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Everything posted by Varking

  1. Yeah we play this game every year at a neutral site. Part of the history. But unless Kyle Pitts and Kyle Trask show up I don’t have much hope for this one.
  2. You know how the NFL does the joint practices but it doesn’t count against your record? Pretty sure that’s all this is this week!
  3. Not a lot of good games this week. It appears my Gators have a second bye week in a row. I’ll guess I’ll watch some other games!
  4. If you can’t keep track of who you are talking to maybe you should slow down and not be so quick to attempt to insult others.
  5. How would Frank know what the Texans are asking of Stroud? And also, is Frank some arbiter of truth? He also said Bryce was ahead of the curve and that the offense was crafted for Bryce. Cmon. You said he’s been given far more responsibility than Stroud. Show me what it is that’s far more.
  6. Hill has been quite a positive surprise
  7. I think he can play through it. We will see what a new playcaller does for him.
  8. Ignoring the wrong “to/too” in the article this is what it said : It has been BELIEVED that Young was given to much responsibility at the line of scrimmage, leading to him struggling so early in the season.
  9. Because one guy needs something dumbed down that doesn’t necessarily mean he had more on his plate to begin with. You would need to have intimate knowledge of both offenses and systems, the play calls and the reads to know who is asked more. This did not prove your point. You pointing to an older video where I shared a newer video with more recent info does not prove your point.
  10. Steve has literally said he doesn’t know what quarterbacks do on his last recent podcast episode. Steve also believes he wouldn’t have succeeded in the NFL as a QB due to his height. And he’s only one inch shorter than Bryce. I’m not stating what you are saying is bullshit. I’m asking you to prove how you know he’s being asked to do “far more” and to quantify what “far more” even is. Your analysis has returned the result of “other people said so”. I was hoping for a little more than parroting somebody else’s words. Even JTO on the QB School has said he has to assume what the routes are and what the reads are because without being in that QB Room there is no way to know for sure. You want to quote preseason press conferences and interviews? The same interview that said Bryce was throwing people open in practice and making great throws from multiple arm angles? The same press conferences that said Bryce couldn’t handle what was given to him so now we are more or less dumbing it down? “I don’t think I could have played QB because of my height”. “I never played QB and don’t know one thing about what it takes to be a college quarterback” He said he can watch tape and see from the eye in the sky and go this must have been this route or that route. But here is your source openly admitting his knowledge about QBs is only deep enough to look at a play and assume what an offense is supposed to be doing. It’s not deeper than that. And then you have real QBs like JTO saying even when watching the plays and film you can know the scheme and the routes but you still don’t for sure know what even the read order is without being in the room. He’s got to make educated guesses.
  11. Sam Darnold isn’t “my guy” just like I wasn’t “on and off the CJ bandwagon” until he started winning. Please stop making up things when replying to me.
  12. Steve said in his podcast this week that he would have been too short to play quarterback, he said he has no idea what it takes to play quarterback, said he has no idea the full scope of what’s on a QBs plate and more. You are making a claim about him being asked to do far more than Stroud. I want to know how you know this. Quantify it for me. If your answer is a talking head WR and a random tweet saying so that doesn’t really help. What is the Panthers scheme vs what is the Texans scheme? Show me how you can tell Bryce is being asked to do… “far more”.
  13. How do you know what Young is learning vs what Stroud is learning? And how do you quantify it being “far more”?
  14. Yeah and that means ( the baseball guy in me ) he’s due for a dud. Let’s hope it’s this week!
  15. The 49ers chose to go with Darnold and send away Lance.
  16. Oh CJ is playing terrific for a rookie. I’m the same every week though. I’m pulling for Panther wins in the lead up and then after the game I go back more towards being critical and looking at analytics. This game through the Bears game are all winnable and we aren’t going winless. This team deserves some wins so I’m hoping we can start something here. Frank is usually good after a bye, too.
  17. Yes please! I’m always down for friendly bets and I can’t stand looking at this picture anymore lol
  18. Not to celebrate injuries but this could be a get right game for the Panthers pass rush.
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