of ‘I gave him a chance but he couldn’t put it together.’ A save face move. I’ll never be convinced that Tepper isn’t at the helm. When EVER has a team gone in to the off-season with momentum, ‘upgrading’ staff and key positions, getting the #-freaking-1 pick……. and be 1 and NINE!!! And you’re telling me that a veteran NFL staff is behind all of this? Please. The 5 year plan means to have an entire team of early 1st rounders that we win based off of sheer talent alone.
  14. I rewatched it earlier this week and my God what a difference. The defense had to respect Andy’s arm and it opened everything up. That stadium was rocking. The receivers were getting open and Andy was throwing rockets. He took a beating, but looked like he loved every second of it. I want so badly for Bryce to be our dude, but we’ll never be able to surround him with enough 1st and 2nd round talent for him to succeed.
  15. I just can’t see how a former player and long time NFL coach took one look at Bryce and said, yup, that’s our guy 100%. No reservations. Don’t need to see him throw. He tested well. Besides his supposed brain, Stroud was literally better in every measurable category. I know none of us will truly know since we weren’t there in the meetings, but damn.
  16. I think Frank is a genuinely good guy who came here with a dream of starting from scratch with his guys and his QB. Stroud. He wasn’t allowed to have his guy. It was an arranged marriage and he got cheated. He has no idea how to scheme for Bryce. He knows under this current scheme he can’t win with Bryce, and he’s not even close to having the players needed to make it work. All of the offense talent that’s been acquired in the offseason was Taylor made for CJ. And then the complete opposite guy was chosen. Every week, probably daily for that matter. Tepper comes across as the text you at 11:15 pm with his new idea kind of guy. He saw this as his final destination, coming back to Carolina, a chance to really build something. It’s been anything but that. He’s not good, but he’s really been screwed over in the process and looks completely defeated.
  17. He looks like he would be a morning drinker, probably bud ice light, who sells timeshares at Daytona beach. The uncle nobody likes and hope he doesn’t show up to Thanksgiving dinner
  18. My God we are in dark days. Jake was a winner. Cam was a winner. We could give ANYBODY a game at any time. Fox and Rivera as frustrating as they could be at times, were men you could respect. There has never been to my knowledge an instance where former employees and players spoke poorly of them. We could field some bad teams, but this is a straight clown show. We had a brand. A culture. A legacy and a reputation. BOA was NEVER an easy out, even in our down years. please Dave, step back and let the football guys do football guy things.
  19. This is correct, and I was not a lover of Cam’s game, but I can appreciate the man and what he brought to the game and organization.
  20. My thought as well. It’s strange to me though. Virtually every organizational decision to that and this point you could tell had Tepper’s fingerprints on it, but this was so very different and not a Tepper type move at all. It’s almost humorous that Cam and Wilks have been the last 2 true unquestionable alpha BAMF’ers allowed near the team.
  21. 1000% and sadly, I bet he can’t stand any of it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man enthusiastic for any of that stuff. Moreover, it had a ‘my bad’ maybe I was wrong about that guy undertone. Is this the only time this has happened with Tepper?
  22. It’s something I’ve thought about recently. Cam was Jerry’s legacy but Tepper’s goal is to build a team with his stamp on it. Cam clearly didn’t fit this mold. Was it to rebuild a relationship with the fans? I don’t get the impression that he really cares about the fans. I think he just doesn’t have ANY feel for pro football, thus his trust in analytics. I think he bowed to the pressure of the media and fans. It certainly wasn’t a Rhule move. Joe Brady maybe? I think it was a total flail move. “I’m BAAAACK” gathered kindling for the resurgence seen under Wilks, but I don’t want this to be a Wilks thread.
  23. That was a statement game for us that season.
  24. Sorry y’all, I go long sometimes and did it again. I’m all for Bryce succeeding, I actually really love the guy. I understand that better line = better footwork = better mechanics and better throws… but bro has a velocity problem. Almost all of his picks have come from the fact that he can’t see the field, and the ball takes forever to get to his guy. It’s why he needs dudes to be running wide ass open (like they did at Bama) or an NFL db is taking it the other way for 6. I’m not seeing him being able to safely hit NFL open guys beyond 20-30 yards. I hope I’m proven wrong, but a 30 yard softball in the NFL is going for 6 the other way more often than not. I love the guy but I hate his game. I do, I’m sorry. It can work on a talent loaded team where 4.3 40 wide ass open guys who run good routes take a 15 yard pass and tack on 20 yac, but how many players are there like that in the NFL on teams with elite O lines? Those guys usually go in the first round… uh oh. does anyone trust him to hit a TE in the middle of the field for 17 yards on third and long? This was Tepper’s point guard philosophy? WTF man? Notice the point guard messaging didn’t happen until shortly before the draft? Stroud, you deserved better than this franchise anyway. If I’m a Bryce hater, then at least get the label right and call me a Bryce game hater. BGH? Right now, you’re on the phone with your bookie about to bet your life savings on if Bryce will win a SB with a stacked team in the next 5 years… all with your wife and kids looking at you. There’s not a single one of you that would honestly answer yes. He needs WR and line help, absolutely, but if it’s an ‘all we have to do is get a stud o line and wr’s who can get Bama open’ issue, then we in BIG trouble. That’s at minimum a 2-3 year turnaround, while completely neglecting needs of defense, praying he’s not demolished or hasn’t quit by then. I’d rather win 24 - 10 over 35 - 28 all day long. Unfortunately Tepper doesn’t seem to want it that way. Tepper and Nicole will have to break up with Bryce, and go with the stud joc guy her momma told her to always stay away from. We need a straight up DUDE. Find a way to get a first, or a second and third for Burns, and draft a qb in 2024. Have a true QB competition to see if Bryce really wants to be here after this season. Hiring Frank + not taking the Rams deal + giving away our only wr and next year’s first to take the smallest most limited. I bet the Vegas books had to ask NASA for help on the betting lines. BGH
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