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Everything posted by Gapanthersfan

  1. So let me get this straight, 1st round Burns can’t shed a TE block and we’ve heard nothing but contract all year… meanwhile undrafted Frankie Luvu is a humble playmaking machine that throws linemen around like they play for the jv team. He impacts every game. He is the top rated LB about to hit… and barely a contract wisper.
  2. Tepper is in a weird spot. The losing can not continue, but he may be starting to see that Bryce wasn’t the right pick, and may not be an NFL caliber QB… So what direction does he go because he can’t have it both ways? Does he risk yet another embarrassing season just to save face? What if none of the top prospects are willing to work with Bryce? Does Tepper have to tell them to give Bryce 1 year and if it doesn’t work then they can bring in their guy? All of the gm and coaching prospects know what kind of person Tepper is by now. This is going to be very interesting.
  3. I’m rightfully jaded on this FO. Yawn until I can see something that resembles winning football. The root of the doo doo that we have to endure is the owner’s ego, and his refusal to hire anyone who doesn’t acquiesce to him.
  4. Dollar bet with someone: Tepper will repeat the same mistake from last year. another coaching overhaul firing popular coaches who haven’t been given a fair shot, install yet another confusing scheme, and have another god awful record. When he could have just left this in place, build continuity, see what we really have with coaches that know the players, and go from there. This constant rush to get the awesomest coaching staff hasn’t really worked out so well. After the latest show, does he really believe he’s going to hire better then we currently have?
  5. Bryce is a Scion xa. It starts every time, but regardless of the hype, it is exactly what it looks like. I have a 2013 Lexus GX 460 with 172,000. 5,500 lb V8 AWD premium gas drinking dinosaur, and I love every bit of it. It’s the best Toyota I’ve ever owned, and I’ve owned a lot. Easily 350-400k miles capable. This is Calias Campbell.
  6. You do give Jake rightful props, but I can’t buy that take… yet…, but anything is possible. 2003 Jake started by coming off the bench at halftime, throwing 3 TDs to beat the Jags, had an insane playoff run, then came back after being down at half to prime GOAT/Belicheck… and almost won on the biggest stage there is. Jake… with a little help from 89 and the most talented roster we’ve ever had… led a comeback and almost beat the greatest nfl dynasty of all time, in the SB. My God that’s depressing to know where we once stood to where we are now.
  7. I’ve heard nothing but lip service for 5 years and keep getting kicked in the nuts. Nothing can be said or done in the off-season that will make me believe we will win a game next season. I’m still going to get nfl ticket, but I’ll probably spend most Sundays fishing
  8. Give me 1 reason to be hopeful that we will play at least .500 football in the next 3 years.
  9. Panthers are officially the heel in a game that more and more appears to have prearranged outcomes. The NFl carefully vetted the type of owner they wanted for the Panthers and Dave fit the bill. I truly think they love what’s going on with our team. Did Richardson irk them and this is payback? The owners knew exactly what Dave would be like. The utter chaos he would bring. They had to of known he was a complete head case with the time he spent with the Steelers. They knew that we as a franchise would be completely screwed if he took over as owner. The only sign of hope, winning, of returning to some semblance of prideful panther football at the end of last season had to be quickly dismantled. Impugned. we are getting played, plain and simple. The owners dropped a no-nothing egomaniac head case on us as our owner… and knew it. There is no way that our current state of affairs was not intentional. Dave doesn’t want to win. He wants to be worshipped, it’s just that a winning football team is a prerequisite for that to occur… and no amount of money has been able to buy it for him. Only a VERY serious sexual or racial allegation would budge the needle. Heck, he let the first black head coach of the panthers, who was loved, respected and WINNING go without even consideration… and where was the injustice there? so yeah, no good vibes here. I guess I’ll have to keep rewatching 2003 and 2015 highlights. The ‘screw you’ drink toss, symbolically, hit all of us in the face, only it was the other 31 owners who did it.
  10. Paid the incident lip service, had a good yuck it up, then talked coach search and Brice. Yup, looks like this one will fizzle quickly.
  11. But they seem to yuck it up in the end, kind of illustrating the point of the 2 tiered, see what we can get away with system.
  12. Tepper: The greatest unifier the franchise has ever known.
  13. Is this the only time in history the entire board has been 100% unified on something?
  14. The only reprimand, if they are serious about doing so, is telling him no to something. Give him something money won’t sway. Money doesn’t matter at his level. He will find a work around for being banned from the stadium. That won’t do squat. let them announce on draft night, Carolina is ineligible for this year’s draft class due to a major infraction of league guidelines. If the league valued integrity they would do this, but they don’t, so they won’t. The case is pretty cut and dry. It’s clearly on video, already with 10s of millions of views. And silence?
