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Posts posted by Johnstonny

  1. 37 minutes ago, pantherj said:

    I don't like his defense, but he's the least of my worries. Just clean house with the offensive coaches, especially the o-line coach and offensive coordinator.

    11 games in and this is the best Campen can do.... bs its the scheme...we either have no talent or Campen is inept...which is it...

  2. 3 hours ago, Chaos said:

    Ickey is straight garbage this year with embarrassing effort on the left edge.  But let's keep Campen forever.

    We can't even begin to evaluate Bryce  because the oline is so bad...Campen should be gone which is what i've been advocating.... does he really have nothing to work with?... stop the dude on the other side of the line trying to kill your QB... don't duck out...give him a pat on the back with some fries and a McShake...

  3. 18 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    As for Greg... honestly, he's always struck me as a smart, level headed guy. Which is why this is so bizarre to me. He should know full well he's nowhere close to being able to step into an NFL HC role. If he wants to coach in the NFL he needs to go be a TE coach. If he wants to be a HC, he needs to the HS level or maybe the minor college level. That's just reality. That's why it makes no sense for him. He has a nice cushy well paying media gig he'll have to walk away from to make a lot less money in a very unglamorous coaching role to get started. You don't get to just jump to the front of the line and get a NFL HC gig right out of the gate with no coaching experience, pill popping Irsay and an brief interim HC who wasn't really considered for the full-time role not withstanding.

    I mean, is Greg just trying to get back at Tepper here? He was very open that he straight up got his feelings hurt by his release which I get. It's understandable even when you know the business side of the game. But honestly just trying to straight up steal money from Tepper is about the only thing that makes sense here.

    Gregs been on the field....and knows how to relate to players and knows what a coach has to go thru...hes pretty cerebral to be honest and could be close to the pulse of team dynamics... Mike Tomlin went thru a few basic disciplines but look were he is... We need smart. He couldn't do worse than the sht we paraded out there in the last 6 years under dipper...guess we'll all stay tuned to what dipper will do...BTW...im not a fan of the latest up and comer... cause I don't think mr patient will buy in...

  4. 4 hours ago, Mr. Scot said:

    That's exactly what I don't want, and I'm pretty sure it's exactly who Harbaugh would be.

    And believe it or not, I'm not so beaten down as a fan yet that I'd accept a temporary winner.

    ...I'm sorry Scot...I may have missed it in all the BS threads....but who is your choice for the front runner that can turn this thing around...

    • Flames 1
  5. 1 hour ago, PanthersGTI said:

    He is a crazy SOB, but maybe that's what we need.

    He has an edge about him and leaves no stone unturned if he can exploit something...which is why I like him (hate him because I'm an OSU fan). He is starting to get long in the tooth tho... (maybe a 6 year window)... But he knows football...its whether dipshit will stay outta the way and give him 3 years to do his work...not a 1 year and done...because time is needed to turn this thing around. 

    • Pie 2
  6. 1 minute ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    And a lot are built around what drives the most clicks. Bryce being the size he is and how it's going to translate into the NFL provides far more content and talkability than CJ Stroud and the history of OSU QBs in the NFL. It also makes for a great overcoming success story which gives even more content. Content doesn't necessarily have to be accurate, it has to be interesting. 

    no body that was a 5 10 qb was worth much in the nfl...but dipper ignored the given analytics....idiot..

  7. 5 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    But I was told that Bryce was the consensus #1 QB available, inside and outside of the Panthers organization. So this can't possibly be true.



    5 hours ago, CanMan11 said:

    Just look at this 'guy' .. this is some 'Emperor Wearing No Clothes' type poo .. the NFL is trolling the fug out of this fanbase because fans say "..Cam had one good year he wasn't that good.." .. he had one good year because this team was trash around him, now you'll trade a ransom for PreK Bryce


    my definition of gimpy....

  8. The question is ... Who ever dipper brings in.... is mr patient going to allow someone 3 years to turn this utter mess HE created to dig us out to respectability? Or is he gonna be on a one year instant gratification....Thank god he knew frank wasn't it...It took 5 years to dig into this hole...its going to take 3 years at a minimum to dig out.. Hes never had a solid plan...its always been quick fix this and that....I hope he gets rid of Fitt soon and realizes hes not helping by saying yes mr dipper... we literally have minimal talent under his direction. Its going to take a savy coach to come in and pick over the bones to see what we have. We knew the NFCS was ripe for the taking over the last 5 years and here we are rounding up the bottom....NO MORE QUICK FIXES...BUILD IT RIGHT.

    • Pie 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Judo Thoreau said:

    Main difference I’ve seen is Stroud’s best college attribute (Deep intermediate accuracy/placement) has translated flawlessly to the NFL, while Bryce’s (Playmaking ability and decision making) hasn’t really shown up. The state of our OL/WRs and a bad system fit don’t help either. 

    More I watch Stroud now vs when he was at OSU..... Day didn't know what he had and throttled that young man... I wasn't on board because of what I saw at OSU... shoulda had a NAT...

  10. We can put all the possible coaches and GM's in a cauldron of sht and hand pick one of each and come out better than what dipper has schemed up....unless he takes a page from York and Kraft we are doomed to repeat the slop we've endured for five fkin years....We should be at the top of the NFCN by now...

  11. 8 hours ago, Dave Gettleman's Shorts said:

    the loser mentality Cam spoke of and tried to get rid of when he was here. half the players are just collecting paychecks or are more concerned with ping pong game in the locker room

    Be nice if NFL could institute a pay for performance model.... kinda like everyone working in the US adheres to. When you have guaranteed money it kinda takes away the motivation to bust your azz. Of course it would make the cap hard to manage...

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