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About Pantherzilla91

  • Birthday 11/10/1991

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  1. Great news! I’m fine with my tax dollars going to this rather than some social crap. Ties the Panthers to the city!
  2. Why does us being excited about the upcoming season offend you?
  3. I love how these negative fans get so butthurt and offended over other people being happy. Speaks more about them than us.
  4. On one hand? Awesome! On the other hand? What a clusterf**k college football has become
  5. You're not making any sense. You don't know the Colts got a good draft pick. It remains to be seen. Mortgaging the future? We needed a QB. There weren't going to be any left by the time we picked. Are you high right now? Also i can add more owners- Jets Commanders Chargers Cowboys Jaguars Texans Browns Raiders Isn't the Cardinals owner under investigation?
  6. How? Jim Irsay hired an espn analyst to coach his football team
  7. Other than Matt Rhule and the Rock Hill fiasco he really hasnt been that bad. I think we do forget how much Covid screwed things up. Give the guy a chance.
  8. The Steve Wilks thing is over and done with. Move on.
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