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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. Ok...we up next...we struggle for a first down...punt...
  2. I understand...dipper is trash...if you need some consolation you can put your head in my lap...
  3. Not sure why i'm so pumped for this game...Well we know.. Keep Pounding!!!
  4. But but but...I like to rag Dipper in the bot posts.....
  5. Yay...is Dipper gonna be there? So I can throw a drink on his azz. Way to go above and beyond!
  6. Sanders can just suck me....show me something this year...Hes another transient player...coping a check...
  7. It sure is tough with roster turnover.....Chiefs say suck it. Gettin ready to win 4 SB's in last 6 years...fug u dipper. We consider it a win if we can just compete...
  8. He better perform.... which he usually does...but thats a boat load.
  9. I got that vibe we're gonna suck for as long as he owns the team. He didn't learn a fugging thing in Pittsburgh...
  10. SMH...LOL. Truly a cluster fug at almost every facet of this org.
  11. I'm going to save myself some key strokes.... 3-14
  12. Only place to go is up....i'm trying to be optimistic...
  13. I'm a realist....I always error on the side of optimism...thus the pessimism now.
  14. I've drank so much koolaid ....i'm bloated... None the less i'll be tuned in this coming sunday, as usual
  15. I can't say until we play some games but I think Canales could be really good. Certainly better than the garbage Dipper has enlisted in the past... Its not like Dipper knows football...so, he'll prolly fk this up too.
  16. In a Panthers forum....I could give a rats about the Giants....
  17. I will say, I think Canales is the best thing that could happen to Bryce.
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