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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. ...Don't think they will have this same feeling after Cowboys ream them....
  2. ...If tipper wants to bamba, and to chill with the big boys... he needs to release Reich and Fitt at seasons end because this is clearly not working and hasn't for some time. We regressed every year since he bought the panthers, hows that for analytics. Start looking for a consultant NOW that can advise him and begin that sht NOW on the down low....it will only cost him 0.001% of his net worth...that would equate to pennies to common folk like you and I.... quit halfazzing everything...
  3. my question too.... 5 min google search would answer it... Apparently that was not taught in the training that Nicole went to....
  4. Tepp and company put all his chips in on Young...to be fair you should give him another year but from what I've seen he doesn't have it...so why waste that. Rookies have bad 1st years but you usually see something that says...Hey now. But haven't seen a flicker of anything really....slow, short, weak armed every game is the same.... but its not all his fault. For him to come anywhere close to succeeding every other position will have to be way above talent level... and thats not reality, especially with Fitts terrible talent evaluations.... Its a perfect storm and a mess on many levels... hope it gets better in a couple years but you can't turn a cruise ship on a dime...
  5. Try what you will but we know it is going to be futile. You watched enough Cowboy games to know this is gonna be a 45-0 route.
  6. He looked like he just got back from Viet Nam in his after game presser...totally shell shocked....feel bad for the kid actually.
  7. This team is in such bad disarray, a total cluster fk if you will, that what talented and reputable GM and coach would want to come here. That further compounds the problem when you just say fire everyone. Where in the hell do you even begin to fix this. We've been buying, trading and drafting really bad for 2 years at least...well, the bill is due. Its time to pay. We are paying hard and will not be paid off anytime soon. There is light at the end of the tunnel though, if we do everything right from here on out we have a shot in 2026.... Tepper gonna Tep.....
  8. .....Theres always next year bro.... keep you chin up.
  9. well...to be fair... fhule actually had some talent...
  10. In 50+ years of watching NFL football, I have never witnessed a team this bad...no poo.
  11. Yea...i'm not sure how much more bryce young I can take...
  12. Field position game...lol.....we cant stop sht
  13. Tipper knows this team sucks this bad because of his doing....I bet he didn't attend the game.... how could you show your face with this product.
  14. ....i'm just here now for the insults on the organization that tipper bought...
  15. our Dline looked like bowling pins laying on the ground....
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