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Everything posted by Varking

  1. Two QB systems are so great that nobody really ever runs it in the NFL. You need drafting differences in style of play. Brees can’t do what Hill could. Cam can do everything PJ can.
  2. Every single player in the NFL will tell you the best way to get better is consistent reps. If we are being realistic and not looking through rose-tinted glasses at the offense because we won last week PJ Walker put the ball in harms way multiple times last week and we got lucky where they dropped two INTs and only caught one. Cam was a cool story but the truth is we can likely score from where he scored as long as CMC is in the game. Cam needs full reps. That's why he got them this week. Because he can't learn the offense when PJ takes away from his reps. Likewise, PJ isn't going to improve running with the second team all the time. If you only have Cam work in the and-short situations then you are screwed in Walker gets hurt. I think most people of sound mind understand Cam Newton is still a far superior QB and leader than PJ Walker. Cam should be getting 90+% of first team reps and it should be of the entire offense. Nobody really runs a two QB system and there is a reason for that. PJ has had literally one good showing in his entire career in the NFL. Every appearance has been below league average until this last week. There is very little reason to believe he can continue to keep this going. Mike White looked good in a spot. Josh Johnson as well. PJ should only be in the game if its a blowout or if Cam is hurt. There is way more cons than pros for running a two QB "system" with one of those QBs being PJ Walker. Everything PJ can do, Cam can do. So by having to practice for Cam Newton you are practicing for Cam and PJ anyway.
  3. I don’t think sporadic play is good for Cam or for PJ.
  4. They don’t ask him to do much to the point where I feel like most of the rookie QBs would be fine in this offense. Mac Jones attempted one pass over 20 yards and it got picked off.
  5. His career in a nutshell. He’s almost always missing parts of a season.
  6. If they didn’t get Pitts they would have nobody able to get open right now. They have the double him or put the number one corner on him which opens things for everyone else. Atlanta has a lot of holes on the roster right now and no one draft pick was going to fix them.
  7. If I gain nothing of value for 300 dollars I’m not giving rich people an additional 300 dollars. No. I would not buy stake in the Panthers in the style they do it in Green Bay.
  8. He tripped on his way off the field and the doctors panicked and took him to the tent. Later in the game he was working on his hammy and said it was just preventative maintenance. Nothing wrong and it wasn't bothering him but he apparently was told to continue to work and stretch it when he is on the sideline. Nothing to worry about.
  9. I don't want to give up a pick just to move him or sully what we could get back in a trade by adding him to it. We just need to eat the cost and have him as the QB3 next year. He can walk away after that and then we have no more resources sunk into him.
  10. Having QBs not get rattled does wonders to make a coach look good.
  11. I’m not disagreeing. All I want him to fix to stay here as a backup is don’t turn the ball over in bunches.
  12. I don’t have unrealistic expectations. I just don’t want him to put the ball in danger. He stared down two WRs big time while they were double covered and got lucky only one became an interception. I’d be happier if he just used his legs? Got a few yards and got down over that.
  13. I don’t disagree but if we have playoff hopes we are going to need a guy who doesn’t make you think he’s going to throw a pick every quarter.
  14. Two drives in a row PJ has out the ball in danger. He got lucky the first time. Second time they caught it. He can’t be in there if he’s going to have his classic multi interception game.
  15. Guy is ultra covered and PJ got lucky he didn’t pick that. That should not have been thrown there.
  16. The one thing our offense was really missing was playing with swag. It’s back now.
  17. Joe Brady with a QB that has talent looks like money.
  18. Absolutely worth the penalty. Grown as man run right there!
  19. If he plays like that and throws for triple the amount of touchdowns he’s thrown for in the NFL and finally had a game where he doesn’t turn the ball over I would still question him starting next week. However, these things are pointless to speculate about. What if X player plays well beyond whatever he’s ever shown in the NFL? Might as well just wait until after the game to think about making threads like that.
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