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Youngs Ten Yard Bombs

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  1. Is it really much of a surprise? Dude literally misspelled his own restaurant name and is just another Tepper yes man that helped Fitterer and Tepper make some of the most god awful decisions ever imaginable
  2. I’m sure a lot of the guys just love being pestered by the media about Bryce while he sits there playing historically awful and making more money than they do and saying “whelp it’s in gods hands” as he goes home afterwards to burn Netflix shows. Well I guess god showed us lol. Get what you can for him and call it day
  3. Tepper gonna be lurking around the locker room celebrating like it wasn’t him that forced the Bryce pick and playing time
  4. Media is gonna be butthurt that we didn’t keep playing Bryce because they wanted us to go 0-17 lol
  5. You right you right Minds foggy not used to these functional offenses
  6. Might just be nostalgia hitting but does anybody else miss those patented jump passes or nah?
  7. Antonio Pierce contemplating why Bryce couldn’t be sat after his game lol
  8. Young watching Dalton succeed with the same guys he just played with like
  9. Yeah well I bet he can burn shows on Netflix better than anyone on the team
  10. I doubt anyone was going to pull an us and throw 3 picks at him like we did with Darnold so compensation was always gonna be low. Seeing the ghost of Andy Dalton come in off the bench twice in two separate years and immediately look that much better? Yeah I can’t see anyone giving more than a conditional mid or late rounder lol
  11. Yeah when was that quote dated? After Bryce was already drafted? Give dates. If it’s after lol yeah I’m sure that was pushed on media
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