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Posts posted by Johnstonny

  1. 3 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    That's sort of been the story of us recently. Shooting for the moon and falling into the ocean instead. 

    The trade up was just stupid. But, we will see if the player is worthwhile. 

    Given our propensity to pick WR's that don't contribute I'm not hopeful. I've been  conditioned to believe that.  The dreaded words 'developmental high prospect' are worrisome.

    • Beer 1
  2. 3 hours ago, MHS831 said:

    Thank you. 

    I hate to do this because it is totally unfair to Coleman, but the Benjamin comparisons in my head scare me.  

    About Legette- these weaknesses listed on the NFL.com site scare me to death because everyone one of them are things you have to do as a WR in the NFL:

    • Can win the catch phase, but the release and route phases lack polish.  (will never be an X if he can't release-will struggle to get open if he can't run routes)
    • Tennessee’s tight press-man coverage was all over him for much of the game.  (This makes sense considering the other issues--translation--runs a 4.39 40 but plays like he runs a 4.93 40)
    • Rushes through route design rather than selling it to the cornerbacks.  (does not understand timing?)
    • Below-average quickness getting in and out of his breaks.  getting out of breaks creates separation.  Benjamin and Funchess?  Legette has straight line speed but not quickness--that is HUGE)
    • Hits cruise control and waits for jump balls rather than keeping foot on the gas.  (not sure what he is trying to say, but could he mean that he is not a dawg?)


    I am a Gamecock fan, but I fear he is a "one hit wonder" and a "workout warrior" rolled into one big "ball of bust" (made that last one up myself)

    Benjamin snowed Gettle...easy to do once you get money tho....I see the concern.

  3. 2 hours ago, frankw said:

    He's been dealing with some life issues and probably doesn't want to continue to be berated about his outspoken support of Scott Fitterer over the years. Now on the one hand I say at some point we have to let him move on from his mistake. On the other hand though many here know how condescending he could get toward anyone that challenged him on the subject. Funny enough on the subject of David Tepper he used to tell me personally I was being paranoid and engaging in conspiracy theories because I felt Tepper was involving himself too much in team personnel matters. Well look where we are now and look what we know now. Mr. Scot has previously and still can bring good content here. But if he wants to move on from his position on Fitterer he needs to just admit even the man who he used to badmouth on a regular basis for being an awful GM (Marty Hurney) is and was significantly better. At least he could hit in the first damn round!

    He had great content and was a logical dude but not sure why he was infatuated with Fitt. He was shockingly bad and I don't think he'll land another job in the NFL...Old numbnuts Dave got burned again trying to fast track success with out due diligence...

    • Beer 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, hepcat said:

    Hurney is a legend at drafting 1st rounders. Honestly one of the best all-time. He hit on a few later round picks over his long tenure and signed some big time free agents who paid off big, but his biggest downfall was overpaying to re-sign veterans which lead to a lack of quality depth on most of the teams he built. But overall, Hurney was responsible for drafting, trading for, or signing the overwhelming majority of Panthers legends. 

    It’s funny because Mr. Scot would literally keel over and die before he admits Hurney was a better GM than Scott Fitterer though. I swear to god he has some personal vendetta against him, maybe just too much emotional investment in the team. 

    Where is Mr. Scot?

  5. 2 hours ago, Jmac said:

    As the draft draws near, trying to get all my ducks in a row about the picks.  Wilson is a very good line backer. Problem is he may be a big risk with his injury history.

    Would you choose him in the 2nd or hope he falls, or not at all.I have a feeling our ex-middle lB in the front office may want to fill this need with a strong talent.


    ...We got enough of those...

  6. 3 hours ago, RumHam said:

    While most are hoping to strike gold in the 2nd (which we did one time 25 years ago) houston now went from the worst in the league to the best. It all starts with tepper. They made a move happen and we still trotting out practice squad for Bryce, who wasnt the right pick. Chicago will be poised. Most teams in our position end up better, but not this franchise. What a joke.

    Wow!...Tell us something we DON'T know!  Thanks for all the informative incite....Not sure what I would be thinking without this post. We already know this...for the last 6 seasons. You act like you got this big epiphany...

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  7. 22 minutes ago, WUnderhill said:

    I’ve never seen a whole roster more deserving of being poo canned. Well earned.

    Yep...use to have 3-4 players on each side of the ball to get really excited about....cant really say that anymore especially on the offensive side.

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