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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. Why does Burns get the ‘he doesn’t want to be here’ pass that excuses his abysmal play, but if he were a no name jag, people on this board would be calling for his head.
  2. I never said we were good. Very far from it, but we do have winners. No one has yet to dispute anyone on my list. We do have lots of good players, but that in itself does not win games. Sniffrey listed 10 players. All good talent. I don’t agree with his placement, but 10 obviously talented players that would start on other teams. We have talent on this team, but holes at key places and depth issues.
  3. Here’s another good vibe thread. No knockers allowed. Yes, too long to read blah blah. You’re spending Thursday afternoon on a message board. Do you seriously have anything better to do with your time? Yes, this Panthers team has talent. We can field an NFL caliber roster… and win, or at least showing we’re not that far from it. I’m not drunk on the hopeium, just buzzed. Yes, the top teams still exploit us, not denying that, but we do have guys that would upgrade other teams’ rosters… DUDES… something I didn’t think I would say when the season started. We have holes that you can fly a 747 through, but we do have quite a few good pieces. Rank: #1. And it’s not even arguable: His name rhymes with Frankie Luvu. A who is that turned in to a legit All Pro, and it’s a crime if he isn’t. Intelligent. Driven. Complete animal in every aspect of the game. Best who is that signing since Norwell. 2. Thielen: Yup. Another first down. Just throw it. I’ll catch it. Oh, there’s another first down. Pro bowl talent. 3. Brown. Pocket destroyer, run killer. Soon to be sack master and what Jenkins should have been. He’s just waiting for actual pass rushers to show up. All pro talent. 4. Horn: The man that is impossible to give up on. Legit HOF talent if he could only stay healthy. All pro talent. 5. Bryce: The last 2 games when we were down, he stepped up and made big plays at big times. Very well done young man. Impossible to say his ceiling at this point. 6. Hubbard: 2nd 10 is now 3rd and 2. You’re welcome. He has done this every game, all season. Fringe pro bowl potential, but probably not. 7. Chark: First game where I’ve seen one of our receivers be completely uncoverable since…? His ceiling is? A lot to still be seen, but that game was insane for him. DJ had some huge games for us, but I don’t remember a game where he showed me what I saw on Sunday (flame away). Every play he made was in good coverage but it didn’t seem to matter. When was the last ‘you can not cover my guy’ game that we’ve seen from an WR, and it was actually our guy. Good hands day Ginn? Pro bowl talent. Maybe more. Our depth is awful. We have some glaring talent and coaching holes (does the D line even have a coach?)… But we have gamers. Play makers. Please retain our core and don’t burn it down.
  4. My view is that the team needs stability over anything else right now. Even if we miss out on the hot hires this cycle, there are new hot hires every season. If we finish out the season on an upswing but blow it all up again, we will be repeating the same mistake we made last season. If we would have signed Wilkes for a 1 or 2 year contract, signed Brown, Evero, and whomever else is responsible for our reincarnation, this year would have gone much better overall. Bryce wouldn’t have had his brains beat in all year and he could be much further along. I believe Wilkes would have objected to Young over Stroud, but he would have at least tried, unlike Frank. He definitely wouldn’t have tolerated the crap Burns has pulled. If Wilkes ends up being the one, then great. If it looks like we need to go another direction, at least we show potential candidates we’re not a complete clown show and land ourself an actual good coach for a change. Give the players, coaches and fans some stability.
  5. 5 new head coaches in 3 years is not a recipe of success.
  6. So the fifth head coach in 3 years is something to get excited about? Complete clown show.
  7. As awful as it sounds, our goal for next season needs to just be mediocre. Seriously. Just learn to win. Be stable. Get some good players via the draft. Reward the talent on our team that play like they actually enjoy the game. Get solid position coaching. Bring fans back to the stadium. If we continue an upward trend for this season, keep it intact for next season and see what we have. Nothing to lose. Don’t make the same mistake we did last season.
  8. Bryce consistently made NFL caliber throws in to tight windows with confidence, with timing. It’s so completely different and unrecognizable from what we’ve seen up to this point. It was like trying to compare a kiwi fruit to a king cobra. I think the entire offense finally has a philosophy and identity that suits their talent. We finally saw Bryce throw on schedule with confidence. The receivers are talented. Chark and Thielen aren’t bums. This Sullivan cat… where did this guy come from? Practice squad call up? He’s got gamer vibes all day. When he’s open, He gets WIDE open. Mingo hasn’t shown me anything promising, Chuba now catching everything that comes his way. The receivers are talented. They are good players. Today was just different, and it built on some things we saw last week. Yesterday was a step in the right direction, regardless of who they played. I hope it continues.
  9. I’m rewatching the game right now and loving what I’m seeing. Things I confidently stated that he was not capable of… absolutely could not do… got smoked. Thank you Bryce. I have wanted so badly wanted to be wrong about what you can do. I am. What you are, is still yet to be seen. Homie’s footwork. Stepping in to throws and rotating his hips and shoulders. Timing. HE THREW DARTS, with CONFIDENCE in to the MIDDLE OF THE FIELD. I saw an NFL arm. Whomever has coached this in to him deserves a king’s ransom. He gets the piss knocked out of him and pops up like he’s agent89… but we’ve known that. Bryce, thank you for proving me that I don’t know sh+* from shinola, and I’m going to shut my pie hole from now on knocking what you CAN DO. Now go prove me wrong on what you ARE.
