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Posts posted by Johnstonny

  1. 32 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    This is hilarious.


    I know most of you don't care about what the Nat'l media says, but man it sucks when they clown us. We have become that new punching bag team. I have seen numerous people just flat out call Tepper the worst owner in sports. And yes we deserve every bit of it. That clown has to go.

    Don't like it...change it...think Morgan is invested.

  2. 10 hours ago, MillionDollarCam said:

    I really don’t see how Morgan can be faulted for the Burns situation.

    The majority of individuals on this board have stated that Burns isn’t worth $30M a year and the front office agreed.

    So what are the options:

    1) Burns plays under the tag and half asses is all season, just like he did last year.

    2) Burns holds out and we are stuck with a cap hold.

    3) The franchise tag is rescinded and we lose him for nothing (ex. Josh Norman).

    4) Burns is traded and you get what you can for him while opening up more money.

    Morgan did the best he could with the cards he was dealt.

    Yea...I wasn't happy with the trade and kinda judged too harshly. Thought he jumped too early but Burns absolutely had to go. He was a malcontent and think his attitude was really bad for the locker room. Just had to rip the band aid off.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Jmac said:

    Give the new regime two years (depending on our QB), to rebuild the shittshow we have now. If Young doesn't pan out then a new QB in 2025.

    This isn't something that happens in two or maybe even three seasons. If you have that mindset and accept the reality that it is a process, then 2024 will be easier for you.

    Just enjoy life in beautiful N.C and let's see what happens down the road.


    Carnac the Magnificent - Wikipedia

  4. 1 hour ago, Jmac said:

    The pinhead they fired is the culprit. Dan has the job trying to clean the mess up. He was 2nd fiddle to Fitts and probably had little say in the FINAL outcome.

    He knows what needs to be done. This should have been done a long time ago. The team needed a total rebuild and are not a 'few players away'.

    Clean off the shelves and restock in 2024 and 2025. As they say "Rome wasn't built in a day."

    Hes just wholesaling everything from the sht shack and doing a build according to how he sees fit... hes been in the biz and has been a player... 2 good characteristics. But he does have a little Fitt stank on him.

  5. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Freed up? We gave it to a guard. Burns was getting traded. We just panicked. Remember how the Jets slow rolled us with Darnold and had us bidding against ourselves? We just continually demonstrate that we're the suckers of the league.

    Names have changed but its always the same outcome ...panthers getting the shaft.  I was curious to see how Morgan was going to handle this ....  D-

    • Beer 1
  6. lol..ummm no... take out the complication and just stick with Dalton...one less decision to be made off the board Morgan. Just let Bryce flop or excel this season. Ur not gonna fix all the talent problems we have so help the kid best you can. The seventh season under Dipper is a lose...we all know that....Should be figuring out how to get rid of Sanders and Thomas...

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