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Everything posted by Bronn

  1. Ronald Jenkees is an act... Dude has talent, but that is a persona he created to get more attention... His real name is Benjamin Feltes... and he is a professional (and clever self promoting) musician...
  2. agreed... if that was any US citizen, they'd be in jail or dead...
  3. I'd like to dedicate this last number for the night to Carolina Husker... 1:00 mark owns your face
  4. I finished the first HG book in like 3 days of spotty reading... It was good even though the concept wasn't completely original... I'm struggling with the 2nd... It starts pretty slow...
  5. AFFC and ADWD are still better than 99% of what is out there... including Tolkien...
  6. duh... all white people look the same
  7. THG is young adult fiction, so it isn't really geared towards adults or all that difficult to read... But the overall concept is pretty cool and original, and that is what is keeping me interested...
  8. I caved in to the trend and bought The Hunger Games trilogy over the weekend because I was looking for something else to read... I've started the first book and am surprised how good it is so far... I have a list of stuff that looks pretty interesting to me, but I can't snag it until I order it online or go to the book store... but has anyone got any comments on any of these? Steve Erikson - Malazan Book of the Fallen series Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind/The Wise Man's Fear (1&2 in a trilogy he's working on) George R. Stewart - Earth Abides lemme know
  9. Not buying that it is shopped... TMZ paid money for that pic...
  10. duh... That is GrG... right?
  11. one of the best songs ever written in the history of music
  12. proof metal makes everything sound better...
  13. Some poo you've probably never heard You should be ashamed, btw...
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