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  1. Oh well maybe don't read a message board before the pick is announced??
  2. Why is it when I watch other teams make their draft picks, I see who they pick and feel like they made the best pick, and got a great player. But yet when I watch the Panthers make their pick, I feel like we picked the worst player, who will be deemed a bust by year two.
  3. Tepturd isn't going anywhere. He is here until the bitter end. I might find another team, I dunno. There is no end in sight. He has destroyed this team I once loved.
  4. Scott Fitterer and Tepper probably thinking about trading him for a 2nd round pick. That is what these clowns do. Trade away our good players and draft busts in their spots.
  5. Tepper needs to sell the team. I have zero hope for the future with this jackass.
  6. No. If Fitterer is fired I will stop posting here.
  7. Everything about this is pathetic…the “punishment”, the statement, the time it took to say anything and the fact it’s just a written statement lacking any actual apology. Big man can throw a drink but can’t stand up in front of the cameras and give his lawyer written statement. Completely misplayed the entire event but I guess that’s to be expected from this franchise now.
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