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About Fright

  • Birthday 12/18/1984

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  1. If we don’t go QB 1st round next year, we have to go DE.
  2. Burn every Young jersey made and leave him in LV. I want to forget we made that fug up asap.
  3. fug this dude. He’s over it, I’m over it. Let’s be done with his baby ass already.
  4. Cam made this team better just by his presence. Young makes this team worse just by his presence. GMs made some bad moves, they all do, but the QB can single handedly make or break a team and Young is doing the latter.
  5. Bryce has been ass since he has gotten here. How long do we keep up with this joke?
  6. Bryce is ass and has been ass. Nothing new there. Tepper can suck a fat one for thinking a midget would translate well into the NFL. At least the draft will keep us invested after the season this year.
  7. Pro millionaire athletes don’t need your protection. Fans pay for the right to support and/or criticize. Bryce has done 0 to gain positive support.
  8. This. You think the new coaching staff is ready to hear the cries to bench QB1? He’ll need QB1 to use as an excuse mid season when we’re a 1 win team.
  9. Nice post. It makes me want to be optimistic, but I can’t stop having PTSD flashbacks of his noodle arm throws and one finger sacks from last year.
  10. I’d be quiet too if I sucked as bad as he did last year. He has no reason to make any noise.
  11. Looks like we’re drafting athletes to mold. This seems to be the way of top teams now days, I’m with it.
  12. As a TX fan, I love this pick. If the ACL comes back 100%, this will be a steal and solid pick for years to come.
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