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Everything posted by Varking

  1. Yeah I don't need him to be Aaron Donald or anything. It would be awesome if every year he was clogging up the middle and could get 5-8 sacks a year to get pressure on the QB to help the guys outside.
  2. Correct. And what other options were out there in our price range and have looked amazing? Leno from the Bears went to Washington and got their QB killed. Bears signed Peters and he is already hurt.
  3. Had a terrific camp, too.
  4. The last two plays on that drive: Pass over the middle to a crossing Davis, Horn take an awful angle and barely touches Davis on a tackle attempt. He starts the tackle like four yards early which is why it was so easy for him to get tapped to the ground. He basically missed him. On the next play they go right at him for the score. I don't believe this was perfect positioning. If you look at the play in slow motion the only guy running routes that had any separation was the guy Horn was covering. Everything over the middle was completely covered. Our guys were within inches of their guys. Horn was a full yard+ as Davis breaks to the right. Screenshot attached. Then as far as a pass, that was also not perfect. A perfect pass would have continued to carry Davis towards the sideline where he wouldn't have been touched. He had to slow down and basically stop and turn his entire body back to the QB. If the WR comes back towards the ball then Horn has no play. If Wilson throws the ball closer to the sideline, where he still has a few yards full of open space before going out of bounds, Horn has no play. The only reason Horn had a play at all is because Wilson is a rookie and did not place the ball perfectly and his WR didn't come back to it. The one thing this play showed is that he can take advantage of his arm strength until teams get a better read on his velocity. Screenshot to show how much of the sideline was open and how the WR had to stop and turn back to the QB to catch the ball. People are hyped about the rookies. Thats the only reason this is called a "perfect pass" with "perfect placement" and claim Horn was in "perfect positioning". He gave up that touchdown. Its ok. Its game one and he was terrific outside of those last two plays. I will take that from any corner.
  5. I am still pretty "meh" on YGM but if Brown can develop into a 7 sack a year kind of guy up the middle he will have a long career.
  6. They should have pulled him to test for a concussion after that hit. His head bounced off the ground pretty hard.
  7. While we kept pressure up front on it for sure looked like much softer zones on the back end. It immediately looked like our offense was in clock kill mode and our defense was trying to prevent the home run to protect a shutout instead of staying super aggressive and go for the kill.
  8. The TE saved that play for Fields.
  9. The reason the first throw for Fields worked is because when he is in the game the other team is going to look for the run first. Nagy gets in his own way as a playcaller.
  10. DM was 4th in touches last season.
  11. And didn't the Chargers or somebody else that was bad beat them? If they didn't beat them I think they lost by a score or something as well.
  12. For what he dealt with in Detroit he has definitely paid his dues.
  13. The talent has always been there.
  14. DBs look like they forgot in the pros the guy isn't down when he hits the ground.
  15. It looked like it but I am sure it was reviewed. Must have got his hands under it.
  16. Fields 1-1 to start his career.
  17. Penei Sewell looked good today playing LEFT TACKLE. The Lions normal LT missed the game so after getting no preseason reps at LT Sewell stepped in against Bosa: Also, on another rookie note, J.Chase looked fantastic in Cinci today as well.
  18. We are starting to believe that when a player is in zone it doesn't count as them being targeted.
  19. This isn't college football. All wins count the same.
  20. I have not seen a team implode like this since.... Atlanta for most of last season.
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