  15. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is a big deal. I’m sure he’s cooked something up in his brain that has him believing that he has committed no foul. I wonder how locker room talk is going to go this week. Im not sure how Tepper will be able to beat this, but I have no doubt in my heart that he will. This has quickly become the most clown showiest professional sports franchise I’ve ever known. It’s almost like a guy who has made billions off of tanking business was essentially given a b market NFL team and in 5 years had managed to annihilate the fan base to the point where they actually want their team gone. Weren’t they the same team blew up everything when a popular coach found a way to start winning games, fans came back and morale improved? Doesn’t sound so conspiratorial now, huh.
  16. The pressure needs to continue at the local level until the national media has no choice but to cover it. If they wanted to, they would have done so by now.
  17. Agreed. To me, and hopefully everyone else, this is so impactful because I can see it with my own 2 eyes. There is no possibility of embellishment (certainly not inferring such of other owners scumbaggery). Billionaire on high without impunity throwing a drink at a common plebe knowing no repercussions will follow. At the next country club gathering, it’ll probably be bragged about and they’ll yuck it up.
  18. Yup, so still not even a peep on nfl.com. There had been a tiny link to an article on espn.com on Sunday but that’s now gone. No official word from the nfl. Nothing spoken from the panthers front office. I can now see how this is going to play out. Abhorrent and sickening. Again demonstrates that the ruling class has their own rule book… every page is blank…
  19. So does this make Dave a tosser, then? Secondly: A new money, ahole rookie owner who told all the current owners that analytics was the future and has now put a spotlight back on owners…
  20. Just like the team, this is another problem money won’t fix for Dave. He is 1000% unable to control an outcome with his only tool, money, and the tantrums that you see are him realizing it. Up to this point, he’s been able to get anything he’s wanted… until now. It’s literally a child being told no. This is a bigger deal than people are giving it credit for. The spotlight had finally faded from the team owners and they could go back to their life as they knew it. With this, he’s now brought MAJOR heat back again. This isn’t ’reports are owner x’ news columns. This is a good quality forever video of a billionaire NFL team owner committing a crime (yes it’s dumb, but by law a crime). Expect more ‘team owners’ columns again and all the owners now have to watch their a$$es again until this heat goes away. A light punishment will only generate more articles on how he got off easy on the 2 tiered justice system. Old heads can fade this type of stuff, usually… but he’s a rookie a hole owner of the laughing stock team who told the other owners that their way was outdated. And he’s now brought heat back.
  21. 4 first round picks down the crapper. Didn’t go through with the Burns trade and now this. 4. We could have rolled more or less intact, sans Burns, from last season’s team and have had a decently reliable offense. But we would still be picking in the top 10, probably, and have the future picks from the rams. We could have had a Hubbard Foreman 1-2 punch, DJ Moore and pick up Thielen. Small moves, recognizing what was working for us. The o line finished the season strong. It was falling in to place. Fans were back. Keep pounding was back. But this insecure drink throwing egomaniac despised it. He needed Dave ball, not Jerry ball. He wants the credit and notoriety. ‘Team’ is irrelevant to him. That’s why he’s so quick to blow it up and only hire people that will defer to his manipulation. He’s not mad over losing. He’s mad because he knows he looks like a complete idiot and the only solution he’s ever known, money, isn’t working… and if anything else, it’s only getting worse. He wants Dave to win first, Panthers to win second. He now knows that more money won’t fix this. Well dang. That’s his biggest tool. I think he’s now seeing that his picks and style of play not only lose, but is the biggest laughing stock in professional sports. He bought the team for profit and notoriety. Hiring football minds to run the show completely takes the shine off of him. I honestly think he would rather cut bait than to ever let that happen. I would pay money to see how the conversations went with him and Wilks after another W playing Wilks ball. Selling the team, he can then advertise it as another Dave victory with the $ he’ll make.
  22. Tepper cares about people praising and worshipping him. Winning is just the mechanism for which that is supposed to occur. If winning did not achieve praise for him, he would be indifferent towards it. Egomaniacs are by rule insecure. To be laughed at and mocked will bring on a tantrum…
  23. An opinion piece carries far more weight when it comes from someone whom has lived it. Cam has lived it. Olsen has lived it. SS89 has lived it. They have knowledge and experience that people respect. I think a lot of ‘journalists’ are jealous because a player’s take will always carry far more clout than theirs. The Cam ‘routes?’ Controversy exemplifies this. His incredulity was justifiable, but… insensitive… boo hoo. The outrage created by the media was because he took a shot at one of their own. Not bc she was a woman.
  24. Etienne goes for a buck fiddy and 2 TDs. If we can get them off the field and Chark and Bryce continue their mojo, we could put up points again
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