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About Fright

  • Birthday 12/18/1984

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  1. If retaining top talent is a thing you like, this team isn’t for you. You should know that by now.
  2. He’s starting to pass the eye tests. He’s making more accurate window throws and his timing on throws that need to be out of his hand before the route is over is worlds better compared to last year. He’s finally playing with confidence. I’m one of the biggest Young haters on here(just call it how I’ve seen it), but he has definitely made some promising strides to end the season…. That defense is another story though….
  3. Take the L boys. All about draft position
  4. Do our LBs even play? I haven’t seen a single one make a play in weeks.
  5. A local guy who sounds like a hick, they couldn’t resist such a cute pick.
  6. 47 Jewell looks so below average out there. Our team is a bunch of nobodies. Tepper is the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise.
  7. Is the playbook limited for Bryce? I see a lot of the same plays being called. Even Olsen is begging for them to open up with the creativity.
  8. Not sure how tf you end up in the nfl as a wr and can’t catch. Like being in the nba and sucking at free throws.
  9. Yep, sick of the cutesy picks. “If he happens to pan out, we’ll look like geniuses!” Just pick some god damn established players for once!
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