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Everything posted by The_Cannon

  1. I guess that confirms that Cam had his baby. Or that Cam reads the Huddle and trolled us all.
  2. That's it. Open it up. We're not scared. KEEP POUNDING
  3. What happened to the capable offensive play calling from earlier this season?
  4. Hands down worst play call. In that situation if Shula called a play I wouldn't be surprised if Cam audible a run like he did in the National Championship game
  5. This has been one of the most run heavy games we've had in a while. I don't mind as long as its successful.
  6. Is just me but does it look like the fakes the Tolbert have looked really obvious and awkward?
  7. Two Rookies of the year in a row? Thats gotta pay off eventually right?
  8. That pic in your sig is dope.

  9. Oh man your avatar just made me cry with laughter lmao!

  10. That picture of Stanley makes me laugh every time I see it lol

  11. Man I just realized you have a crap ton of post to have only been here like 4 months!

  12. I was going to post something here but Dpantherman took the words right outta my mouth. Yes we Cam! Charlotte's about to be more marketable and more successful than ever.

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