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Everything posted by Varking

  1. I can’t see that when he’s going to have to miss 8 games this year or next year.
  2. We don’t know what draft capital will be given up. Watson has stood behind olines just as poor and performed greatly. It’ll be nothing new to him.
  3. I was joking but he has played for terrible coaching staffs and had terrible surrounding talent and played terrific. There's no real risk of a massive drop-off here. Its just PR issues.
  4. Did he leave or get banned? I remember him posting around the time Hardy started doing MMA.
  5. We have never had back to back winning seasons. How much further back are we going? Counterpoint, it could set us ahead many years.
  6. I would much rather have Fields than Darnold. At least we would be building something.
  7. He got beat like he was the dead horse in all those memes/gifs. They whooped that boy on repeat!
  8. I also did not want Rhule and annoyed my girlfriend who was a fan of his in college with all the reasons I didn't believe in him. I just don't see him getting that contract and see him gone before the halfway point.
  9. I don't think there's any chance we make a head coaching change before year 3 is over.
  10. Because the guy who throws the ball is missing people and putting the ball in bad places. Sam Darnold is not it.
  11. There's no need to have sympathy lol. Is he the one that sent Teddy packing to GTFO? I am sure he would have worked with him this season if he was still here. You guys are so dramatic at times.
  12. Yeah that's typically what you look like when you don't have any NFL level QBs on your roster lol
  13. Daniel Jones is better. He has had games where he has taken over. Daniel Jones, on most play calls, makes better reads 1:1 than Darnold. You can scream play call play call all game long but we all see people getting open and Darnold messing it up. He sucks. Stop making excuses for him. The two QBs our franchise has given reps to are Teddy B and Sam D. We need a major upgrade if we want to compete.
  14. Sam Darnold has no strengths.
  15. He can want who he wants. GM is the one who makes the deal for the players. Also, Teddy is better than Sam.
  16. 1) Big assumption. Ultimately Brady is not responsible for adding players to the roster. That's the GM. 2) Probably true. Ultimately Brady is not responsible for adding players to the roster. That's the GM. 3) He said he didn't even watch tape of him so why would he *ask* for him? Ultimately Brady is not responsible for adding players to the roster. That's the GM. 4) Ultimately Brady is not responsible for adding players to the roster. That's the GM. 5) Can't call a play Darnold won't mess up. 6) Brady has nothing to do with our defense against the Giants offense. 7) Change the QB.
  17. When Sam Darnold has time to throw he makes the wrong reads. Roll him out and he will make the wrong read. His career actually supports this. We took a guy who sucked his entire career and brought him here hoping to fix him. We can't. Fix the QB position and everything else opens up.
  18. The only plays that are being called towards our greatest weaknesses are the ones that involve Sam Darnold. Even when he rolls out he is missing reads. There is nothing that can be done right now offensively with him in his state of mind. If the QB can't execute basics, everything looks bad.
  19. Watson can perform even behind a trash oline. He did it his whole career thus far. The oline needs to be fixed but we could be a playoff team even with the bad line with our talent on defense getting rest by not going 3 and out every drive.
  20. I haven't seen that here. I think most recognize that he got the job because he played for Rhule in college.
  21. What would that accomplish? The QBs are making poo reads and missing open guys. Throwing hospital balls one throw and then dirting them on the next throw.
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