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Everything posted by Varking

  1. I’d bet anything right now that we don’t have 4 QBs go in the top 4.
  2. But it’s not the same. Decision making when you know you can outrun 99% of every pass rush is a lot easier than making decisions under duress. Gaps close quicker in the NFL. He will be under pressure quicker. He will have to make those decisions quicker. That’s what needs to be seen. Can he make a good read when he doesn’t feel pressure? Most of this draft class does. As far as calling your own plays in a pro style offense? They all figure out calling plays in the pros without much issue. Oregon spent days turning to the sideline looking at playcaller and Justin Herbert is fine. I’d be shocked if any of these kids have trouble calling plays.
  3. The reason his floor is so low right now is because he has played nobody and thrown few passes most games that nobody knows how he will fair against real NFL competition. Injury could derail him but every prospect has that risk. Crappy coaching? I don’t think so. What will mess him up if anything is going to be his adjustments to the speed of the NFL. He wasn’t playing against Power 5 athletes. The speed he plays against now in his conference isn’t touching the speed at which players react and play at in the power 5. And then it’s a significant jump to the pros how quickly everything happens. Will he take his lumps and grow or will it eat him up? He only played starting QB for one season where they blew the doors off people due to a great running game and defense. They went undefeated. There was only one real tight game where they won like 9-3 or 6-3 and he wasn’t asked to carry that game. There’s just so much risk taking a player like this that you have to be certain he’s the long term guy and he can learn fast.
  4. But they don’t know they can trade back and they don’t know the teams in those slots will offer enough compensation to be worth it. Could you imagine the Bengals needing a LT and having Sewell there but they trade back to a spot they think they can get him at and somebody else grabs him? It’s not a matter of teams wanting to trade up, it’s a matter of the teams in those spots willing to trade down to other spots and accepting the secondary offerings in return. This gets brought up every year about how XY and Z teams could look to trade up but it often doesn’t happen.
  5. Teams can want to move up all they want but if the teams with those picks don’t like the trade offers they can stay and pick a top 10 talent that isn’t a QB.
  6. I think he has the second highest ceiling but I also think he has one of the lower floors. I worry about Brady leaving after a year of development for this kid.
  7. Great arm, great mobility, struggled throwing to the right sidelines a bit. I believe this isn’t going to be the draft class with 4 QBs gone before 8. We can sit at 8 and grab him I believe. I’d rather trade up for Fields at 3. Will settle for Lance at 8.
  8. Haven’t looked at their cap room yet but that’s not a bad signing if they can get him.
  9. If they don’t have a pass catcher it’s not going to be fun for him.
  10. I don’t think anyone seriously believes our coach is going to NDSUs Pro Day and he wouldn’t watch Trey Lance…
  11. It’s weird he says they expect Brady to be there and don’t say if he’s actually there.
  12. They have a tackle they are probably scouting there. I don’t think we are going to have a first round pick.
  13. The problem is he’s missing that Steve Smith toughness. The kids off the field a lot. It’s hard to imagine him getting less dinged up in the pros at his size against superior sized athletes compared to college.
  14. Sold me further on Fields. This makes it sound in terms of arm strength that Wilson has less of an arm than Fields and Lance and I just don’t see that. Wilson’s arm pops. I’ve watched every Fields snap for three years and his arm is great but Wilson has some zip you don’t see often.
  15. It’s going to have to be option 3. Trade up to 3.
  16. 1) He does have arm talent. 2) He *can* make full field reads. He often does not and that is part of the reason he has been so up and down during his four years of college. 3) I don’t want Jones either. If Mond was around in the fourth maybe I’d look at him but I don’t see him being able to start this year and he’s so different from Teddy that I don’t see it being a great learning spot for him for a year or two. It’s just not a good marriage here for him.
  17. Nobody is knocking his potential. He has the potential to be a beast. But potential can be a scary thing because most players never reach or get close to their full potential. I’ve seen plays of Lawrence, Fields and Wilson all scramble a bit and launch the ball 50 yards in the air. Hell, Fields did it multiple times to Clemson. On the flip side, I watched three of his full games and at one point made notes of every throw he had. A lot of the short to midrange throws were completions that weren’t placed well. It’s been pointed out plenty of times in Lance threads on screen passes he had a habit of not leading his WRs so they have to stop and turn their bodies around to catch the ball, then turn around to start running up field. It’s a consistency issue that’s hard to ignore because you have 17 total games of tape. And in some of those games he doesn’t even throw the ball 15 times. So it’s not a ton of throws to evaluate. That’s a tough pill to swallow because most years there is a guy in the draft that if you wanted to just look at a 16 game college stretch they look amazing and they physically have all the tools and then they don’t pan out. He reminds me of Jordan Love with way less experience. If we pick him obviously I’m trusting the staff to develop him but if Fields or Wilson are options while Lance is still on the board I’m picking Fields or Wilson over Lance every time.
  18. I’m one of the group that was sold on Herbert from watching him for years. There is nothing about Herberts game that reminds me of Lance. Lance has accuracy issues. Sure a completed pass is a completed pass but your receivers shouldn’t need to do 180s to catch screens.
  19. Well part of his last 12 months was preparing for a showcase game in which he threw the football horrifically. 15/30 is ouchies. I never said experience was the only thing I’m iffy on. Reps is a major one though.
  20. For a kid who is going to need at least a year to adjust to the speed of the NFL it’s probably not a great idea to run him out there day 1 with our offensive line.
  21. I don’t see this as stupid or smart. Need to find out what other moves this helps us make before I judge it.
  22. I see him as a kid that needs to sit completely one year, play sparingly a second year and maybe then during year three he’d be ready to go. I view Lawrence, Fields and Wilson as guys that will be ready to play this year possibly, or at worst year 2.
  23. Lots of colleges average close to 6 a run and still sling the ball. There’s a lot of poor throws to evaluate Lance on on his tape. There’s a reason they ran a ton with him. Calvin Johnson had almost 200 catches and 3k yards in three years. Lance played one season of football in 3 collegiate years. And he didn’t throw regularly in high school for four years. That’s why he wasn’t recruited heavily. So in the past 7 years he’s played one year of football on tape for us. He has a lot of poorly placed easy throws as well. If you miss on a Calvin Johnson it sets you back just a little. You miss on a first round QB and it sets you back years. But yeah… Calvin played plenty for three seasons.
  24. Cam is taller, bigger, had a stronger arm, trucked defenders, ran by defenders but was wildly inconsistent throwing the ball. I don’t know if Lance would have a better 40 time but I know he’s not as big, strong or as fast as Cam. I just don’t see the comparison.
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