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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. ...stop reminding us... we'll be lucky to have one winning season in the next 5 years....I also said that 5 years ago....
  2. ...Most likely case to play out.... unless he lights it up.... stay tuned folks.
  3. ....Yea... I met his 7 losing ass seasons in a row....that tells me hes a douche...
  4. Dipper and I will both be dead by then.... lets get a SB before that... or at least a winning season...
  5. Have to do something to appease the other half of Carolina Panthers.... especially after pulling out of Wofford and boning Rock Hill....
  6. Most our fans were the Lake Norman tea and crumpet crowd, gone at halftime. Its improved but still not great.
  7. We'll be relevant again...wait till next year, and the next year and the next...
  8. Pretty unbelievable Panthers have been to 2 SB's with only 7 winning season in 29 years. Hornets have been just putrid... no one is envious of us... only Detroit, Jacksonville, Cleveland and Huston maybe on the NFL side.
  9. Bet Bryce really wishes he never met Tipper... This year, our 7th losing season, will tell us where we're at with him.
  10. Team hasn't even taken a snap this year and we are already talking about wait till next year. This was a luxury pick that I don't think is going to pan out unless hes a reincarnation of Thomas Davis. The NFL breaks players why draft one already broke...
  11. ...Yea.... the city donates to billionaire welfare to the tune of 600mil for stadium renovation and they turn around and give 3mil back... thats 0.00015% of his wealth... akin to you and I buying a single tic-tac....fug them, I have NFL win insecurity.
  12. So happy I didn't take the plunge in 2012.... it was some good football out of the team but I would be pissed now..... havent been to the stadium since the Tepper wrecking ball took over...
  13. I've always been super pumped up for the upcoming season but I've never been so uninterested in a new season. After six years under Dipper I've been left at end of season drunken and wallowing in my own piss... not invested in the team right now but hope Canales and Morgan make a good team together...
  14. ...Aside from the ticket I never spent a dime in the stadium....ate good at tailgate before going in and my handy dandy whiskey belt took care of the beverage part. I haven't attended a game since azzhole took over the team...
  15. ....thats how I feel... but really uninterested right now because of the Dipper effect. 6 hard loosing seasons with an assured 7th regardless of how good Canales is. We've had so much smoke blown up our azz's its coming out our mouths. Its a damn shame how hes totally destroyed the pride of what it means to be a Panthers fan.... I'll watch to see if there might be a spark of redemption but I'll tell ya, im beyond jaded.
  16. The the advancement of technology and AI... The game will prolly be played with robots in the future especially since its such a violent sport..... Carolina Cybers....
  17. I've never been so uninterested and less hyped about this team in almost 30 years....Ownership has ruined it for me... (7 losing seasons in a row) I only dip in the huddle about once every week or 2.... i see maybe 3 wins .... i'll halfheartedly tune into games with no expectations and see where it goes.
  18. If hes so good, howd we end up with him....Hit they rrrrddddoad..
  19. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Last time I saw a face like that it had a hook in it.
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