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Everything posted by PantherBoy95

  1. Now I'm sure Tepper wants to make sure that Rhule starts to put his butt to the fire, and he may just be mulling over things, But I feel like if Tepper were THAT confident in Rhule he'd just say this himself. It's not like he ever acted like a shy guy when it comes to getting in front of the camera.
  2. Haha, and we traded high picks for that guy.
  3. Not just yet; I'd give him one more year before labeling him a certified bust. But yes, he's on that trajectory. I'm also not sure whether he's being coached to the greatest extent.
  4. I won't say that it's new or surprising not to blame his coach. But to listen and watch his pressers he has clearly learned a few things in regards to keeping his composure. He's not just giving short bs answers to get out of there, he's actually elaborating on the situation at hand. It's impressive and smart especially as he prepares to likely be back on he market.
  5. https://twitter.com/Callihan_/status/1475226378018693123?s=20 Tried embedding; but Cam has definitely undergone some maturation when addressing the media. He's been saying all of the right things, even when he deserves to say more. (Not that he's been playing at a high level himself.)
  6. That was great of him! *waits to see how people flip this thread lol*
  7. I was just thinking "Tepper seems like the type of guy that would get easily swayed by the media due to his ego."
  8. LMFAO I do hope no one takes that as a true endorsement of Darnold from me. I'm just saying of the 3, I think Darnold makes the most sense to play and evaluate, outside of the sentimental value of Cam. I'm a Cam supporter, have his jersey, went crazy upon his return. But we literally aren't even getting completions past 15 yards right now. Outside of Cam's rushing ability, he just doesn't seem to have the arm left.
  9. No one will like this.... I think you put him back out there. Cam won't be the future of this franchise for years to come which I hate to say. We also literally don't Darnold is still young, and you've invested important draft capital. You need to know for sure what you've got in him before the off-season. PJ is PJ.
  10. Just my opinion, that would be idiotic. There are 3 games left, and if I saw correctly they're mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. Zane has been one of the few bright spots this year. Instead of having him risk further injury, why not bring in a young guy or even a guy that you might want as camp fodder next year? At least for this week, unless he's 100% healed.
  11. Haha , some people also hold sentimental value with players too. But as far as 'who'd win us the most games'...Prime Cam. By far and easily.
  12. See now THAT is the kind of answer I was also wondering about. It's easy to say Luke, Cam etc. but I'm sure there are some other guys that would've had amazing potential if they'd stayed healthy.
  13. How crazy to think on top of THOSE two we had yet ANOTHER absolutely elite MLB in Beason.
  14. Real life isn't exactly any fun for Panthers Fans right now... So a hypothetical question. You get any Panther player in history to stop from being injured/injury prone... Who would you choose? Maybe even throw in a Wild-Card guy that wasn't a sure-fire all time great for us. I'll go with, Cam Newton, and my wild card would be Jeff Otah .
  15. Richardson might have been a lot of things; some of which I would not defend... But the only thing he cared about was football. Not Revenue or any of that. He only cared about building a respectable franchise. I couldn't think of how to word it at first...bc I wanted to say he cared about winning, but some of his 'I only sign good boys' ideals kept us average. But 'Respectable Franchises win', and have a good image. That's what Jerry wanted no question.
  16. One thing I will say I've noticed. This board hates Rhule for A LOT, but trading Perryman is one of the few things I don't see people saying 'I can't believe we did that!' about. Even with his Pro-Bowl season going on.
  17. I clicked this thread, saw 10 posts, and did an over/under on how many would say 'Fire Rhule'. I guessed 8...it was 9
  18. I guess that's true. I did the math earlier, and to break it without the extra game he'd need about 85.6 yds pg. at this rate.
  19. I agree; there is just something about him that doesn't seem to be there that all elite receivers have. And I could be wrong CB's around the league may look forward to matching up with DJ. He just doesn't seem to have that 'IT' factor. The numbers are there though, and I mean those are what help get you paid.
  20. I wanted to let a few others get their thoughts off without jading the tone of the thread. I think I'm just traumatized from having Steve Smith, because while I know Moore is good, and has potential. For him to be setting personal bests this year is surprising. I just rarely see that WOW factor from DJ or that DOG in him. But he's definitely a solid guy, and I think he'll eventually just make a great #2 in his career.
  21. https://www.si.com/nfl/panthers/news/the-latest-on-d-j-moores-injury "Moore is just 62 yards shy of recording his third straight 1,000-yard season. If he is able to play in the team's final four games of the season, there's a real possibility that he could notch career highs in receptions, receiving yards, and receiving touchdowns in a single season. He needs 16 catches, 256 yards, and one score to set new personal bests."
  22. I read that he's about to set personal bests this year... Trying not to be bias, or just thinking about the teams record. How do you feel about his performance this year? How do you feel about his potential in the future?
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