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Posts posted by Johnstonny

  1. Its not looking good for Fit but who knows...dr pepper may have been chomping on his azz to make something happen fast...he tried but the talent never produced on the fliers he took.... it doesn't matter if its Stroud, Richardson, Bryce or Jesus....Talent has to be there in other positions to succeed ...it ain't. Frank the flat head has to be safe...he was just the wrong choice...

  2. 21 minutes ago, stratocatter said:

    You are totally disregarding that you don’t spend that for a game manager. The 1 overall doesn’t go to a guy who has to his from the white tees and putt to score. 

    true...but reality is we did... we are a sht show in most positions and depleted of talent ...which lends fact to its not all on one guy to win... We have 4 years to surround him with talent...but...fitterererrr traded that.

    • Pie 1
  3. ...Bryce is not the problem on this team...Look at Brock Purdy...drafted mister irrelevant... Its a balance of defense and offensive weapons and scheme you can give him to succeed....thats coaches and talent of which we have none... there are the outliers like Cam, Brady, few others that can carry a team...but thats not the only way to go about winning with a QB...its not golf...this is a team sport of the highest magnitude. I'm not ragging on this kid anymore.... he's in a dumpster fire with a squirt gun.... P.S.... hope Purdy wins the SB...

  4. This is the kinda slop you get when you don't hire a coach and GM at the same time with close to the same philosophy...especially when you know its a rebuild... fire this coach bring in a new...fire this gm bring in a new.... There just never seemed to be a thought out plan after rivera from the guy (or gal) who makes all the decisions. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Castavar said:

    Tepper would NEVER hire a coach like Harbaugh. Tepper wants a coach that has the same mindset as him. Harbaugh wouldn't put up with Tepper's sh*t.

    Yea...prolly. But Harbaugh has more football knowledge in his little finger tip than both teppers combined... daves problem is he doesn't know what he doesn't know... so keep doing sht wrong.

  6. 4 hours ago, *FreeFua* said:

    Blamed the second INT on Mingo for not running his route at the right depth which is something I’ve said a few times is a massive issue of Mingo’s. So why on earth is TMJ sitting on the bench while Mingo is running around like a chicken with its head cutoff 

    Because TMJ is a skinflint and reeks of fumble every time he touches the ball

  7. The state of the Panthers has been a steady decline since tepper bought... every year is worse than the last.. I can't even offer a fix to this because it is such a cluster merv...0-17 is incoming and I hope that will be rock bottom...with what we have been conditioned with and if you are an optimist ...maybe start of 2027 we will turn the corner. teppers has brought us to perennial losers...its hard to shake that moniker. I think he has different intentions for this team than we have....hes a money man. We are an embarrassment under his leadership... we have minimal or no talent...no draft prospects.... tepper has built a loser... thats his only accomplishment.

  8. Scot...the huddle is a toxic place and some mods think they are in the 3rd Reich...no offence Frank. Prolly why im on my 3rd alias...Thoroughly enjoyed your posts over the years especially your analysis of all things...you have a brilliant logical mind. (Hey! Maybe you should be prez over this organization)  I wish you and Lady the best in the future. There is much more to life than teppers (im not even gonna capitalize his last shty name) panthers...Good luck! dip in when  you can.

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