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Everything posted by Varking

  1. If the receivers don't drop 10 passes then both the OC and the QB look a lot better.
  2. Apologies. I thought you were lumping all the coaches together. Carry on.
  3. Its all good my brother and I knew you didn't mean any real harm in your reply to me because even that reply of yours was pretty thought out. Its just a trend I have been noticing since last season. A chunk of guys here get upset and then believe that every thought of theirs deserves its own thread while the game is still going on.
  4. Actually I wasn't even referring to you. I was referring to users like KillerKat, diehard, Snake, and anyone else I missed that were making these reactionary threads during the game. You waited until the game was over before declaring something. And while I don't agree that this loss is the end of our season I can respect the take.
  5. I think we are what we thought we would be in the offseason. We are the youngest team in the NFL with a project QB who lost its best player, one of the best in the NFL, for a few weeks... Anybody who was thinking we were going to run the table or win 12-13 games was just being optimistic after a "hot" start. We are a team in year 2 of a rebuild. If we get a couple breaks we are a 9 win team. If we play like an inexperienced young team then we are going to be a 6 win team. The turnaround from bad to consistently good was not going to happen overnight.
  6. Routes were fine today. Their hands were lacking. Brady doesn't need to say sorry for the play calling. Outside of his most ridiculous critics here once people calm down they will see guys were open which is what his job is...scheming so people are open... but the boys just had an awful game catching the ball or hanging onto it.
  7. I don't disagree. I've just never been on another forum before where the "fans" jump off the ship so quickly and start these soap opera threads halfway through a game calling this the worst offense in Panthers history, and that all their hope has died lol, see ya next season, etc. But they will be here in a week once they get out of their feelings trying to convince people here that we should believe and trust their opinion on how we get the ship righted after showing all of us how unstable they are lol.
  8. We have some of the softest, most dramatic fans in the NFL.
  9. How do you blame today on the OC? WRs dropped damn near everything. And he dialed up perfect plays to get us to overtime. And Sam to start the game threw an INT with no pressure on him after holding the ball for like 6 seconds. The player shat the bed. Not the OC.
  10. Or... maybe... if the receivers have the ball hit them in the hands they hang onto it? That would make a massive difference.
  11. Vikings have been known to drive to midfield fast. Can't play soft here.
  12. I have never seen our WRs drop this many passes before.
  13. Does Cam Newton solve DJ fumbling the ball and Robbie dropping everything today?
  14. Yes we have. We have been dead last before. We have been in the bottom 4 like 6 times in franchise history.
  15. Can there be some sort of punishment for threads like this if they get proven false in a week or two?
  16. Moving the goalposts. You said this is the worst offense you have ever seen in Panthers history. Maybe you are newer to the fandom, I don't know.
  17. For sure. People are just overreacting and embellishing a bit because todays game is fresh.
  18. We have had offenses way worse than this.
  19. One move and then he wouldn't have been. Still better than throwing to where he did.
  20. Start with Robbie and Sam. Even DJ fumbled away on our side of the field.
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