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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. we only have two legitimate shots to win...i've been saying we are gonna take the crown...
  2. Never thought it would happen to me...Remember those saints fans with bags...
  3. damnit...if only there was a way to get 2 first round picks for him...
  4. yipppeee...now i dont have to argue and insult the bot!
  5. ...its straight propaganda....
  6. Yea...I get it... I'm pretty much done till next year.... its always the same argument to debate...
  7. Zod has not exactly been the role model of hope....
  8. you should put the clown nose on you yourself...post that.
  9. nother tepper tepper tepper..... we know he sucks...how many times u godda say it...
  10. Prolly wont happen ..cause mr appaloosa is still on a huge learning curve...
  11. Keep posting your informative posts that no one has thought about....the subject has been posted millions of times...thanks for the new take on the same thing....uhhh tepper.
  12. not sure why we have to keep saying how bad tipper is and how linville saying how right he is....Yawn...
  13. nother unoriginal POS thread that we didnt know about...
  14. this team under tepper has been total CAP...
  15. if they dont lay a 50 burger on us i consider it a win.....
  16. we've been in a rebuild....you just don't know it...nether does dr pepper....nor fittererererererererer....
  17. hope hes learning...thats all I hope....
  18. bryce is a slug.....no movement or anticipation....
  19. good try frank flathead(tepper douche)...i was interested for a short period of time...thinking what could be...competitive.....
  20. that was terrible call for your go to....
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