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  1. Bo nix looks legit and will be close for rookie of the year .
  2. Thats how I grade most qbs but when looking at b young i prefer to just focus on the greenbay game from last year and the tb kc games from this year. I then compare him directly to patrick mahomes oct 20 game against sf and anyone can clearly see bryce young is way way better than patrick mahomes lol
  3. 100% even if rest of team is really talented if they march young out to be qb and he plays like he has for 90% of his starts the panthers have already lost doesnt even matter how good the rest of the team is or isnt and also makes it hard to even tell how good they are. They need true competition for young this offseason.
  4. He should have said instead of "good bryce, bad bryce" "ok to below average Bryce, horrific bryce"
  5. The panthers one maybe shot for a win the rest of the year is the final game at atlanta they should save their energy and focus totally on this game lol.....but they may be laughing at the panthers if they come out dominate b young.
  6. A panthers loss with penix at qb will be very hard to take
  7. Kyle allen on this same team would have us in the playoff hunt...bc of the really week nfc south but still be playing way better than young
  8. This topic had me curious about the wr cam played with this is the list from google below wow he had some terrible recievers seems like smitty then curtis samuel were the best maybe ted gin.
  9. No comparison allen all day. Cam would be like a v6 mustang that some kid puts a loud muffler on and thinks its fast allen would be a corvette. Not a lambo but still better all around than the v6 mustang
  10. Cooper Rush arguably had a better game against the panthers than b young has ever had.
  11. Just was reading the comments yeah not sure why he getting all the hate. I think he is going to be amazing in the nfl.
  12. If sanders falls to panthers would be hard to pass on him
  13. Only shot for a win and panthers sucked oh well on to next year hopefully with some real qb competition but expecting that in 2026
  14. Young is playing better and hopefully he continies to improve but he has had 19 horrific games and 4 or 5 ok games. Stroud is better every which way its not close.
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