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Everything posted by Varking

  1. Yeah. Badly under thrown into double coverage.
  2. OSU offense has had the RB fumble and they had three penalties already. Sloppy.
  3. Florida dropped an easy pick 6 and then on special teams from fumbled a punt into our end zone and they recovered for a touchdown. That’s the game there.
  4. I want a new team to win a championship. So if they don’t stand a shot to beat 123 I don’t want them in.
  5. Kentucky shot itself in the foot on one play and it killed their whole drive.
  6. Yeah I agree it’s nice to have a new team in. It just sucks that that new team tends to be somebody who can’t hang with the other three teams.
  7. He is not like Vick. It’s weird you keep comparing the two.
  8. I’m very calm. I think folks forget how bad Florida is and how little talent we have around the team. We won six games last year. We will win 6 or 7 this year with an all new regime. I know you aren’t just bashing the kid unlike the other dude.
  9. Agreed. I think OSU will beat them by 10+ and knock them out.
  10. I don’t think so. I think Michigan would smack them around. TCU had a great run and it’s dope to have a new team in the top 4. I just don’t see it, man.
  11. He had a bunch of beautiful throws today. His completion percentage was good. He had 3 TDS passing. His receivers dropped 5 passes. And he worked without his 1-3 receivers, 1 TE and the run game did nothing all game. Went over 300 yards.
  12. Low ceiling? You regularly say stuff that shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.
  13. Even not UGA. OSU would smack the poo out of them too. I don’t see them hanging with any of the other teams in the top 6 or so.
  14. What was expected with needing to go roughly 80 yards with 40 seconds left to go needing a TD? The RB dropped a ball that hit him in the chest and that final completion should never have been caught. On top of that we should have spiked the previous play rather than let six seconds run off the clock for a four yard gain.
  15. Play shouldn’t have even if counted. Dude shouldn’t have caught the ball in bounds.
  16. If they are pulling off come from behind wins against lesser teams every week there’s no way they hang with Georgia or OSU.
  17. UGA will smack the poo out of these boys.
  18. Richardson drove the team down the field for a TD two plays after his WR dropped a TD that was perfectly placed. We still will lose but we might the game tighter.
  19. Whoever gets the 1 seed has an easy win coming come playoff time.
  20. Florida turnover on down on their own 12. Play calling was confusing on this drive. We ran the ball on 3rd and 3 and got nothing while also needing to preserve clock. Very confusing game for the Gators and it looks like we will finish 6-6 this year after next week against the Seminoles.
  21. Illinois goes for it on fourth down and fails. Michigan ball. Down 4.
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