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Everything posted by Johnstonny

  1. yea...but what else we got... Bryce ain't panning out... so keep stringing that out till the end....so do somethin. But bottom line I don't give a rats what they do...
  2. Guess it doesn't matter, we don't have any money anyway...as usual. A 2 year on Fields would be worth investigating.
  3. Need someone to challenge Brycie....This says no competition...which means we are not getting better...
  4. $100 we wouldn't know how to use him.... hope hes gone before we get a shot.
  5. Yea...another Brooks move and I yelling. I'll reserve that till I see how many holes he fills in the draft. We all know our needs at this point.
  6. I'm not against RB...but GD, we had thee worst defense in the NFL...like almost ever. I said when we start drafting correctly, 3 years... this is year 2... and we fked it up with Brooks..
  7. Let him test the market...and then sign the kicker from Independence High School..Dont bring this ahole back. Hes a kicker you get off Temu....
  8. I get it...throwing sht against the wall still get the meanest you can get... If you can't do your job your replacement will...
  9. Get every mean fat azz you can get on D.... Still need to know if Evero is worth it.
  10. I damn sure don't want to draft another waist of a WR....we suck at that. Develop what we have for now..... I want straight Gettlemanesque Defense.
  11. Yep.... They sacked that slippery weaselly Mahomes 6 times. We need defense all the way.
  12. I quit watching after the first half....I thought, here we go, Mahomes will get all calls for the greatest come back in the history of the NFL...I couldn't watch that.
  13. There's an entertainment value but its not football..
  14. It is but dayum, maximize your chances buy getting someone who can at very least walk onto the field... I will start ragging Morgan if he pulls this crap again...
  15. Eddie Peniseiro....acted like he was some kind of elite when hes pretty much a choke artist that cant kick from 50yrds out... We literally can take a flyer on any college kicker and be just as good....Hit theyroaddd... Go disappoint another fan base.
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