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Everything posted by PantherBoy95

  1. I'm glad you said the last line bc that's what I came in here to say. The losing definitely plays a large role, but also as I personally got older I just realized how much time I dedicate to a sport that I'm not being paid for. Instead I could be using my time getting things done, doing something else cool, or being with loved ones. I'm on my couch tuned in 90% of the time, but the 10% of the time I have to be pulled away I'm not as upset as when I was an obsessed pre-teen lol
  2. At this point I think the thing to remember is that as these injuries add up, your body (unless truly healed I'm guessing) begins to overcompensate in other areas. You see it all the time with these guys.
  3. So we released Kobe & Michael Jordan in the same day??? This franchise will never see the glory days lol
  4. I'd be very curious to see the statistical correlation between preseason and regular/postseason success.
  5. I moved back in 2013 as a diehard fan, I had absolutely no worries about watching the Panthers, naively thinking "I'm sure there's some way to just pay for games!" I was stuck going to bars (which was actually kind of fun) or having to watch a delayed stream with "20 girls in my city interested in me" popping up every 20 minutes lol. I just can't believe they don't have some Premium game package, or a 'My Team' style package. I guess it just depends for them, is it a better business model to get 1 person paying $300 or 20 people paying $15?
  6. One thing that I am noticing in only 4 minutes...Steve has to learn to listen and let his guest talk ...Roman literally just said after I posted this "let me just talk" lol
  7. The interview is a little long, what was said about Ron?
  8. If Jaycee is happy; he is all that matters; who gives a damn in 2023 what Steve and him had going on back in '06 lol.
  9. lol they literally could've taken the competitions (Hands, Strength, Throwing) they had back in 2004 and done the same thing with more hype and marketing...but instead they said 'hey what if they played dodgeball?!'
  10. I'm appreciative of what Coach Wilks was able to do with the team in his short time at the head. Playoffs or not, this team was in horrible shape when he inherited it. He made the players and many fans actually have something to cheer for in late December. It's been a while since that's been the case. To see this from a home grown Head Coach out of Charlotte, especially with the shortage of black head coaches in the NFL... I'm happy that he got a chance to show his stuff. I'm wishing him success wherever this takes him next!
  11. except that Geno is a Pro-Bowler that broke the franchise single season passing record and that led them to the playoffs, where Sam has done what exactly lol
  12. lol CMC with the opening playoff TD
  13. sometimes it's good to take a step back and remember that there are middle schoolers that post on this board.
  14. exactly what comes to mind; I will admit I did feel a little weird celebrating that game...bc we knew what was happening next
  15. if you own a Baker jersey just say that.
  16. The older I get; the more I appreciate wearing old players jerseys. Shows how cultured you are.
  17. From OP: "let alone have season tickets, and are opting to sell them to out of market fans while you sit your fat, mouth breathing ass on your couch, I really don’t want to hear the b*tching about the team losing at home." There will be people including ticket holders that will sell tickets when the team has a losing record, especially during a time where money is scarce.
  18. The team is losing, and has been consistently; we're also in a horrible economy before the holidays. It will be fine.
  19. I always think about the 'any given sunday' mentality ; along with the fact that you never know what teams may have unlucky injuries during that time.
  20. I never understood it myself; back when I moved out of NC I was SHOCKED they didn't have an option just to watch my team. Before Smart TV's and Air Play was as convenient I had to watch the games with lag and low quality on my computer, or go to a bar. That's ridiculous, when they could probably charge $10-15 a game for the season and be done with it. Pick your teams season, and the option of some other games. I'd think a LOT of people would subscribe to that.
  21. Yeah, just to be fair I wasn't saying the interview was too long. I just did the TLDR for people that you know just don't read full articles. (If this is your own personal transcript my bad wasn't trying to step on your toes lol) I of course did find it interesting so I read it lol. Either way, yeah, I just feel like Rhule didn't give away much of anything, playing it close to the chest. But he did give a few explosive gems and questionable statements on the way out mixed in.
  22. Pretty redundant answers after a while, pretty good insight mixed in though; But TLDR Rhule has nothing bad to say about the organization. He states didn't make any draft picks. He would've been more aggressive using the cap/draft capital if he knew he'd be fired after these few (very abysmal) years.
  23. omfg I can't believe what I just heard. I am really baffled that he's saying he just needed more time, and he had them on a good trajectory lmfao.
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