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Everything posted by Varking

  1. Varking


    Is this topic basically a recreation of one from many hours ago?
  2. https://x.com/benjaminsolak/status/1708627912595767766?s=46 Success rate for the day. Pickett was awful.
  3. https://reddit.com/r/nfl/s/dVujBafOs6 good route but an absolute dot of a throw.
  4. I didn’t see him keeping his team in games in year 1. I didn’t see the comeback today happening. I knew at Florida outside of Pretty Ricky we dropped a lot of his passes. But I didn’t think he’d flash as a passer this much already. He’s got a great offensive mind around him. Would be nice to see Taylor play with him.
  5. It does! Honestly it looks like he sees the correct target to throw to but maybe somebody else is out of position.
  6. Jamarr Chase isn’t happy. I loved him coming out of college. Let’s go for him.
  7. I can’t click this on my iPhone for some reason but when is he angry? It could be frustration with the playcalling. I highly doubt it’s at the players. He doesn’t strike me as the type to sort of show up his teammates on the field. Might not be the right term but I think you get what I’m saying.
  8. I wanted Stroud first, Richardson second, Young third and I wanted no part of Levis or Hooker.
  9. Stroud was victim of “a kid went to X school so he can’t be good” which is the most batpoo way of evaluating an individual.
  10. This is what I do as well. Folks here tend to not like that though.
  11. For sure but he went from back to back 400 yard passing performances to 3 of the first four games being over 300 yards passing to… none after that. His next three seasons combined he had basically 2 300 yard games per season. It was more running threat than passing until 2015 when he went super nova on the NFL. The only real knock Cam had was he wasn’t the most consistent passer.
  12. Stroud has thrown for 517 non-NicoTank Yards through four games. He averages 129.25 non-NicoTank yards per game.
  13. Cams rookie year was a weird one because the lockout that happened so vets weren’t doing their normal offseason routines. It’s part of the reason I believe he threw for 2 400 yard games to start his career.
  14. Stroud has thrown for 784 non-Nico Yards. He is averaging 196 non-Nico Yards per game.
  15. I feel like Bryce had a play today that was a “flash”. He was getting pressured, stepped up, completed a fast pass to keep the ball moving. I know folks are feeling down but it’s the first time I’ve seen it and was pretty yoked up about it. Need more of that under pressure.
  16. I believe the offense would be different for AR and different for Stroud. Stroud is the type of QB Frank needs.
  17. But he did show flashes of getting it. Even in his first four games he had 2 300 yard games.
  18. CJ Stroud is projected for 25 TDs, 0 INTs, 62.3% completions and 5151 yards lol
  19. I do this every week, no worries. Before the game plays out I’m certain we are getting that dub!
  20. Clausen era was the lowest I’ve been on the franchise but it made for cheap tickets on the front row 50. This sucks but I look at Richardson and Stroud and they just flash more still. Ive got no choice but to wait for Bryce to flash too. He had one play today where he stepped up, was about to get hit and got the ball out quick. Stuff like that gets me excited. Just need to see more still.
  21. The coach is getting caught in a lie. He said it was Claypools decision to stay home and team officials had to clarify and say they asked him to stay home.
  22. I noted that earlier in the week. Folks here just want to attack each other and not each others points.
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