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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. Entertain yourself.... we are a conglomeration of sht....
  2. Sometimes players have to be accountable....jesus
  3. PeeWee Herman looks like he has more muscular stature than Bryce...Jayzus he looks like a high schooler out there...we...tipper, fitt fugged up.
  4. Eventually we have to pick a path and stick with it...but Flathead Frank aint it..
  5. Only makes sense if you're one ...two pieces away from SB contending....but the bill always comes due...
  6. I mean he didn't blink an eye trading our generational talent away but mister in on every deal doesn't have the capacity to know a deal...his nose is up teppers azz and thats the second most glaring problem in this org...hes chatin it up in boneskulls ear...
  7. LOL....they're gonna drill us a new hole to poop out of....
  8. Nothing to be gained by getting rid of Reich or Fitt... but Capers and Caldwell would be a nice statement...
  9. Frank has good football knowledge but hes not innovative because hes set in his ways...not really sure what hes suppose to do with the total lack of talent that has been stripped away. Hate seeing tipper yuk it up with fitterererer in the skybox. He has his nose so far up tippers azz its tickling his small intestine. How could tipper not judge this guy as being the absolute worse GM in the league after seeing the carnage hes left behind. Hes still here because hes a yes man. It looks bad but get rid of both at the end of the season and hope you bring in the right guys again. Whoever comes here its still going to take a minimum of 3 years to turn it around if they do everything right. It means we will look like we do now for 2 more years in order to build talent. Its a vicious cycle. I don't expect dipper to get it right so embrace the suck...we are the new Detroit Browns......
  10. SAF..... hope they pan the camera to mr boneskull in his booth...
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