  10. Burns did his best Brian Burns impersonation yesterday. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear it was the same guy.
  11. The stench of Reich wafted over the entire franchise. He never cared and didn’t try. The other coaches got no direction. There was no team. It never felt like a team. Today was different. It felt like some sort of cohesion occurred. leave it alone. Let the players get used to something. Give prove it short deals to the coaches. If they continue to play hard to finish the season… what is there to lose? If anything, play hard, win some games, show some stability and give a high end coaching prospect a reason to want to come here next year. Don’t let the players feel like they got screwed out of another coach they like.
  12. He played winner football yesterday. There was finally rhythm and timing with much less off schedule stuff. Throws came out right when you would expect them to. Chark was a stud. Thielen made the sickest one handed grab I’ve ever seen from someone in a Panthers uniform. Sorry Christian.
  13. I’ve yet to see a single post where people hated Bryce the man. People have hated his game, but what is there that’s hatable about him? I’ve wanted him to prove me wrong. I’ve asked for it. Today was a good step. Keep it up young man.
  14. Game manager is whatever anyone wants it to mean. To me, it has become a nice way to say they’re a tier B QB. They have some sort of intelligence and physical attributes where they can be pretty good or maybe even play great for a few seasons, until they regress back to winning 40-60% of their games. they win, but they’re not necessarily gamers. They need top level talent, especially a DUDE, to be successful. Be it either RB, WR, or TE. They’re 1 and done in the playoffs. They have ‘winability’ until the national audience tunes in. C league are career backups, usually because of the mental side, but sometimes physical. They have some tools , but always a glaring weakness which is their demise in critical moments. They’ll beat a few bad teams on your schedule and crash message board servers. A players are always a threat regardless of who is around them. They make all pro even if their team sucks. They make borderline practice squad players look like 2nd rounders and get them PAID on contract #2. Nobody takes a play off due to this reason.
  15. ‘Accountable’ is such a horrible buzz word that’s throw around that sounds powerful, but no one can really discern just what the hell it truly means, or what the implied action is. it’s almost as bad as ‘we need to have a conversation.’
  16. No worries man. I enjoyed the talk. Go Panthers.
  17. Pretty vague, but that’s no big deal. you pay game changer money to game changers. I know we haven’t had many big games to play for since burns was drafted, but name me even 2 ‘biggish’ , heck any games that Burns alone is the reason why we won that game, or even where he stepped up to make the dagger in the chest, it’s a wrap play to end the game. Clutch. Show me 1 game where he has put the whole team on his back and elevated those around him. The big $ guys keep opposing coaches awake at night. He wants to be a big $ guy, but he’s not. He’s potential, but not impactful. Studs don’t need help. He’s been barely a JAG all season long. The only 2 logical reasons for his tanked performance is either indifference towards winning, or he has a serious injury that the coaches are keeping under wraps. Would you pay big $ to either of these 2 scenarios? Listen, I really like Burns the guy, I hate nobody. I love everyone. I’m supposed to, but Burns is either injured or checked out this season. Where is the production? The fact that his production has sucked with Brown just embarrassing fools and YGM emerging, in a scheme that the team has tried to build around him… My God man. Brown collapses the pocket on virtually every play. This should be easy pickings for Burns. Where is he? He’s had a golden opportunity to show what he can do this season, but has not. Greg Hardy would have 16 sacks by now. Bosa and Garrett would have QBs in surgery later that evening. Will he all of a sudden morph in to the guy we’ve been waiting to see when he has $70 million deposited in to his bank account?
  18. I’ll get flamed I’m sure but checking out on your team who needs you badly shows that your bank account matters more than annything else. I don’t want quitters on my team, and I’m sure his team mates don’t think too highly of it either. Burns has put money over his team. This shows me that he doesn’t seem to care if his team loses on not. It’s the loser mentality that we don’t need. we have a laundry list of people who played for this team that were 10x the player Burns could ever be, that played every snap like their life depended on it. Contract issues or not. They were winners. We need winners. The best predictor of future events is past events.
  19. If you sign Burns after the crap he has pulled this season, the message to the other players ain’t good. could you imagine if you’re Luvu going out and busting butt every game, and he’ll be lucky to get half of what burns is set to get. We don’t need that on our team. Wilks, Fox and Rivera would have had him riding the pine. it’s probably politics why Evero isn’t doing the same. Burns is obviously another one that had a good dinner with the Teppers.
  20. Burns doing his best practice squad guy impression is a cancer on the rest of the players on D that are playing like they give a damn.
