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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. yea...we don't have anything in the tool bag to convert 3 and 5... unless D gives a freebe
  2. can't wait to see what frank flathead has cooked up for the second series
  3. This team sucks so much deek they should be in porn...
  4. at some point you have to build some consistency... but this dude wanted to get ride of Mike freakin Tomlin... that tells you all you need to know about boneskull..
  5. We were all clamoring for a QB after the carousel we had been on... but you don't give up that much unless its a Manning, Luck type player. What is crazy to me is all the gurus and sages that have a combined 250 years in the biz thought a 5'`10" 180lb QB was the dude that would lead us to the promise land...WTF! There in lies the problem....tepper has dug a big deep wide azz hole that is going to be tough to recover from...this team is gutted....and we will be the laughing stock of the NFL...we have a 5 year head start....
  6. ...Prollly saw some BS stats and never watched him play at Alabama...
  7. Going for a hike tomorrow at 1:05...to suck up some fresh air rather than suck up some sht...hope someone posts a pic of dipper in the booth shaking his head to his millions he made on game day...to the shtyy product he put on the field...
  8. Long as tipper making the picks we gonna suck into perpetuity ... debate all you want on what if...
  9. Analyze and stigmatize all you want, but we suck cause of our owner....argue and debate all you want about what coulda been and what should be...our owner sucks..keep debating on how to get better but it won't matter because we have a shity owner...
  10. ...I always thought he looked like he smelled like urine....but who cares...hes gone and thats what we all wanted...
  11. ...He might care but he doesn't have the capacity to do anything about it....Thus a decade of losing in coming...
  12. Stroud is a once in 50 year hit...give him time... I don't want leftover eagles ...the fact they letting Barnett go at this time is an indictment....But you can keep dippers plan alive with no talents...
  13. We have enough sucko players from the eagles...im waving bye bye...
  14. He knows but hes impatient ....lets make some more BS moves under his direction to keep us in suckdom...hows analytics working out for you mister smarty pants...
  15. Ginn pulled in some huge catches at opportune times to help us....a QB of Mahomes gives you a chance on every play...we don't have anything that remotely looks like that now...
  16. KC goes as Mahomes goes... he elevates everything...you know... a quarterback...
  17. its ok....we tryin to hang on to sumthin positive...but the sht ain't there...
  18. ...that dang season came outta nowhere....then to get the manning pimp was total BS...
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