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Everything posted by Varking

  1. I continue to watch the Bears have way less talent than us be competitive against teams with way more talent. Meanwhile we have talent and we look so much worse. Rhule needs to go. The offense isn’t going to be NFL caliber with him here.
  2. Take 14 away then. And I won’t look to see if any of our scoring during Clausen was by the defense or special teams. It’s still more points than that offense back then.
  3. We’ve never had back to back winning seasons. The answer is yes.
  4. 46 points through 4 vs 80+ points through 4… Its Clausen. Folks are just mad because Baker has been a massive letdown.
  5. I see we make reactionary threads vs actual facts? Clausens Panthers scored 46 points through 4 games. We scored over 80 through 4 this year. People truly forget how god awful it was having Clausen play QB.
  6. Through this part of the season comparing that year with Clausen vs this year with Baker we have almost double the amount of points scored now through four games. With Clausen we scored 18, 7, 7, and 14. 46 points in 4 games. With Baker 22, 16, 24. Not even counting today. 62 points through 3 games this year.
  7. You’ve been around while we were worse. Through 4 games with Jimmy Clausen we scored 46 points vs given up 87 points. That’s a -41. .
  8. Oh bro we have for sure been worse than this lol
  9. This is recency bias. We suck. But this isn’t the worst we’ve ever been lmao.
  10. DJ has history on his side here. He finds a way to get to 1k yards every year. You dont just bench guys like that after three weeks of football.
  11. They’ve looked ordinary every week so far. That have struggled but found ways to win so far.
  12. Winston often throws for tons of yards.
  13. I think maybe make reactionary threads about the offense.
  14. The problem isn’t the coordinator. The problem is Rhule and his offenses have sucked everywhere he has been.
  15. Fields should be trying to move on from his team.
  16. I think all things considered…. With a roster bereft of talent… going against a Hall of Fame QB with a chunk of elite talent on defense.. Eberflus is doing about as good as you can expect.
  17. Yeah after looking at it again, that should have been a TD.
  18. Should have never been in shotgun. And Monty was killing them on that drive. Should trust your workhorse back.
  19. Good script to start for the Bears but all the elite players are wearing Green in this game. They are going to have to get creative if they want to get back into this. Run, run, throw on third and long isn’t going to work.
  20. The play calling since the initial script hasn’t been good. The Bears haven’t jus been bad on first down after the first drive they’ve gone negative yards on 2 of the 3. And they haven’t tried to challenge them deep so just sit near the sticks and blitz the QB.
  21. I assume the ref was like he sacked him anyway and they’d decline it so just keep it moving.
  22. It makes you appreciate how awesome he has been for so long.
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