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Everything posted by CanadianCat

  1. Now a happy pic of her 8 years ago on a hike on the Canadian Shield
  2. Sad pic of my 9 year old Boxer x Boston Terrier after going to the vet. She tore a CCL in her leg.
  3. My neighbor parked on the street last night.. I live in Canada...
  4. thats great - I just wish that all these authors would finish the books before turning it into a TV series.
  5. You guys need to check out Patrick Rothfuss I really enjoyed The name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fears in the King Killer Trilogy.
  6. Great thread. Ive read all the books that are out - what is the ETA for the remaining books?
  7. I just finished reading both books by Patrick Rothfuss. It was a great change to fantasy coming from George RR Martin.
  8. didnt start watching NFL football untill 2004 (ya i know i missed our best year...) but became a fan b/c of the smash mouth football we played on offense and defense. couldnt stop watching the team so thats why im still here!

  9. haha thats what i thought of the gun slinger series....
  10. Dune is popular - tho i never really got that big into it..
  11. My favorite fantasy series is the 'Song of Ice and Fire' by George RR Martin. I have really enjoyed his stuff and he not afraid to kill of main characters which is refreshing...
  12. haha - man the way you bounce around I wouldn't be surprised to see you here in Winnipeg - lol hey have you watched any CFL while you have been out here? I always find it interesting to see what amercians think our 'our' game...

  13. hey! thanks for saying hi! im from Winnipeg, MB. great to see there are more of us canadian cheering for a southern team. everyone around here are vikings fans as its 'only' a 6 hour drive. anyway my real name is alan. have you been on this site for a while.... i mean pre hacker era? ive been on it since 2004 but i usually dont post too much. i just like talking with panther fans!! how did you become a panther fan? alan

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