  21. I gauge a coach on how they do in the biggest games. 2003 team trounced Dallas at home then went in to St Louis and beat the greatest show on turf in double OT, then in to Philly and ran all over them, then went in to the SB, came back after half to a team nobody comes back against and almost wins the game… with Jake Delhomme at QB. To be fair that team was more loaded with talent and depth than people give credit for, and Peppers and Smith are locks for the HOF. Smith being the most clutch player the franchise has ever had. Fox wins SB 50 by 2 scores at least with the 2015 team. I’m not sure Ron would know what to do with Jake on the 2003 team. Probably throttle it back and lean on Davis to win games. Ron loses in St Louis and Philly. He would never have been able to mount a comeback against that Pats team in the SB. Not that team. It’s probably not even close. All things equal, the 2015 team beats the brakes off the 2003 team if they play each other, so Ron had the better team, against a MUCH weaker opponent in his SB appearance, and couldn’t even make a game of it. All is obviously JMHO.
  22. It’s a symptom of the problem. The largest problem and the absolute root of why the Panthers are where they are… the not allowed alpha male. Tepper allows only one alpha, him. Ironically but also very telling, although he asserts himself as the alpha figure of the organization, he exudes insecure beta vibes…. All. Day. Long. Alphas lead. They are WINNERS. People NATURALLY gravitate to them for direction and guidance. They don’t even have to say a word and you can spot them a mile away. They have a look. An energy. People come to them, not the other way around. They remain calm in the face of adversity, until stay calm time is over. Insecure betas can not have true alphas around. The insecure beta wants to be the one people NATURALLY gravitate towards, but it never happens. Beta also exudes its own kind of energy. In a group, they will try to say something but no one listens. They inflate themselves to be someone and something they are… but they’re not. The insecurity and indecision is palpable. There is chaos. Since the respect and gravitation never occurs naturally, they then try to find some sort of leverage so they can artificially elevate themselves to the status they desire. This is where we are now. The Panthers will stay right where they are until Dave allows alphas back in to the organization. I see it in Evero, Luvu (emerging), maybe Brown, Bozeman and Horn. There is no coincidence that when Dave bought the team and our team leaders left, everything went to hell. Top top it all off, he brought in the most submissive beta I’ve ever seen to play NFL ball, and injected him as the default team leader. Coincidental? That’s debatable. People are looking for trim carpenters when we haven’t even cleared the lot yet. Forget about an x and o guy for now. People say burn it all down. Bros, this MF’er has already burned down. We need Servpro. A true alpha. We need someone who can come in with the directive and blessing to fix the team. A guy who can go down the roster and say to each player and coach ‘either do better or you’re off MY team.’ Players who consistently half ass it are a cancer to the team. They used to get dealt with… Only a true alpha personality will be able to accomplish this. We had it, the results showed up immediately, and it was sent away… but that ship has sailed. The talent is on this team to win in the NFL. They showed it last season. Please Dave, this will be the only way to win. Players won’t respect a coach when they know that coach is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the owner. No one respects a yes man. Especially grown ass men who know the ish you’re telling them to do, through your puppet coach, will never work. I hope you can see it and make a change if winning is your true intention.
  23. Each interception, sack fumble and embarrassing defeat is one step closer to Tepper moving on from Bryce. Until that moment occurs, we will probably not win another game, unless things somehow go very wrong for our opponent.
  24. Ron wouldn’t have pulled Rodney Pete until after the 3rd game, minimum. Smith would have done something to have ended up in Ron’s doghouse. With the 2003 completely stacked roster, he would have won 7 games and missed the playoffs. If he were to have made the superbowl, they would have lost by 3 scores, or more. Fox went toe to toe with prime Bellicheck and Brady in the superbowl… with Jake Delhomme (still doesn’t get cred for being absolutely clutch in big games when he was on)… and came back from a 10? Point deficit after halftime… took the lead, but then just fell short. That was the biggest game in franchise history, against the GOAT and Bellicheck in front of the world, and we almost won. During that era, nobody made a comeback against the Pats. I love Ron, but Fox has him beat. I’d love to have seen what Fox could have done during the Cam and Luke years.
  25. People who complain about how Frank coached are missing the boat. He never wanted to Bryce. He knows enough football at this stage of his life to know a disaster when he sees it. I don’t think anyone on the staff that ever played a snap of NFL ball wanted Bryce, regardless of what has been said. Tepper will always get the final say on everything. It’s his money. Would you let someone else spend your millions unless you’re in on it? It’s just unfortunate that his decisions have been wrong every single time. Frank’s out was ‘fire me, or I’ll get your toy murdered every week until you cave.’ He knew that Tepper would eventually have to do it. The crime scene we all saw week after week after week was 100% orchestrated, and sadly I don’t think his team mates really minded all that much. Evaluating Frank’s job here gets an incomplete because the only thing he put work in to was seeing how badly he could get killed, once Bryce became the choice. I’d almost pay to hear how conversations between him and Tepper went after the draft. We all know he’s a bad coach overall, but he ended up being pretty darn good at getting the better of a billionaire manipulative jerk. He would go through the motions each week so he couldn’t be fired with just cause. Frank doesn’t get his money this way. Tepper screwed him over, so he found a way to return the favor…. And take a lot of his money in the process. The team is not good, but talent evaluations for our offensive players gets an incomplete with how events unfolded.
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