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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. keep saying he coulda done nothing and been better....
  2. This line is straight up azzz.... or whatever is worse...
  3. Bryce be like SHEW.... now I don't have to go out there...
  4. Tepper has sucked the life outta this team..... Who besides Bryce has any incentive to play hard and risking injury to their career for a 1-7 team...soon enough to be 1-16...
  5. Its like everything is kneejerk reaction and no good plan for anything.... hes had plenty of time to do his due diligence to bring in a good leader for this team.... he just doesn't seem to be putting in the time to be successful at this... Its a fluke hes a billionaire.
  6. He should rip Tipper..... hes turned this org into the worst in the NFL and we could be in this position for a good long while....don't care about FC.
  7. Creative...Lets sign Kenny Moore II and convert him to WR....
  8. Dipper had plenty of time to get this right... hes not immersed enough to be making these decisions cause hes dickin with CLT FC...Rock Hill...and other BS....
  9. I didn't know much about Reich when he was hired but 15 minutes of google searching and I was like wtf....this guy is bad.... where does Dipper get his info on these hirings. Its been a bad joke under his ownership. We are on track for a 10 year losing streak especially if we stick with Bryce for 2 years.... Makes those years of whining about back to back winning seasons not look so bad.
  10. Cluster fug everywhere you look with this guy...
  11. or some new practice fields which it seems like no one would use...
  12. Oh.... no opposition here.... we couldn't have hired a worse coach for our situation.
  13. ...yea, we are on track and soon will be closing in on a 10yr losing streak.....
  14. It was a mess....thats how he ended up here....
  15. Reich after coaching and playing in the league and if in fact Young was his choice... I godda question whether he really knows what hes doing. But he did inherit a mess on many levels.
  16. prollly wont be much posted in the Positive Vibes Only thread....
  17. thought Young was suppose to be an accurate passer....jeezzz
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