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  1. When I watch Bryce play I don't get the sense aRandy Moss T.O. Tony Gonzalez trio would make him look like a pros pro
  2. Just look at this 'guy' .. this is some 'Emperor Wearing No Clothes' type poo .. the NFL is trolling the fug out of this fanbase because fans say "..Cam had one good year he wasn't that good.." .. he had one good year because this team was trash around him, now you'll trade a ransom for PreK Bryce
  3. I was always a huge Cam fan with Bryce I'm like get this trash off my favorite team and get a healthy Cam back in there.
  4. 'Start Cam, sign Higgins, HC Belichick in '24' would have made a better thread than this
  5. You want him to coach when he would be the best QB in the division today lol
  6. We need him back for final five year run .. solidify his HoF career
  7. Cam Belichick '24 .. enough of this anti-Cam Young character .. poo is a joke. Cam > Bryce .. for the next 5 seasons
  8. Cam, Belichick, Higgins ‘24
  9. Yup .. and to answer the question of his video title .. YES
  10. No because Frank wanted CJ .. cutting Young would make me give him credit
  11. If true then there isn't any hope for optimism. I don't want to forced to make it work w/ lil Bryce .. the faster we move on the better.
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