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Everything posted by Varking

  1. For sure the DB could have made a better play but proper coaching doesn’t even put him in that position to begin with.
  2. Bosa vs Burns isn’t even a debate. Burns has been more durable and that’s it. Bosa is a better rusher. He’s better against the run. Doesn’t require as much assistance to make a tackle and has sacked the QB more ( finishing plays ) than Burns despite 12 less games. Burns has gotten ten sacks once. Bosa went over 15 twice.
  3. We can’t even get our second rounders to sniff that number.
  4. Honestly it was just a terrible call. If they play deep zone the best that could happen is a completed pass that runs them out of time for a field goal. What he called was the only way the Vikings would have even scored. The call shouldn’t be defended. Media, analysts, their own head coach questioned it. I don’t know why anyone here would defend it other than just trying to defend Wilks.
  5. This is so low it’s wild. But I watched the game and the eye test confirmed what the stats say. Dink and dunk and screen outside of 4 passes. Even the runs were up the gut so much. The Raiders suck lol.
  6. I wish I could attend to pick one up. These are relevant every other year typically anyway.
  7. What did we offer him? He settled for just two million dollars a season for 2 years. Nobody else threw him crazy money or crazy years.
  8. Foreman had an offer from us. He decided to move on.
  9. I mean he only got 2 million a year for 2 years. How much lower could we have offered?
  10. Theilen gets 2 yards of separation on average per his routes run. That’s plenty open to make an accurate throw.
  11. They needed like 30 yards to get into game winning field goal range and Love throws a deep INT
  12. We’ll have to see in a few weeks. All the Bears did today is run the ball up the middle and throw a bunch of screens. The Raiders just never stopped it. The kid will get tested if they put him into forced passing situations.
  13. Kelce is balling out. I am not watching but I can see Taylor Swift celebrating with Mama Kelce in my head.
  14. Defenses staying home in Chargers vs Chiefs game? So many big plays already!
  15. I think its going to depend on his 40 time. He is going to put up numbers in that offense and he has great size for a WR so if he runs a good 40 he might be the second WR off the board after MHJ.
  16. If he is the #2 behind MHJ he is going top 15. We would have to give up something decent to move from 33 to 10-15.
  17. Better balance with the run game. Pound the rock more with Chuba, give the defense some rest and don't rely on the Carolina Panthers to throw more passes than like anyone else in football this season. We need balance.
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