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Everything posted by Varking

  1. The rules do help lower weight QBs but sometimes lineman just can’t help themselves when they get close. I think the talent is there but he’s the one player in this draft I’d be worried about staying healthy on almost every play.
  2. It’s the weight in todays football most people are concerned with. Not the height. He’s tiny. He weighed in at 203 or 204 and didn’t run any drills because that’s not his playing weight and didn’t want his numbers to suffer. At 190 pounds he’s got the be the smallest starting QB by a wide margin. The types of tackles he spins out of in college he’s not getting out of in the NFL and those plays are going to sing him up.
  3. I think that’s where everyone is at. We have been around far too long to never have back to back winning seasons. It’s like we are cursed. Time to swing for the fences.
  4. Yes absolutely. I’ve pounded the table for Stroud since October. I would rather move up to 1 and get our guy than move to 3-5 and HOPE he falls.
  5. No I don’t think AR = Cam or AR = Josh Allen. I don’t think there’s a good comp for AR. We’ve never had a dude at this size at QB as agile, quick or explosive, with a rocket for an arm, with as few starts in college as AR. Comps are usually silly but the Cam and Allen comps for AR are lazy to me.
  6. I literally advocate for trading up to number 1 for CJ Stroud in every thread. I’m just pointing out the notion that only Josh Allen improved his accuracy from college to the pros is inaccurate. Look at my post history. I’ve been leading the CJ bandwagon since like October.
  7. As an old man. Playing at 24 and 25 years old in college is a huge advantage. The knock on him this year was he was a one read QB.
  8. Lamar Jackson in college: 57% completions. Pros? 63.7% Drew Brees in college: 61.1% completions. Pros? 67.7%. Dudes having better completion percentages in the NFL compared to college is actually fairly common now. That perception of it being the opposite stopped being accurate like ten years ago. People can stop using Josh Allen as the only example now. Sometimes you have poo teammates in college. And their WR in the NFL make a lot of those catches that get dropped in college.
  9. If these lads are so “can’t miss” why would they trade them away to us? This team is too talented to win 1-2 games this year.
  10. I don’t believe for a moment this coaching staff can’t come to a conclusion about who they like the most. As a franchise we have settled too many times and it never works out. It’s time to be bold and go get our guy.
  11. https://twitter.com/HolderStephen/status/1632794599616835585?s=20
  12. https://twitter.com/HolderStephen/status/1632738330755444736?s=20
  13. But I’m sure we like one more than the others. If so, don’t sit idle and let the first two go only to realize another team outbids you for the final one and you come away with option 2 or 3. Give this coaching staff the exact guy they want.
  14. That could be him not tipping his hat. We like them all but does one stand out? The only way to make sure you get your specific target is to get to #1.
  15. I believe we would. But why would the Bears take our #9 and our future picks should be playoff picks. A team like Indy is projected to be further away from the playoffs so it’s better value and they would only drop to 4 this year to get their top end defensive player. We would be the team that has to offer something else to close the door now because we offer the worst value of picks now plus the future. We aren’t far away from the playoffs now and we play in a bad division.
  16. I stuck with Stroud all season long and I’m not hopping off the bandwagon now. Stroud Richardson Levis Young for me. I can’t see Young staying healthy for 10+ years in the NFL.
  17. I’d guess us, Indy, and then a team like the Raiders or Falcons. I don’t think the Texans need to give all that up to move up one spot. If they did the Bears would be announcing the trade right now and getting ready to flip pick 2 for a haul.
  18. I think the Bears have to project the three teams on where they are today, and where they think they will be the best two years after. If you drop to 9 and miss out on Anderson and Carter, and they think we are playoff bound the next two years, it makes more sense to take another teams offer because our picks will be low value.
  19. We are likely one of these teams. Audio from here: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2023/03/06/ryan-poles-chicago-bears-nfl-combine-draft-peter-king-fmia/?cid=fmiatw
  20. Only one episode left now and I’m upset we are here already.
  21. There’s no good comp for him. We haven’t had a QB like him.
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