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Everything posted by Varking

  1. “He’s a genius. He is genuine. He doesn’t try to BS people.” Guy ducked getting on a scale at his pro day to hide his weight. Felt like this lad contradicted himself. If you’re genuine you don’t avoid the scale at your pro day because you are who you are. And most folks see through it which makes it not a genius move.
  2. You’re allowing one season cloud your judgement of his body of work.
  3. You can appreciate one magical run while acknowledging the rest of his tenure was pretty mid. He was bad, man. And he’s not been good since. He has 3 seasons with a winning record in 12 years coached. That’s dreadful.
  4. He’s not and never has been a good NFL head coach. He’s just a good guy. As the tweet points out, he’s coached for like 12-15 seasons now and only has three years above .500. That’s really really terrible.
  5. That wasn’t an issue for Richardson that’s 100% the fault of Dan Mullen. Mullen, the same head coach who would only let Kyle Trask see the field if Franks got hurt. And every time Franks recovered from injury he got put back into the lineup until the teams older players went to Mullen to back Trask. Trask went on to have, statistically, one of the greatest passing seasons in school history. Franks ended up transferring. Mullen is loyal to his older players to a fault and it cost him his job. Emory Jones was always groomed to be the guy once Franks and Trask were gone. Emory Jones was the highest rated QB recruit Mullen ever had to work with. Dan Mullen’s prized recruit.
  6. He’s not coming here first overall so you can relax.
  7. Is his game film “holding him back”? He’s going to get drafted in the first round no matter how much that upsets you.
  8. Pearsall wasn’t even good enough to crack the top 2 at Arizona State yet had to come to Florida to be our 1. It’s embarrassing. We have some up and coming WRs but they won’t be ready for two years. Richardson was smart to leave.
  9. I think he’s going to be better in the pros than in college easily. I’ve said this a bunch. There was a lot of drama and a lack of talent at Florida this year and he suffered for it.
  10. Hot take: if he comes here he completes over 65% of his passes and alleviates concern about his accuracy. But we should draft Stroud.
  11. He looked as expected. Hope he goes to a good team.
  12. It doesn’t hurt the call. But the fact they haven’t picked up his fifth year option and they are paying the rest of the dline great money it makes him a trade candidate.
  13. Call Washington. Chase Young has been hurt. They haven’t picked up his fifth year. We eat some of the salary for a late day pick and both teams win. He could finally round into form after dealing with injuries or at worst he’s still an upgrade over YGM.
  14. I mean Stroud was doing it during a real game. Young was just doing 1 on 1.
  15. I have a two story and went with Eero for network.
  16. We’ve never had back to back winning seasons in our history. We haven’t earned the right to be a trusted franchise in other teams eyes lol
  17. I’d like 9 wins. Our past few seasons has been 7, 5, 5, 5, 7. If I’m being realistic it would be nice to get over that hump.
  18. It’s not next level analytics lol. There aren’t game breaker offensive players on the market worth spending the money on.
  19. Not a great pro day but whatever. It was always Stroud and Young and then a gap between whoever you thought was 3 and 4.
  20. Let’s not count our eggs before they hatch. Karma has a way of making threads like this look ridiculous.
  21. I get the same confusion as a Gator fan. I pull for Richardson and I hope he goes to a good team but I’ve never advocated for him over Stroud.
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